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Mainstream Media LIES! From POWs to COVID: Ron Unz Introduces SIX New Books

This lecture was delivered 9/10/22 via Zoom to a live event in McFarland, WI. At the end of the lecture, Ron Unz urges everyone to put pressure on alternative media to cover Jeffrey Sachs’ allegations of a massive coverup of COVID origins. Sufficient alt-media buzz could push the issue into mainstream media where it would be difficult to contain—and might even bring down the whole house of cards, or should we say house of lies, that Unz documents in his book series. Ron Unz is a theoretical physicist by training, with undergraduate and graduate degrees from Harvard University, Cambridge University,…


Flashback: Last Year’s (2021’s) 9/11 20th Anniversary FFWN

Note: False Flag Weekly News will not be broadcast this week because Allan the producer and I are busy with 9/11 anniversary events, including today’s discussion with Ron Unz in McFarland, Wisconsin (on the Chicago side of Madison). So here is last year’s 9/11 anniversary show. 9/12/2021: 20th Anniversary of 9/11 FFWN Guest commentator J. Michael Springmann, author of Visas for Al-Qaeda PSAs 1) Help FFWN keep lacerating MSM lies 2) Watch the 9/11 Film Festival Archive! Vaccine Tyranny—and Resistance 3) Joe Biden’s mandatory vaccine order may lead America straight to another Civil War  4) ‘No, you…


LIVE RADIO! Math-Science Polymath & 9/11 Researcher AK Dewdney on 21st Anniversary; Matthew Ehret on “King Charles’ Great Reset”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Legendary math-science whiz and 9/11 researcher AK Dewdney (University of Western Ontario) joins Truth Jihad Radio to discuss conspiracy facts and hyptheses on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the September 2001 attacks. Second hour: Matthew Ehret of Canadian Patriot, one of the most important of the younger generation of intellectuals shaped by 9/11, discusses his brand-new published-two-hours-before-showtime article “Can Britain Break From Feudalism or Will King Charles’ Great Reset Go Unchallenged?” Matt raises some interesting questions: *Why was the Great Reset officially launched by none other than…


9/11 Truth: 21st Anniversary Events, & What Next? Richard Gage, Barbara Honegger, Mick Harrison

Watch above Richard Gage, Barbara Honegger, and Mick Harrison of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 inquiry discuss upcoming 21st anniversary 9/11 truth events, and reflect on the 9/11 truth movement and its future. Events include: *My own discussion with Ron Unz and attendees Saturday, Sept. 10, 6 pm Central, in McFarland, WI *The Lawyers’ Committee 9/11 Symposium 2022, Sept. 10, 4 pm Eastern, livestreamed via Zoom. *The 9/11 Truth Film Festival, Sept. 11, 10 a.m. Pacific = 1 pm Eastern.    


Moti Nissani on “Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations”

Listen HERE Moti Nissani, Professor Emeritus (Biology), Wayne State University, discusses his new book Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations. It begins with a long question: “Who defamed, harassed, and killed Joseph Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Sr., Robert F. Kennedy Sr., John F. Kennedy Jr., Michael LeMoyne Kennedy, Alexander Onassis, Lee Oswald, Jack Ruby, Gary Underhill, Rose Cheramie, the children of Ludlow, Joe Hill, Abraham Lincoln, Dag Hammarskjöld, Michael Hastings, Martin Vincent Mahoney, Hale Boggs, Jo Cox, Bronson Cutting, John Malcolm Fraser, John Heinz, Charles August Lindbergh Sr., Charles August Lindbergh Jr., Bruno Richard Hauptmann, Huey Long, Allard Lowenstein, Larry P.…


LIVE RADIO! Moti Nissani on “Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations”; Joel Hirschhorn on “Do People Really Need the New Boosters?” Rolf Lindgren on Trump, Galileo, and WTC-7

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Moti Nissani, Professor Emeritus (Biology), Wayne State University, discusses his new book Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations. It begins with a long question: “Who defamed, harassed, and killed Joseph Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy, John F. Kennedy Sr., Robert F. Kennedy Sr., John F. Kennedy Jr., Michael LeMoyne Kennedy, Alexander Onassis, Lee Oswald, Jack Ruby, Gary Underhill, Rose Cheramie, the children of Ludlow, Joe Hill, Abraham Lincoln, Dag Hammarskjöld, Michael Hastings, Martin Vincent Mahoney, Hale Boggs, Jo Cox, Bronson Cutting, John Malcolm Fraser, John Heinz, Charles August Lindbergh Sr., Charles August Lindbergh…


FFWN: We Need a COVID Origins Truth Movement (with Cat McGuire)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) Help FFWN Keep Exposing “The Truth Behind the Headlines” 1.5) 9/11 anniversary events: Wisconsin 9/10/2022 Bay Area 9/11/2022 9/11 Wars 2) Thousands Evacuated in India Before Implosion of Twin Skyscrapers (as opposed to 9/11 demolition-without-evacuation) 3) Taliban celebrates one-year anniversary of US pullout from Afghanistan FFWN co-host Lucy Morgan Edwards address the UN (at at 22:40) COVID Origins 4) Prof. Jeffrey Sachs on the Covid Origins Cover-Up 5) We Need a COVID Origins Truth Movement …


Sander Hicks on Being Demonized (for 9/11 Truth) in Jewish Daily Forward

Listen HERE Author-activist Sander Hicks discusses his latest 15-minutes-of-fame thanks to the Forward article “Author who alleged Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks endorses candidate in Brooklyn House race.” Sander responded with an open letter to the Forward that commends the Forward for its coverage of the five “dancing Israeli” spies who were caught on 9/11 apparently pre-positioned to film and celebrate the attacks. (The Forward excised that part when they published an expurgated version of the letter.) During the second half of the show we consider spirituality and politics, including Sander’s Christian approach to activism. We also discuss the tragic and…


Nadeem Haque on “Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam”

Listen HERE Nadeem Haque discusses his new book (with Al-Hafiz B.A. Masri and Mehran Banaei) Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam.  Nadeem writes: “Islam is regarded in the Quran (its primary textual source) as a natural belief system founded on nature (in Arabic: fitrah). Furthermore, in the Quran, nature is spoken of profusely, not only as a pointer to God (a singular non-anthropomorphic ‘non-localized entity’) but also as a source of sustainability for all creatures that inhabit this vast universe. To this extent, Ecolibrium shows that the Quranic system does not separate the ‘religious’ from the ‘sacred’, for everything is sacred…


LIVE RADIO! Nadeem Haque on “Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam”; Sander Hicks on Being Demonized (for 9/11 Truth) in Jewish Daily Forward

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Nadeem Haque discusses his new book (with Al-Hafiz B.A. Masri and Mehran Banaei) Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam.  Nadeem writes: “Islam is regarded in the Quran (its primary textual source) as a natural belief system founded on nature (in Arabic: fitrah). Furthermore, in the Quran, nature is spoken of profusely, not only as a pointer to God (a singular non-anthropomorphic ‘non-localized entity’) but also as a source of sustainability for all creatures that inhabit this vast universe. To this extent, Ecolibrium shows that the Quranic system does…

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