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The Trial of Splitting-the-Sky: The YouTube Videos

Tony Hall, Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, writes: Hi Kevin. Here’s an effort at a brief overview  with a point of entry to the 28 YouTubes we made in our Bush-STS-McKinney-Clark events. Put it to whatever use you so wish (or not). Thanks for being the number one media interpreter of our action.  Ramsey Clark Comes To Calgary to Help in the Case of Splitting The Sky versus George W. Bush: An Introduction to a New Series of You TubesBy Anthony J. HallProfessor of Globalization Studies andCo-Founder of Our Own CBC (Citizens’ Broadcasting Cooperative) 20 June,…


Doublespeak, Doublethink, Double-Standards: I Think I’m Seeing Double!

Noun  1.    doublespeak  – any language that pretends to communicate but actually does not; equivocation, evasion. 2. – a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth.      –  online dictionary Remember Catch 22‘s The Man Who Saw Everything Twice? The leader of this team of doctors was a dignified,solicitous gentleman who held one finger up directlyin front of Yossarian and demanded, ‘How manyfingers do you see?”Two,’ said Yossarian.’How many fingers do you see now?’ asked the doctor,holding up two.’Two,’ said Yossarian.’And how many now?’ asked the doctor, holding up none.’Two,’ said Yossarian.The doctor’s face…


The Tail or the Dog? Debate on US-Zionist Alliance on KB Show Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 15th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Philosophy professor and 9/11 truth supporter Richard Curtis debates anti-Zionist activist Jeff Blankfort on just who’s wagging whom here. Does the Israel lobby dominate US Mideast policy, as Jeff Blankfort has argued? Or is Israel just an expendable forward base for US empire, as Richard Curtis suggests? Note: Richard Curtis’s new book, to which I contributed, will be in print very soon, and may be ordered now. [Also note: I will be discussing this topic in a symposium with Gilad Atzmon…


Confessions of a Crypto-Jew

Okay, okay, I admit it! I’m a crypto-Jew! After all, John Kaminski says so. Kaminski recently sent out a mass email with the subject line “Kevin Barrett my old enemy.” Why am I Kaminski’s enemy? He calls me “the leader of the band” and explains: “Kevin Barrett, married to a Muslim or not, is a secret Jew. Just look at the guest list on his radio show — all Jews, or mostly, pushing Jewish books about 9/11. He’s a bad joke and a serious mole.” Kaminski adds that my alleged followers Gilad Atzmon, Wendy Campbell, Stephen Lendman, Adrian Salbuchi, Jim…


Why Apologize, Helen!?

Don’t get me wrong, I love Helen Thomas. Here is my email inviting her on my radio show: Dear Helen Thomas,I’m sorry to see the only honest journalist in Washington retire…and would love to interview you on my talk show!  My next openings are Saturday, June 26th, 7 to 8 pm Eastern, and Tuesday, June 29th, noon to 1 pm Eastern.  Like you, I was nudged out of my job for telling too much truth. I taught Arabic, Intro to Islam, African Literature and Folklore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1995 till 2006, when I was hounded out of…


Profiles in Corruption: A Tale of Two Cover-Ups on Truth Jihad Radio

Mirror mirror on the wall, what’s the ugliest cover-up of all? Some say the JFK murder cover-up. Others prefer the US government execution of Martin Luther King, Jr. Then there’s Pearl Harbor…and of course 9/11. But for sheer outrageous hideousness, you can make a case for the cover-ups of (1) the Israeli massacre of unarmed US sailors aboard the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967; and (2) the Nebraska-based CIA-linked child prostitution ring servicing the top level of the US power elite known as the Franklin scandal. Is it really possible that Israel could launch a vicious, premeditated attack on…


Profiles in Corruption: A Tale of Two Cover-Ups on Truth Jihad Radio

Mirror mirror on the wall, what’s the ugliest cover-up of all? Some say the JFK murder cover-up. Others prefer the US government execution of Martin Luther King, Jr. Then there’s Pearl Harbor…and of course 9/11. But for sheer outrageous hideousness, you can make a case for the cover-ups of (1) the Israeli massacre of unarmed US sailors aboard the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967; and (2) the Nebraska-based CIA-linked child prostitution ring servicing the top level of the US power elite known as the Franklin scandal. Is it really possible that Israel could launch a vicious, premeditated attack on…


“I Don’t Like Bush Either”: Splitting-the-Sky trial ends favorably!

(I’ll be reporting on this toward the end of my radio show, with guest Rabbi Weiss, today…we hope for a call in from STS!) The Calgary Herald reports: CALGARY – A Chase, B.C., man will not go to jail after being convicted on Monday of obstructing a peace officer while protesting former U.S. president George W. Bush’s visit to Calgary last year. Provincial court Judge Manfred Delong handed a conditional discharge to John Pasquale Boncore, 58, and placed him on probation for a year. Boncore, who uses the name Splitting the Sky, must make a $1,000 donation to a charity…


A Massacre is Not a Massacre: a poem for the USS Liberty and Mavi Marmara survivors

I will be observing the 43rd anniversary of the Israeli massacre of defenseless US sailors aboard the U.S.S. Liberty tomorrow, June 8th, on The Kevin Barrett Show… with special guest Rabbi Weiss of Naturei Karta, Jews United Against Zionism.  Then this Saturday, June 12th on Truth Jihad Radio I’ll be speaking with USS Liberty survivor Phil Tourney and journalist Mark Glenn, authors of What I Saw That Day: Israel’s June 8th, 1967 Holocaust of American Servicemen Aboard the USS Liberty and its Aftermath. (My radio schedule here.) Meanwhile, here’s a wonderful “not a poem” by Ghassan Hage.-KB THIS IS NOT…


Rabbi Weiss of Naturei Karta: Jews Against Zionism

Tuesday, June 8th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Guest: Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Naturei Karta: Jews United Against Zionism. Rabbi Weiss was in Turkey during preparations for the latest Free Gaza flotilla and had a place reserved for him on the Mavi Marmara, but was warned not to go due to reports he might be on an Israeli hit list. Thankfully he survives to fight another day…and to join me on the Kevin Barrett show! I met Rabbi Weiss at the Freedom Law School convention a few years…

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