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WHO’S Obnoxious? Joshua Blakeney and Ian Henshall on the Kevin Barrett Show

Tuesday, August 24th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Ian Henshall, Coordinator of Reinvestigate 9/11 and author of 9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence, and Joshua Blakeney, Department of Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, will join me to discuss the role of provocation and controversy in the 9/11 truth movement…specifically, Josh’s cruel, witty and merciless attack on the obnoxious war criminal propagandist and over-the-top Islamophobe Christopher Hitchens, which elicited a major article in Canada’s leading neocon rag, the National Post. UK 9/11 truth leader Ian Henshall, who knew Hitchens when…


Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar), Thomas E. Woods on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 8/14/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page, where Ed Rynearson of RadioDuJour will be putting up hyperlinks about matters under discussion. First hour: Adnan Oktar, “the most influential Muslim in the world” according to a Reuters poll. Writing under the pen name Harun Yahya, Adnan Oktar’s books have sold many millions of copies worldwide. He is well known for his books and articles about Islam, and is the world’s most prominent spokesperson for creationism. Mr. Oktar is a supporter…


American Professor Charges Israel with Genocide — Publisher Censors Title!

William A. Cook, professor of English at the University of La Verne in southern California, has charged the state of Israel with genocide — but his publisher won’t let him use the G word in the title of his new book! Discussing the brand-new The Plight of the Palestinians: A Long History of Destruction on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Dr. Cook said that the publishers, Palgrave-McMillan, told him: “‘We can’t use the original title As the World Watches: Genocide in Palestine.’” Dr. Cook added that the book’s contents, which provide ample proof that Israel is committing genocide against the…


FBI Ignores Iranian Intelligence Death Threat to Hostage Crisis Hero

“An Iranian intelligence agent recently approached Phil Tourney, hero of the 1980 hostage crisis, to deliver a death threat…and the FBI isn’t interested.” Sounds implausible? Wrong. It’s impossible. We all know that if any Middle Eastern intelligence service threatened a heroic survivor of that country’s attack on the US, the hero’s face would soon be plastered all over Time, Newsweek, The New York Times, CNN, Fox…and that Middle Eastern country would get sanctioned, if not bombed. Unless the Middle Eastern country was Israel. See: The Man With The Israeli Accent–USS LIBERTY Survivor’s Life Threatened by Mossad on American Soil While…


NYC Mosque Controversy “A Golden Opportunity” for 9/11 Truth!

This just in from my 2008 campaign adviser Rolf Lindgren: Golden Opportunity! Are you a Libertarian, a defender of Ron Paul or a 9/11 Truth activist?  Do you defend the US Constitution?  Are you pro-liberty?  Are you sick of the GOP establishment, RINOs, neocons, warmongers, and other NWO types trying to hijack the Tea Party movement? Well, if you are, now you have a golden opportunity.  The mosque at ground zero flap is your chance to speak out!  Now is the time to join a tea party movement and post your favorite material & videos about 9/11 and/or WTC 7. …


William Cook, Author of “The Rape of Palestine”

Tuesday, August 17th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… William A. Cook is a professor of English at the University of La Verne in southern California and author of The Rape Of Palestine: Hope Destroyed, Justice Denied, Tracking Deception: Bush Mid-East Policy and The Chronicles Of Nefaria. He is editor of MWCNEWS. In his recent article “Terrorists United Against Peace” Dr. Cook offers a logical solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict: “A recommending body of (United Nations) members, exclusive of the US and Israel, to bring forth a resolution that…


Truth Gathering, Meria Heller, Mossad Death Threat on Truth Jihad Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 8/14/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page, where Ed Rynearson of RadioDuJour will be putting up hyperlinks about matters under discussion. First half hour: Live from the Truth Gathering! Sander Hicks, Richard Gage, Enver Masud, Luke Rudkowski, Barry Kissin, Nick Bryant, Rev. Ian Alterman, Paul Zarembka and other fine truth-seekers will be passing the phone around to report on the insights being shared at this important event. Note: This didn’t come off, due to a miscommunication. The first 45…


NY Times “German 9/11 mosque” article plagued by false statements, Islamophobia

Not everybody “got” the ambivalent humor of my Build a Mega-Mosque on Ground Zero proposal. So I’m returning to straightfaced seriousness — all outrage and no wit. Below is today’s letter to the New York Times ombudsman.-KB The “New York Slimes” slimes Muslims with unsubstantiated accusations Arthur Brisbane, Public Editor The New York Times 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 556-7652 Dear Mr. Brisbane, The article “Mosque Used by 9/11 Plotters Is Closed” published August 9th contains misstatements of fact that appear designed to incite Islamophobia. The article begins: “The authorities in Hamburg said Monday that they had shut down…


My 50,000 Watt Slugfest with Mike Pintek on KDKA Pittsburgh

Click here to listen to my interview with Mike Pintek on KDKA, recorded earlier today Below is the press release I sent out this morning that garnered the interview. Let me know what you think!-Kevin Khadir Press Post Office Box 221 Lone Rock, WI 53556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 9th Islamic Studies Expert: U.S. Should Apologize to Muslims, Build Mega-Mosque AT Ground Zero…at Taxpayer Expense! Lone Rock, WI – 2010  –  Author and Islamic Studies expert Dr. Kevin Barrett is no stranger to controversy. He has been pilloried as a “nut” by Sean Hannity, drawn a death fatwa from…


Tuesday, 8/10/10: Israeli dissident writer Israel Shamir

Tuesday, August 10th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Israel Shamir is an internationally acclaimed radical spiritual and political thinker, Internet columnist and writer. He is the author of three books, Galilee Flowers, Cabbala of Power and recently published Masters of Discourse available in English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian, Hungarian etc. His recent article Turkey is the Key offers a visionary proposal for an Eastern Union to balance the EU. I first met Israel Shamir when he kindly endorsed the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth,…

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