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Terrorism, Hell! Test the First Responders for Witchcraft!

Guest blog post by Cott N. Mather, Under-Assistant Public Relations Executive, Department of Homeland Security Did you know that the 9/11 health bill requires sick first responders to have their names run through the FBI’s terrorism watch list before they can receive treatment? Checking out sick 9/11 first responders for terrorism was a good start.  But we Homeland Security professionals know that this bill does not go nearly far enough. To fully secure our homeland against its implacable enemies, we need to find out whether any of these supposedly heroic first responders are actually witches in disguise. To that end,…


William Cook on Goldstone, Ellen Brown on Japan & Banksters

Truth Jihad Radio Friday 4/22/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Professor William Cook will discuss his recent article “Sinning Against Zionism: Traitor to Country,” the most eloquent response I have seen to Justice Goldstone’s nauseating and cowardly attempt to undermine his own report on the war crimes of Israel’s Dec. 2008 – Jan. 2009 assault on Gaza…an assault which has continued ever since in only slightly less virulent form. We’ll also discuss his follow-up article (complete with amazing pictures) “Now Israel is free…


Jerry Mazza: “Invisible”

A new poem by Jerry Mazza.  For background on Fukushima, check out Anthony Hall’s article and interview.  -KB INVISIBLE How the world is envelopedin an invisible mist ofradiation, blown inwinds around the planet,glowing veil of deathwhose very thought is painful,shuts my eyes in thinkingof the lives soon lost.What have the brilliant adultsdone to all the childrenin the womb or genes,these here or still to come?What have these men of wisdomdone in science’s name?From whom shall love be givenagain without this curse?What is the cleansing agentof the unseen filth?Who plants the rose againwithout a thorn that kills?Whose petals are scattered withoutstains…



Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 4/20/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Michael Murphy, director, “What in the World Are They Spraying?” – the film that assembles evidence of a massive, secret atmospheric modification (geoengineering) program and accompanying coverup. Second hour: Abdullah Braun, fellow Wisconsin native, Muslim convert, and activist, reports live from Egypt! Abdullah has been an up-front witness to the Egyptian revolution, possibly the biggest geopolitical event since 9/11 and the 9/11 wars. Will Egypt and the Middle East break free from the…


Greg Mortenson: Pathological Liar and War Criminal

Speaking of Debbie Menon – one of my favorite alternative journalists – she recently defended war propagandist Greg Mortenson, America’s kinder-and-gentler Joe Goebbels, in an email to Gordon Duff on which I was copied. Mortenson, the zillionaire author of Three Cups of Tea, made his fortune by peddling the Big Lie that Americans are in Afghanistan to educate the benighted Muslim savages and rescue the poor oppressed women from their evil men. Now that Mortenson has been exposed as a pathological liar by 60 Minutes, Debbie (and lots of other brainwashing victims) are having a hard time facing the truth.…


Debbie Menon introduces my Veteran’s Today interview

More than once I’ve discussed with Debbie Menon the pros and cons of being a self-styled truth jihadi. She was initially skeptical, but seems to have warmed to the concept. Below is her introduction to today’s Veteran’s Today interview. -KB A thoroughly effective interview by Kourosh Ziabari  with Kevin Barrett.  by -Debbie Menon, Kevin might have gained a bit more credibility with the great unbelieving kafir American public if he had left out some of his religious zeal for “jihad,” and not turned the work into some religious crusade, but his thrusts at the press, the public blindness and…


David Ray Griffin is back!

Tuesday, April 19th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… David Ray Griffin, the Dean of 9/11 Studies, is back in action! Dr. Griffin, whose presence on the 9/11 truth front-lines has been sorely missed during his recuperation from last summer’s health problems, returns to touch bases with the movement he has galvanized — and to explain why we should not accept reports of passenger phone calls as evidence that any airliners were hijacked on 9/11. (Note: The overall lack of evidence of any hijackings is also discussed in Elias…


Splitting-the-Sky, Alison Weir on TJ Radio Monday

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 4/18/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Splitting-the-Sky, who has attempted a citizen’s arrest of George W. Bush for war crimes (including 9/11) and defended his right to do so in court. Now he’s back, leading another effort to bust Bush for at noon this coming May 2nd in front of Surrey City Hall near Vancouver, BC! Please go to his website and contribute what you can. Second hour: Alison Weir, founder, – the go-to site for deprogramming American…


Lenni Brenner, Adam Syed on TJ Radio today

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 4/13/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Lenni Brenner, historian. Lenni Brenner is the author of 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis – an update of his 1983 classic Zionism in the Age of the Dictators. He is also the author of The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir (read it on-line here), Jews in America Today, and The Lesser Evil, a history of the Democratic party. Lenni Brenner’s meticulous work documents the extent to which Zionism…


You are cordially invited to vomit up some beer on Michael Shermer

9/11 official story propagandist Michael Shermer isn’t a real professor – he just plays one on TV. But that doesn’t stop the phony “skeptic” from falsely advertising himself as “Adjunct Professor of Economics, Claremont University” – a clear-cut case of academic fraud. Since Anthony Hall (a real professor and accomplished historian) exposed the fake “Professor of Economics” last year, Shermer has apparently been disinvited from top-tier universities like the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he put on his pathetic vaudeville swindle last year. (Watch Anthony Hall and Joshua Blakeney confront and expose Shermer here.) Now Shermer is performing at small-time campuses…

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