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Talking “peace economics” with Dr. Peace, a.k.a. Bob Reuschlein

Tuesday, October 17th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Dr. Bob Reuschlein of goes by the moniker “Dr. Peace.” Dr. Bob was a presenter at the recent Economic Democracy Conference in Madison, Wisconsin.  He’s an expert on the many ways that excessive military spending kills economies, debases whole societies, and brings down empires. His research indicates that of all the ways the government can spend money, military spending is by far the most economically destructive. My take: A handful of special interests are getting rich on gargantuan military…


Talking “peace economics” with Dr. Peace, a.k.a. Bob Reuschlein

Tuesday, October 17th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Dr. Bob Reuschlein of goes by the moniker “Dr. Peace.” Dr. Bob was a presenter at the recent Economic Democracy Conference in Madison, Wisconsin.  He’s an expert on the many ways that excessive military spending kills economies, debases whole societies, and brings down empires. His research indicates that of all the ways the government can spend money, military spending is by far the most economically destructive. My take: A handful of special interests are getting rich on gargantuan military…


Israel Tries to Assassinate Top US General, Then Invites Him for Tea

by Kevin Barrett The Israeli government, like its New York special agent Larry Silverstein, has never been criticized for lacking chutzpah.  But Netanyahu and company may be setting a new record for diplomatic chutzpah by inviting America’s top military commander over for tea –  two months after they tried to assassinate him! (read full article: ) Is a massive, seismic fault opening between US and Israeli interests?


“Solving 9/11” author Christopher Bollyn, Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff

Mon.  10/15/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Christopher Bollyn will discuss his new article “The Smoking Gun of 9/11”:   Intensely hot chemical fires raged beneath the pile for more than three months despite being continuously doused with water.  The conditions were “brutal” for people working at ‘Ground Zero’ without respirators and only slightly less so for those working or living in adjacent buildings, Thomas Cahill, a professor of physics and atmospheric science, told me.  “It was like they were working inside the stack of an incinerator,” he said.  More than 64 members of the…


Bill “Kill ’em All” Maher: Smirky Avatar of West’s DeathCult

Bill Maher hates people and wants to kill them. The islamophobia industry says “Islam is a culture of death.” They point to the fierce warriors of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan – wherever an Islamic country has been invaded – who say: “We love death as much as you love life.” The islamophobes are missing the point. What the fierce Islamic warriors are really saying is: “We’re not afraid to die, because our cause is just.” They’re saying: “You Western Zionist-slave chickenshit pussies blow up our women and children from hundreds of miles away with drones and bombs and missiles because you’re…


Ellen Mariani lawsuit rep Vincent Gillespie, historian/pundit Webster Tarpley

Fri.  10/12/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Vincent Gillespie is the secretary-treasurer of 9/11 family member Ellen Mariani‘s legal defense fund. Ellen Mariani, the only 9/11 family member who turned down the government’s hush money and sued Bush and Cheney for orchestrating the 9/11 false-flag event that killed her husband, is still fighting in court! (Her case is one of several in which the mobbed-up courts have, so far, been dishing out egregious injustice.) Here are two open letters from Ellen explaining her actions: You can donate to Ellen’s legal defense fund here. Second…


Ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi on “Why I Dislike Israel,” Ken Jenkins on “why I dislike carniverous martian plesiosaurs”

Wed.  10/10/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Philip Giraldi‘s new article “Why I Dislike Israel” has gone viral. It begins: Philip Giraldi “Even those pundits who seem to want to distance U.S. foreign policy from Tel Aviv’s demands and begin treating Israel like any other country sometimes feel compelled to make excuses and apologies before getting down to the nitty-gritty. The self-lacerating prologues generally describe how much the writer really has a lot of Jewish friends and how he or she thinks Israelis are great people and that Israel is a wonderful country before launching…


Ellen Brown busts the banksters!

Tuesday, October 9th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt.  Her latest article is QE Infinity: What Is It Really About? In it, Ellen argues that QE3, the latest bank bailout scam, I mean, scheme, should really be called QE Infinity. The short version: The taxpayers will have to cough up the money to make good on an almost unimaginable (i.e. quasi-infinite) amount of fraudulent paper. If you thought the 2008 bankster bailout wiped out the economy, wait till you see what this…


Last words of 9/11 denier Juan Cole; Deconstructing US “democracy” on Press TV

I haven’t been in the mood for pulling punches lately. Check out this clip of my slapdown of 9/11 denier Juan Cole, courtesy of EddieLeaks. And here’s one of the all-time-great three-way slapdowns of US “democracy” featuring Mike Harris, Linh Dinh, and yours truly. Watch the video  (looks like blogger is blocking embeds from Press TV?) US suffers from corruption and lack of democracy: Analyst Mon Oct 8, 2012 1:42PM GMT, Press TV Interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, Co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance, Wisconsin. “It is hard to overstate corruption and lack of democracy in the American system and I…


Dissident professor Guy McPherson, “We the People” founders Roger Landry and Ceylan Ozbudak

Mon.  10/8/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Note: During the 2nd segment of the 2nd hour (roughly 1:20 to 1:40) Gordon Duff breaks a potentally HUGE story: Romney wasn’t just a draft dodger during Vietnam – he was a criminal draft EVADER. You heard it here first. The articles should be out tomorrow at Press TV and Veterans Today. First hour: University of Arizona professor emeritus Guy McPherson runs the NatureBatsLast blog, which “focuses on the natural world, with a particular emphasis on the twin sides of our fossil-fuel addiction: (1) global climate change and (2) energy…

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