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Detroit’s Silverstein Dome Slated for Demolition Next September 11th

In the wake of the failed demolition of Detroit’s Silverdome, the surprisingly robust building has been purchased by Larry Silverstein, the 9/11 Deceptive Demolition King, and renamed the “Silverstein Dome.” Silverstein has reportedly doubled the terror insurance on the condemned building, hardballed insurers into changing the terms to “cash payout,” and scheduled breakfast on the mezzanine next September 11th – apparently forgetting that he has also scheduled a dermatologist appointment that morning. Additionally, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been notified in order to ensure that “al-Qaeda” also schedules something interesting that day. As the Lucky Larry’s Deceptive Demolitions slogan says:…


Ibrahim Soudy says Zionists not Russians are the dangerous “foreign agents”; Joachim Hagopian on the pedophile satanists who run the Empire

This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, December 1st at – click on Studio A – then gets archived about 24 hours later.  For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help me keep these shows on the air – Click HERE!   Today’s Washington Examiner story First hour: Ibrahim Soudy notes that until today, mainstream media never mentioned that disgraced Trump crony Michael Flynn’s illegal contact with Russia consisted of Flynn’s lobbying for Israel! (This news was buried in the 20th, 21st and 22nd paragraphs of today’s NY Times story.) Specifically, Flynn unsuccessfully tried to convince Russia…


Rafiq on false flags and the problem of evil; Les Jamieson says “end FISA spying and expose 9/11!”

Broadcast here November 29th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! First 25 minutes: Rafiq, author of Days of Shock, Days of Wonder and GAJ, discusses the problem of evil (the “theodicy” issue) in the context of 9/11 and other false flags. (Read his concise new article on this topic, reproduced below; and check out my discussion of this topic with David Ray Griffin.) Final 35 minutes: Les Jamieson of New York 9/11 Truth and discusses the political battle over the FISA act, the Orwellian bill that allows the NSA to spy on everyone without…


Saudis convert to Zionism – re-circumcized at Paris synagogue

Saudis convert to Zionism – re-circumcized at Paris synagogue Is this the sword the Zionists used on Trump and the Saudi Royals? Paris, France Dissociated Press The Jerusalem Post is reporting that two top Saudi officials visited Paris’s Grand Synagogue last Monday. Though the Post was unable to reveal the purpose of the visit, sources have told Dissociated Press that the officials were following in the footsteps of Saudi grand poobah Mohammed Bin Salman, who secretly converted to Zionism in a covert ceremony at Israel’s National Temple two weeks ago. According to those sources, the conversion ceremony included a ritual re-circumcision consisting of removing additional…


Vladislav “George” Krasnov: Is the USA becoming monologic and totalitarian?

Broadcast here November 27th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! Note: The video version of this interview isposted at my Patreon page. Dr. Vladslav Krasnov (also known as Wladislaw “George” Krasnow) of was a dissident in the former Soviet Union, where deviating from the official Communist Party line was a serious thoughtcrime. He defected to Sweden and then the United States in the 1960s, earned a doctorate in Russian Literature at the University of Washington, and has written three books and worked for many leading think tanks and government agencies. Today,…


Steve Robertson on Palestine, The Santa Claus Effect, superconsciousness, and the sacred power of words; Greg Felton on how Israel was REALLY created

This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, November 24th at – click on Studio A – then gets archived about 24 hours later.  For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help me keep these shows on the air – Click HERE!   First hour: Steve Robertson, founder and CEO of, discusses his recent Veterans Today articles: “Thoughts, Spoken Words, and Creating New Realities“; “US, Israel, Palestine, and the Santa Claus Effect” Part One and Part Two” and many more. Steve Robertson is the Executive Producer of the 2 Unite All benefit album which features numerous world-famed Grammy winning…


Brendon O’Connell, anti-Zionist asylum seeker, imprisoned in New Zealand – violation of Geneva Conventions

A letter from my regular radio guest Maisoon Rice: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” – Universal Declaration of Human Rights (U.N. Article 1.10 December 1948) Brendon seriously needs our help, EXPOSURE of New Zealand breaching Geneva Conventions on Asylum Seekers- something he has now added to his fight for justice repertoire!! I hope what I have provided below is of some use to you Kevin. Call me if you want any more though this is all I know…


Kevin Barrett interviews Peter Myers on fake news, George Soros, and the New World Order

Monday, November 20, 2017 Kevin Barrett interviews Peter Myers on fake news, George Soros, and the New World Order Broadcast here November 22nd 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! NOTE: THE VIDEO VERSION OF THIS INTERVIEW CAN BE VIEWEDAT MY PATREON PAGE. Did newly-elected Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz eject George Soros’s foundations from the country? And is Kurz a 9/11 truther who was “red pilled” by watching Loose Change? Those claims were made last month in story headlined “Youngest World Leader Bans George Soros’s Foundations From Austria.”  But the…


Kevin Barrett interviews Peter Myers on fake news, George Soros, and the New World Order

Broadcast here November 22nd 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! NOTE: THE VIDEO VERSION OF THIS INTERVIEW CAN BE VIEWED AT MY PATREON PAGE. Did newly-elected Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz eject George Soros’s foundations from the country? And is Kurz a 9/11 truther who was “red pilled” by watching Loose Change? Those claims were made last month in a YourNewsWire.comstory headlined “Youngest World Leader Bans George Soros’s Foundations From Austria.”  But the claims are false. It’s fake news. Does that mean we should trust PolitiFact, the site thatdebunked the story?…


A.K. Dewdney: How did a respectable scientist end up editing a “conspiracy newsletter”? (The New World Intelligencer)

Broadcast here November 20th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! A.K. Dewdney‘s Wikipedia page now begins: “Alexander Keewatin Dewdney (born August 5, 1941, in London, Ontario) is a Canadian mathematician, computer scientist, author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist.” Quite an impressive list of occupations and accomplishments…especially that last item! What led such a brilliant and well-informed science professor to start espousing non-mainstream interpretations of current and historical events? The answer is simplicity itself. The man values truth—in science, mathematics, history, and current events. In this interview Dr. Dewdney discusses his career trajectory, which…

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