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Christopher Fulton on His ordeal with JFK Assassination Evidence

Listen HERE Christopher Fulton‘s The Inheritance: Poisoned Fruit of JFK’s Assassination recounts how, after the death of JFK’s personal secretary Evelyn Lincoln in 1995, JFK assassination evidence collected by Robert Kennedy and passed to Evelyn Lincoln for safekeeping fell into his hands…upending his understanding of history, and his life. Did Fulton serve eight years in federal prison for the crime of getting JFK assassination evidence into the hands of JFK Jr.? And was it just a coincidence that JFK Jr.’s plane went down shortly thereafter, removing an all-but-annointed future president who was clearly planning to pursue truth and justice regarding the murders…


Sufi Charles Upton on Covenants’ Growing Success

Listen HERE Charles Upton, along with Dr. John Morrow, is a leading light of the Covenants Initiative, which seeks to rally Muslims behind the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World. Charles Upton reports that the Covenants Initiative is making great progress in academia and in policy circles. We also discuss issues Charles raises in his books including The System of Antichrist, Vectors of the Counter-Initiation, and most recently Dugin Against Dugin.


FFWN: The CHUTZPAH of Ghislaine Maxwell…and Donald Trump

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern Fridays on PSA   1) True Confession: FFWN Needs Your Help Anniversary of 9/11 Human Sacrifice 2) 9/11 Anniversary Events 3) Building 7 Study to be released Sept. 3 4) “Religious” memorials to 9/11 sacrifice victims sprouting like mushrooms from vast field of bullshit 5) Group opposes museum for Pulse nightclub massacre Epstein “Suicide” Fallout 6) Decadent “Anything Goes” Culture that Produced Jeffrey Epstein  Epitomized by Spread of Brazen Public Satanism 7) Epstein’s lawyers unsatisfied with suicide ruling, promise own independent probe 8) William Barr tries to tamp down Epstein suicide conspiracy…


Omar Ramahi on “Choosing Between Tradition and Islam”

Listen HERE Omar Ramahi, a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, is the author of Muslims’ Greatest Challenge: Choosing Between Tradition and Islam. The book “challenges the use of Hadith as a source of legislation by presenting arguments directly from the Mushaf (the Qur’an). It takes an unconventional approach toward the Mushaf exegeses and reaches conclusions that are based on reason and the Mushaf’s text, yet contradictory to conventional Muslims’ doctrines.”  


FFWN: Will Epstein “suicide” wake the sheeple?

With guest analyst Gordon Duff of Veterans Today. Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on Kevin’s Youtube Channel and PSA  1) Help FFWN Wake “Sheepleing Beauty” Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein? 2) Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein? (by FFWN’s Helen Buyniski) and Mega Group Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal 3) Jeffrey Epstein’s Death Posted On 4Chan Before Official Announcement 4) Prison worker’s 4Chan post 10 minutes before news of Jeffrey Epstein’s death hit media: “…guy in a green dress military outfit… switched him out” 5) Shrieking heard from Jeffrey Epstein’s jail cell the morning…


Why Are Mobbed-Up 9/11 Suspects Rudy Giuliani & Bernie Kerik (Both Work for Trump) Pushing Epstein “Conspiracy Theories”?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Ron Unz’s strategy to begin the cleanup of America by discrediting mainstream media (MSM)  makes a lot of sense. And when the enemy collapses into confusion and fratricidal “friendly fire” you know you’re making progress. A virtual civil war has broken out in the MSM between pro- and anti- “Epstein conspiracy theorists.” On the pro side, a great many mainstream voices are starting to admit that Epstein’s case, especially the absurdly improbable “suicide,” proves conspiracy theories may not be so crazy after all. The past two days have witnessed New York Times op-eds headlined…


Ghislaine Maxwell was Epstein’s Mossad handler: Scholar

–Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor US billionaire sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was obviously working for Israel and Ghislaine Maxwell was Epstein’s Mossad handler, according to Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic, researcher and political analyst. Dr. Barrett made these remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a statement by US Attorney General William Barr who said on Monday that authorities will “get to the bottom of what happened” to Epstein who died on Saturday in a prison cell. Epstein allegedly hanged himself in his cell at the Manhattan Correctional Center on Saturday…


Vladislav Krasnov on Jewish-Gentile Relations..and Ron Unz’s Strategy for Defeating the Monologic Media

Listen HERE Vladislav Krasnov writes: “Dear Kevin, “This is to invite you and your readers/listeners to a debate on Jewish-Gentile relations that my article ‘Ron Unz’s Strategy for the Alt-Media to Defeat the Mainstream Media Is Brilliant’ generated on the pages of Russia-Insider.  “So far there are over 150 comments, and it is good as far as hits are concerned. However, I’ve noticed a negative dynamics because emotional negativism toward Jews seems to predominate. I can understand that the anger toward Jews in general is, at least, partially understandable and perhaps justifiable. However, I am convinced that all Jews are not…


Mass Shootings, Mass Censorship

Watch State Department whistleblower J. Michael Springmann join me on False Flag Weekly News above—click HERE for links to the stories we covered by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Were the mass shootings in Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton Gladio B false flags aimed at rolling back the 2nd Amendment? Or were they designed to demonize “radicalization on the internet” and chip away at the 1st Amendment? The probable correct answer is “all of the above.” They may also have served another purpose: Wipe Jeffrey Epstein out of the headlines during the week before his assassination (or his extraordinary rendition…


Barbara Honegger on 9/11 anniversary events; Alison Weir on Sigal Mandelker and Israelis running US

Listen HERE First hour: Former White House Policy Analyst Barbara Honegger discusses upcoming 9/11 anniversary events including the major conference in Zurich, Switzerland on September 11th featuring professor Daniele Ganser, whose book NATO’s Secret Armies is the best single resource on Operation Gladio, the Pentagon-NATO false flag terror program that murdered thousands of innocent Europeans from the late 1960s through the early 1980s. Other participants include Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Piers Robinson of the 9/11 and the War on Terror Working Group, engineer Jan-André Zaba, chemist Niels Harrit, Jane Clark and Mick Harrison of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11…

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