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Will Yemeni David defeat Saudi Goliath?

Video above courtesy of Press TV; below is my interview with the Iranian newspaper Kayhan  –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor 1) Houthis have attacked the vital source of world energy which has resulted in worldwide shock. By this act they shocked the global economy for few days. How did they reach this point of strength after 5 years of conflict with Saudis? The success of the Houthi-led Yemeni resistance illustrates the importance of morale in military affairs. The formerly Saudi-Emirati (now just Saudi) invaders of Yemen boast a combined military budget of almost $100 billion per year. The Republic of…


9/11: Healing Through Truth? with Rabia and Richie Allen

Listen HERE First 15 minutes: The 15th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival was dedicated to Vic Sadot, the Truth Troubadour and Berkeley Balladeer, who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last October. It also featured the film 9-11 Memorial Museum Officials Accept “Truther Art” into Permanent Collection, documenting Anthony Freda’s journey from being hired by the Village Voice to ridicule “truthers” to discovering that the “truthers” were right. Can art and music help heal the open wound of 9/11? In this interview, recorded in San Francisco shortly after the Film Festival, singer and healer Rabia says yes. Final 40 minutes: Richie Allen…


FFWN: Bolton Fired on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary (With Guest Commentator E. Michael Jones)

PSAs 1) Celebrate Bolton’s departure & support FFWN 2) 9/11 Anniversary Events — Watch the Ones You Missed 9/11 Anniversary 3) Most Americans Who See Collapse of Building 7 Doubt Official Story, Survey Finds 4) Explosives used on 9/11 say commissioners 5) Neocon New Republic: 9/11 Brought Orwellian Dystopia, Maybe We Shouldn’t Have Blown Up the WTC 6) Never Forget: Israeli Operatives Masterminded and Committed 9/11 7) Son of Neocon Human Sacrifice Ritual Victim Chants Myth, Chastises Heretics—Offering Undying Support to His Mother’s Killers 8) RT Founder Lesin Was Murdered for Allowing 9/11 Truth—Now They Spew Zionist “Blame and Genocide the…


When Will Muslims Demand 9/11 Truth?

The biggest, ugliest, most evil psy-op in history targeted Muslims on 9/11/2001. Quoting my article below: By failing to effectively refute the official lies about 9/11, Muslims have passively submitted to a genocidal propaganda campaign that has led to the deaths of 27 million people in Muslim countries, according to Australian avoidable mortality expert Dr. Gideon Polya.And these are just the casualties, direct and indirect, of the USA’s 9/11 wars. If we take into account the lingering worldwide effects of the 9/11 anti-Islam public relations operation, and recognize that the anti-Islam genocides in Myanmar, Kashmir, India, and China (not to…


Barrie Zwicker on 18th Anniversary of 9/11 in Historical Perspective

Listen HERE Barrie Zwicker, an independent documentary producer, writer, and political activist, was one of the earliest voices of the 9/11 truth  movement—and remains one of the most influential. In this interview we discuss the run-up to the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 false flag event, which Barrie sees as not entirely atypical of the way the USA has always gone to war based on outrageous lies. Since the big lies that stampeded public support for other wars are well-known (fake Mexican invasion in 1846, self-inflicted bombing of the USS Maine in 1898, orchestrated Lusitania sinking and phony Zimmerman telegram pre-WW1,…


Debating the Iran Nuclear Deal vs. DC Insider Brent Budowsky

Press TV Debate featuring Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett vs. Brent Budowsky of The Hill  (WARNING: IT GETS HEATED!) This edition of the program is about the new Iran’s reduction of JCPOA commitments. The third phase, which deals with modern centrifuges being installed, is reversible like the last two phases provided the Europeans hold up their end of the bargain. It’s stated repeatedly that Iran’s course of action to counter the US’s breach and the EU’s lack of will is totally within the framework of the deal.


Ronald Bleier on 9/11 No Planes Theory

Listen HERE Ronald Bleier has just published a collection of 9/11-related essays entitled No Plane Crashes on 9/11: Exposing the Illusion. I think it makes a good case against the claim that hijacked-by-humans planes caused the carnage on 9/11.   As for whether big planes crashed where we’re told they did, and if so which big planes, I remain agnostic. Compare the arguments in Ronald Bleier’s book to those offered by Wayne Coste, David Chandler, and others who participated in the recent Denver Conference, and draw your own conclusions.  


Richard Gage AIA Discusses New U. of Alaska WTC-7 Study & 9/11 Anniversary

Listen HERE First hour: Richard Gage, AIA is a 30-year San Francisco Bay Area architect and member of the American Institute of Architects. He is the founding member of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. As the 18th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, Dr. Leroy Hulsey of the University of Alaska has spearheaded a new study showing in great detail that the official NIST version of the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 is so gratuitously wrong that its authors may be guilty of scientific fraud, or worse. And NIST’s report on the Towers is equally faulty. Will American scientists,…


FFWN: 18th Anniversary of 9/11: Official Story Implodes 

  PSA 0) 9/11 Anniversary Events 1) Help FFWN Stop Godzilla from Eating Chicago 18th Anniversary of 9/11 2) 18th Anniversary of 9/11: Official Story Implodes 3) Trial Date Set For (PATSIES) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 4 Others Charged In Sept. 11 Attacks What Happened to the World Trade Center? 4) University Study Finds Fire Did Not Bring Down World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11 5) Breathtaking: Solving Nuclear 9/11, the Pommer Report Silverstein-Epstein 6) The Expression “Jewish Lightning” Is Anti-Semitic! – Larry Silverstein 7) 9/11 and Jeffrey Epstein: Media Malfeasance on Steroids 8) NEW EPSTEIN MYSTERY: Alleged…

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