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American Taliban: Is Smashing Historic Heritage a Meritorious Act?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Unz Review In March 2001, in the mountains northwest of Kabul, the Taliban blew up two colossal statues of Gautama Buddha. The act was almost universally condemned. But the Taliban’s justification of historic vandalism makes at least as much sense as those offered by today’s American Taliban, who are on a nationwide rampage of statue-destruction. Here in Madison, Wisconsin, confused protesters just destroyed two statues honoring causes they presumably support. One honored Hans Christian Heg, “a Norwegian immigrant, activist and abolitionist who led an anti-slave catcher militia helping slaves escape before serving as…


LIVE RADIO! Josh Mitteldorf: “Aging is an Inside Job, Our Bodies Are Rigged for Controlled Demolition!”; Eric Zuesse v. Peter Simpson on 2nd Amendment, Heller Decision, Anti-Federalists

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Scientist Josh Mittledorf, author of Cracking the Aging Code (with Dorion Sagan), explains that the human body doesn’t just wear out. It is perfectly capable of repairing and rejuvenating itself and living for hundreds if not thousands of years. In fact, there is no reason it couldn’t get stronger and more youthful and less likely to get sick or die with each passing century. The problem is that it doesn’t want to! On the contrary, it wants to blow itself up in an inside-job-style controlled demolition timed by an…


FFWN: Roger Waters Apologizes for Telling the Truth

Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to Noon Eastern on This episode’s guest commentator is J. Michael Springmann PSA  1) Help FFWN Remain Unapologetic! COVID Agenda: Econopocalypse & War on China? 2) China conducting covert biological weapons research, State Dept. says (to set up China for the fall) 3 )The Second Great Depression Incitement 4) Largest Newspaper in Tennessee Publishes Huge Ad Saying “Islam” Will Nuke Nashville on July 28        For background on possible false flag nuking of US cities see: and 5) Trump Directs People to Watch Random Black on White Violence Video: ‘Looks What’s Going on Here’ Culture…


The Real Reason Why Islamophobia Sweeping Across the US

By Kevin Barrett, for Press TV Alaa Massri, who’s an activist in New York, was recently arrested and stripped of her hijab by the police, who then distributed the photo. This is one of many indignities that Muslim women in the US sometimes suffer. We’ve had a wave of Islamophobia sweeping across the US ever since the September 11 false flag operation, which was actually orchestrated precisely to generate that kind of Islamophobia, and to weaponize it, both in service to wars around the world against the enemies of Israel and Zionism, and also to try to put a lid…


James Thring on Zionist Coup in UK; Gerard Menuhin on “Truth for Dummies”

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: James Thring is a retired architect-planner concerned about the Middle East since Israel’s 1967 War. He designed the first Cambridge Autonomous House in 1971 with a view to helping people isolated from public services, as in Palestine, and applied the technology to a plan for Saharan Libya in 1975. He has been in the front lines of UK peace activism, which has pitted him against the Israeli lobby, the main instigator of war in today’s West. In this interview we discuss the Israeli takeover of Britain, including Israel’s use of its treasonous “British” assets to prevent…


Chickenhawks Trump, Bolton, Netanyahu terrified of Iran

“So what are we to make of these two evil clowns, with Trump being mostly clown, and Netanyahu being mostly evil?” By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, interviewed by Press TV John Bolton has leaked the manuscript of his new unapproved book about his experiences in the Trump administration. And of course, the top headlines are that Bolton is confirming all these other reports that Trump is incompetent. And also, I think Bolton is echoing earlier reports that the hawkish side of the national security deep state doesn’t find Trump a very good leader, because Trump is not reliable, and his…


9/11 Whistleblower Robin Hordon on Being Arrested for Info-Activism

Listen HERE Robin Hordon is a former air traffic controller and licensed commercial pilot. He is also a pioneer of  CI, “civil informationing.” If you have been to professional sporting events in Seattle you may have seen him out front with his 9/11 truth banner. But now the Seattle area has gone crazy. The Capital Hill neighborhood is an “autonomous zone” where police are barred even while murders are committed. But across the Sound in Kitsap, you can get arrested for holding a pro-peace sign in a public park! That’s what happened to Robin Hordon on July 4th, 2019—leading to…


Ken McCarthy: Tony Fauci is Corrupt to the Core!

Listen HERE Is Anthony Fauci one of the most institutionally corrupt individuals of our time? That’s what today’s guest, Ken McCarthy, says. Ken McCarthy, an early Internet commercialization pioneer who specializes in seeing what’s hidden in plain sight. He tracks what he calls the CoVid Con and other atrocities at Excerpts from the interview: “The two great experts on Tony Fauci, unfortunately, are deceased. One guy that could get into the science was Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis. And he was very outspoken about Fauchi as a fraudulent scientist. And then there was a great gay rights activist journalist…


LIVE RADIO: Ken McCarthy on Frauds of Fauci; Free Speech Fighter Robin Hordon on His Clash with Thought Police in Seattle

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on http://Revolution.Radio First hour: Al Gore may or may not have invented the internet, but Ken McCarthy has been credited/blamed with commercializing it. Tonight he joins us to discuss what he calls the frauds of Tony Fauci. Second hour: Robin Hordon is a former air traffic controller, and, since 2001, a 9/11 truth movement researcher and activist.He was recently arrested and jailed for displaying signs with political messages in a public park in Kitsap, Washington.


“Speech Police Ejected! FFWN Is Now an Autonomous Zone” (with Prof. Michael Brenner)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Saturdays on Get on Michael Brenner’s email list by emailing him at mbren(at)pitt(dot)edu PSA 1) Help sustain FFWN’s speech-police-free autonomous zone! Racism/Uprising/Reaction 2) Trump threatens “protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes” ahead of Saturday’s Tulsa rally 3) Outrage at video showing child who was maced by police at Seattle protest 4) A man allegedly linked to the Boogaloo movement accused of going to a BLM protest with a homemade machine gun to kill cops (is he actually a spook undercover provocateur?) 5) Hundreds of armed counter-protesters confront Black Lives Matter rally in Ohio 6) Punishment…

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