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Tribute to Andre Vltchek: “West’s sadistic personality disorder”

Listen HERE One of the most vibrantly alive people I met, André Vltchek, just died. Though he barely made it past his mid-fifties he got in a lot more living than a hundred average Americans who live to collect their pensions.  Allah yarhamhu. In honor of this great Truth Jihadi we’re replaying this 2018 interview: André Vltchek on West’s sadistic personality disorder (originally broadcast May 2, 2018) The West claims to be the “free world”—the global leader in human rights, humanitarianism, and free expression. Globetrotting independent journalist André Vltchek, who joins us from Borneo, isn’t buying it. His latest essay begins:…


Andre Vltchek Dead—Murdered by NATO/Zionists?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor We just lost one of the world’s greatest journalists…and one of my radio show’s most eloquent and informative regular guests. Andre Vltchek, globetrotting scourge of the Western power elite, mysteriously dropped dead while riding in a chauffeured car between Samsun and Istanbul. ABC Newsreports: Turkish authorities are investigating the death of an American author and journalist who died while traveling overnight from the Turkish Black Sea coastal city of Samsun to Istanbul, Turkey’s state-run news agency reported Tuesday. Andre Vltchek, 57, and his wife were traveling inside a rented and chauffeured car and arrived…


Israelis run US Treasury, use it to punish Israel’s enemies

Press TV Mike Pompeo is apparently still suffering from the delusions and hallucinations that he announced a month or so ago when he claimed that the US was going to be imposing unilateral multilateral sanctions against Iran. He said the sanctions would be unilateral because nobody else agreed with them, and the rest of the world rejected them, but they would then be multilateral because the rest of the world would have to impose them anyway. And that’s what’s happened now. Pompeo thought he could push these things through the Security Council to make his unilateral sanctions at least a…


Nita Renfrew on “History of the American Militia Movement”

Listen HERE Nita M. Renfrew is the author of A History of the American Militia Movement: America’s Shooting Edge—completed in 1999, the first several chapters self-published in 2010. (Renfrew, an MSM insider, was shocked to discover that the militia movement was right about the Oklahoma City bombing, the Federal Reserve, and much more.) Today, as the militia movement is being recast as a leading MSM boogeyman, Renfrew’s book is an essential resource for those interested in the roots of our ever-worsening Constitutional crisis. Nita M. Renfrew was an independent journalist until 2000. Earlier, she had focused on stories having to do…


LIVE RADIO! Nita Renfrew on “History of the American Militia Movement”; Dr. Omar Zaid on Aliens/Djinn/NWO

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Nita M. Renfrew is the author of A History of the American Militia Movement: America’s Shooting Edge—completed in 1999, the first several chapters self-published in 2010. (Renfrew, an MSM insider, was shocked to discover that the militia movement was right about the Oklahoma City bombing, the Federal Reserve, and much more.) Today, as the militia movement is being recast as a leading MSM boogeyman, Renfrew’s book is an essential resource for those interested in the roots of our ever-worsening Constitutional crisis. Nita M. Renfrew was an independent journalist…


FFWN: 2001 Anthrax Anniversary: BioWar = ZioWar? (with J. Michael Springmann)

Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Expose Biowar & Ziowar! Biowar 2) A Hacker Said He Had Proof the CIA Caused the Anthrax Attacks. They Had Him Arrested for Child Porn. 3) Twitter bans Chinese virologist claiming that coronavirus was made in a lab 4) Facebook Censors Tucker Carlson, WaPo Lies Claiming “Scientific Consensus” Against Made-in-Lab Hypothesis 5) Biowar Criminals Fabricated Risible “Scientific Consensus” Mad King Trump? 6) Trump suggests he would ‘negotiate’ a 3rd term as president because he is ‘probably entitled’ to it 7) Trump keeps telling people to vote twice,…


Eric Margolis on Trump & Military Service—and More

Listen HERE In his new article “Is This the Man with his Finger on the Button?” award-winning journalist Eric Margolis offers a nuanced yet devastating assessment of Trump’s alleged remarks calling fallen soldiers “losers” and “suckers”: “Our commander-in-chief Trump reportedly dodged the Vietnam era draft six times, at least once because of a little bone spur in one of his dainty feet that were more used to the floors of New York discos than far-flung battlefields…I enlisted in the wartime US Army to go fight in Vietnam. I didn’t have to. I had been accepted to do advanced degrees at…


FFWN: 9/11 and the Death of the American Dream

 ANNOUNCEMENT! 9/11 ANNIVERSARY EVENT TODAY IN MADISON: 6 pm, Garner Park, 333 S. Rosa Rd., Madison, WI. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Defeat YouTube Censorship 2) Watch 2020 9/11 Truth Film Festival 9/11 Truth Film Festival. 3) Justice Rising Live Stream from AE911truth FREE Sept 11-13 9/11 Wars 4) 9/11 and Death of the American Dream 5) New Costs of War Study: 37 Million Displaced by U.S. Post-9/11 Wars Wisconsin Crackdowns  6) YouTube Disrupts FFWN, Freezes Kevin’s Channel Using Spurious Charge of “Impersonation” 7) More Wisconsin Chaos: Man Faces Year In Prison and $10,000 Fine for ‘Dirty Jew’ Slur Jeffrey…


My 9/11 Interviews for 19th Anniversary: 9/11/2020

Above: My two-hour interview with libertarian Muslim activist Hesham El-Meligy, also featuring Enver Masud. Below: My op-ed published today (9/11/2020) in the Tehran Times, Iran’s English language newspaper. 9/11 and Death of the American Dream By Kevin Barrett, published inThe Tehran Times Sometimes comedians can get a laugh just by telling the truth. George Carlin was good at that. One of his most famous quotes is: “That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” Sigmund Freud famously analyzed dreams as wish fulfillment fantasies. In that kind of dream, the dreamer attempts to…

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