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10th Anniversary of Qaddafi’s Murder: Ellen Brown Says Hillary’s Emails Reveal Why He Was Killed

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I’m reposting this interview, recorded in March 2016, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the murder of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi. -KB

Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt and The Public Bank Solution, discusses her new article Exposing the Libya Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails:

“Critics have long questioned why violent intervention was necessary in Libya. Hillary Clinton’s recently published emails confirm that it was less about protecting the people from a dictator than about money, banking, and preventing African economic sovereignty.”

In other words: It’s the banksters, stupid! (Where have we heard that before?)

We also discuss pestilential (I mean, presidential) candidates; Larry Silverstein’s latest 9/11 confession; David Icke’s theory that the bankster-driven elite is infested with psychopathic lizards from outer space; and the question of whether Ellen is playing with a bathtub rubber duckie during our interview (or that just her squeaky chair?)

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