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Maisoon Rice on Quds Day and the struggle for Palestine

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Maisoon Rice, a London-based British-Palestinian-Pakistani activist, joins us for the run-up to Quds Day—this Friday, May 31, the last Friday in Ramadan, when Muslims around the world hold demonstrations celebrating resistance to Zionism. As Crescent International editor Zafar Bangash writes:

“Every year on the last Jumu‘ah of Ramadan, Muslims around the world participate in Quds Day rallies. The purpose is to draw attention to the continued occupation by the Zionists of the first qiblah and the third holiest site in Islam. In 1980, Imam Khomeini proclaimed the last Jumu‘ah of Ramadan as the Day of Quds so that Muslims do not forget their obligation toward the liberation of this holy city.”

In this interview, Maisoon describes how her uncle was murdered by Zionist genocide perpetrators during the 1948 Nakba. She also holds forth on Zionism’s relationship to Judaism and Jewish identity politics, the role of Palestine in Islamic eschatology, the Zionist/imperialist divide-and-conquer strategy against the Muslim world, the idiocy of evangelical Christian Zionists, and much more.

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