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THE DEBATE: Kevin Barrett vs. Lee Kaplan on UAE vessels attack—possible false flag?

Press TV

In this edition of The Debate, Press TV hosts discussions about attacks on commercial vessels owned by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Lee Kaplan, investigative journalist and commentator, and Kevin Barrett, author and Middle East expert, exchange views about the aspects of this unprecedented attack.

One Thought to “THE DEBATE: Kevin Barrett vs. Lee Kaplan on UAE vessels attack—possible false flag?”

  1. Dennis McMahon

    The emcee (or maybe the producer?) needs to have the control to turn off the microphone of a person who is interrupting the time of his or her opponent–as happened here with the Israel proponent being the interruptor. And, the emcee needs to exercise that control when appropriate. Otherwise, the debate becomes uncivilized, as happened here in the second half.

    The emcee also needs to not ramble. Her elongated speeches do not work.

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