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9/11 and the crisis in Catholicism: Mainstream paper publishes HERESY!

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I don’t mean to offend people. But I can’t help it. It seems that I’m a heretic. In the bad old days, I would have been quickly burned at the stake. But in our more enlightened age, the inquisitors merely mess with the careers and reputations of their victims. That’s progress, I guess. I am not a heretic against Christianity (since I am Muslim, I agree with about 95% of Christianity…vastly more than secular folks do). Nor am I a heretic against Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism (at least the relatively monotheistic Upanishads variety) or any…


Massimo Mazzucco on his long awaited “American Moon”

Listen HERE Did Neil Armstrong really take that “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” on the moon? Or was the whole thing shot in a studio? In his brand-new long-awaited release of American Moon, Massimo Mazzucco, the filmmaker who gave us September 11, the New Pearl Harbor, meticulously examines the debate between “moon landing skeptics” and “debunkers.” The result is eye-opening to say the least. American Moon covers all of the key questions, offering new insights in several areas, especially the question of the authenticity of the moon landing photographs. A successful professional photographer himself,…


Ellen Brown says China may put banks out of business; Charles Hudson asks “Could Jared Kushner be the Antichrist?”

Listen HERE First half hour: Banking expert Ellen Brown recently published “Banks Are Becoming Obsolete in China—Could the U.S. Be Next?“: “The US credit card system siphons off excessive amounts of money from merchants, who must raise their prices to cover this charge. In a typical $100 credit card purchase only $97.25 goes to the seller. The rest goes to banks and processors. But who can compete with Visa and MasterCard? It seems China’s new mobile payment ecosystems can.” But will that little smartphone bar code thingie become THE MARK OF THE BEAST? Second half hour: Speaking of The Beast…now that we’re getting close to…


FFWN 9/11 anniversary special!

Click HERE to make the next episode happen! FFWN. 9/11 Anniversary Special, Sept. 14, 2018 1.Donald Trump Marks 17th Anniversary of 9/11 by 2.National Park Service Enlisted to Perpetrate Lies and Crimes of 9/11 3.Trump Demolishes Robert David’s Steele Plan to Influence US President’s 9/11 Speech 4. Trump Immediately After 9/11: Those Building Could Not Have Been Penetrated by Aluminum Airplanes 4A.The Image of the Plane Penetrating South Tower Must Be Fake Image of Plane Cutting Through South Tower Must Be Fake.png 4B. Shankesville Plane Crash Must Be Fake Plane in Shankesville Pit.png  FFWN, 14…


Manafort pleads guilty as “unregistered agent”—now let’s round up the Israel lobby

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Paul Manafort’s guilty plea might bring down the Trump Administration. But it should also take down a more powerful and dangerous gang of crooks and extremists: the unregistered agents of the Israel lobby. According to The Washington Post, the key admission in Manafort’s guilty plea is his acknowledgement that as the agent of a foreign government (Ukraine) he was required to register with the Justice Department. “Seldom enforced until recently” is an understatement. The US government has been overrun by a swarm of lobbyists paid by Israel and its appendages, the “major Jewish organizations.”…


Nick Kollerstrom on 9/11, World War 2, and more

Listen HERE Nick Kollerstrom was a major early force in the British 9/11 truth movement. He wrote Terror on the Tube, the best analysis of the 7/7 London false flag bombings. He has also written on How Britain Initiated Both World Wars and offered a controversial analysis of the holocaust in Breaking the Spell. In this interview we discuss 9/11 truth, Robert David Steele’s push to convince Trump to reopen 9/11,  alternative thinkers’ conferences in Iran and the apparent demolition of the Plasco building in Tehran, the history of Israeli false flags, and World War revisionism.


9/11 truth wildfire still spreading—Ron Unz “comes out” with a bang

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I have long suspected that Ron Unz, my favorite conservative intellectual, was a closet 9/11 truther. Now Ron has confirmed my suspicions. His new article “American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories” is a barn-burner of a coming-out. Listen to Ron Unz discuss “Holocaust Denial” and the JFK assassination on my radio show. Alongside his own article Ron Unz has just published Laurent Guyénot’s “9/11 Was an Israeli Job.” Since almost all the other intellos committed mass suicide by drinking Charlie Hebdo kool aid in 2015, Dr. Guyénot has emerged as arguably the most important French intellectual…


Christopher Bollyn, Dean Henderson, and Cat Watters discuss 9/11 and more

Listen HERE Cat April Watters interviews me, Christopher Bollyn, and Dean Henderson on “who really did 9/11” and related topics. Christopher Bollyn is the author of Solving 9/11 and The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East. Dean Henderson has authored five books including Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf.


9/11 anniversary special: Director Charles Ewing Smith on “Demolition of Truth” film; Bob McIlvaine on Bobby McIlvaine Act

Listen HERE First hour: Charles Ewing Smith writes: “I am proud to present the full length version of my Award winning documentary ‘The Demolition of Truth-Psychologists Examine 9/11‘ for free on Youtube.” (Portions of the film were included in Smith’s earlier film 9/11 Explosive Evidence-Experts Speak Out with Richard Gage.) Those interested in the psychology of 9/11 truth denial should also read Fran Shure’s multi-part series “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?” Second hour: 9/11 survivor Bob McIlvaine joins us to discuss the Bobby McIlvaine Act. Named after his son Bobby, who was killed by an explosion in the…

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