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False Flag Weekly News 5-12-2018

1) PSA: Help get us through this difficult month   Stage set for Mideast Armageddon as US exits nuke deal & opens Jerusalem embassy   2) Beware the Ides of May!   3) Iran’s Revolutionary Guard welcomes Trump’s pullout from nuke deal  -Mark Glenn   4) U.S. Embassy to open in Jerusalem amid Palestinian outcry   5) We can’t deny the similarities (between Trump and Netanyahu –l both are kosher nostra gangsters)   6) Trump Admin Used An Israeli Company to dig up dirt on JCPOA Negotiators 7) US Court Ignored Fact That 9/11 Terrorists Were Not Iranians –…


Airline pilot Ralph Rodehag discusses 9/11, UFOs, and more

Listen HERE Do any commercial pilots actually believe the official story of 9/11? Not if they’ve taken a serious look at it. Most know or suspect, but are afraid to speak out. Today’s guest, Ralph Rodehag, is a courageous exception.  -KB BIOGRAPHY FOR RALPH My name is Ralph Rodehag and I was born in Sweden 1959. I had a nice childhood growing up filled with love and support. My biological father died when I was about 2 years old. My mother worked in the hospitals as a nurse and was a very loving person always caring for others. During my…


Kevin Barrett interviewed on Ella’s Whistleblower Heroes show

Listen HERE My fellow Revolution.Radio host Ella of describes her show as: “Each week, Ella brings you the most acclaimed whistle-blowers who shed light, educate, and share their compelling stories. Join us, as we pay tribute to the everyday heroes in the world, whooften risk everything, to get the truth out.” In this show she asks me about 9/11 and Zionism, and I don’t hold back.    


Was this the ad that got Gilad Atzmon censored in Madison, WI?

Gilad Atzmon will be speaking tomorrow, Thursday May 10th, in Madison, Wisconsin. Just show up around 6 to 6:30 pm at the Wil-Mar Community Center,  953 Jenifer St., and we will direct you to the nearby (walking distance) back-up location. For the outrageous, unbelievable story of the Wil-Mar censoring Gilad Atzmon, click HERE. Madison, Wisconsin is full of left/liberal Zionist gatekeepers. It is also a bastion of political correctness and identity politics. Maybe the ad posted in the above youtube contributed to the Wil-Mar’s bizarre decision to ban Gilad?


Gilad Atzmon censored in Madison, WI – Thursday’s event will happen nearby at undisclosed location

Hope to see you at this event! Free, lots of really good food and music. Please forward to anyone you know who lives anywhere near Wisconsin. Best, Kevin Barrett Re: Wil-Mar Center censors a peace & justice leader.* Gather this Thursday, May 10, 6 pm, sidewalk in front of Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Madison WI ­– Gilad Atzmon event follows at nearby location Gilad Atzmon’s great grandmother died in the Nazi holocaust. But the Wil-Mar Center, citing lies about Atzmon’s views on the holocaust in which his great grandmother died, refuses to let him speak. Atzmon’s talk in Madison this…


False Flag Weekly News – Friday, May 4

1) PSAs  Help FFWN keep bringing the truth back to life! (Censored?) Gilad Atmon event WILL HAPPEN next Friday – inside or outside Wil-Mar Community Center   FFWN’s Jeremy Rothe-Kushel files free speech lawsuit  2) Lawrence Activist Sues Over Arrest At Kansas City Library Public Event Two Years Ago 3) Man arrested at Kansas City library event sues KCPD, Jewish Community Foundation Douma False Flag Exposed 4) Syria, Russia present witnesses of ‘staged’ gas attack 5 )Russia ‘won’t allow’ another US military action in Syria based on false flag – OPCW envoy MSM on False Flags and “Conspiracy Theories”…


Spielberg urges mandatory holocaust education theme parks

Expanding his recent call for mandatory holocaust education, Edward Bernays Award-winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg yesterday demanded that the US government build thousands of Holocaust World theme parks. “They would basically be like Jurassic Park, taking you back in time and terrifying the living daylights out of you,” Spielberg explained. He added that instead of killer dinosaurs, the parks would feature AI-driven Nazi androids who would round up visitors, strip them of their clothing, and herd them into ultra-realistic gas chambers. Spielberg cited polls showing that a substantial number of Americans do not know or care about the holocaust, while a…


The Ultimate False Flag: “Alien” Armageddon

In the brand-new article below, published here for the first time, Pakistani physics professor Mujahid Kamran explores the “false flag ET” issue. Dr. Kamran is a leading figure in the suppressed academic field of New World Order Studies. (I hope major universities start endowing NWOS departments some day, but am not sure I will live long enough to accept a position!) –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor   THE ULTIMATE FALSE FLAG: “ALIEN” ARMAGEDDON Mujahid Kaman The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the Earth must someday…


Netanyahu’s “American” traitors pushing US war on Iran

Press TV The Zionist regime’s American assets are committing an act of treason against the United States by trying to pull it into another illegal war of aggression against Iran on behalf of Israel, according to Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003. Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on recent statements issued by the White House about Iran’s nuclear program. On Monday, the White House changed a public statement, which was issued…


Maisoon Rice and Peter Myers on “anti-Semitic” Palestine genocide victims

Broadcast live Friday May 4, 8 to 10 pm Central, on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE Saturday evening First hour: Palestinian-British Muslim Maisoon Rice is sick of seeing Palestinian genocide victims being accused of “anti-Semitism”…especially since the accusers are the genocide perpetrators, and their accusations are propaganda tools for continuing and expanding the genocide. I am not Palestinian, and I do not agree with some of Maisoon’s blanket statements about Jews. But I can sympathize with her feelings, just as I would sympathize with the feelings of a Jew in 1943 who made negative blanket statements about Germans. Second hour: Australian…

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