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from the New York Times:
How Do You Teach About
We need your help.
Have you taught about Sept. 11 and its repercussions? Do you plan to address the 10th anniversary of the attacks this September? How? Does your school, district, state or country have a suggested curriculum? What questions, in general, does teaching this topic raise for you?… (full article at http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/19/how-do-you-teach-about-911/ )
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Here is what I submitted to the New York Times:
In 2005, I introduced the 9/11 controversies into my Folklore class at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and in 2006 I spent one week of a 16-week Introduction to Islam course considering various perspectives on 9/11 and the “war on terror,” including the perspective of roughly 80% of the world’s Muslims that 9/11 was a false-flag operation presumably orchestrated by US and Israeli insiders. (This is the perspective of roughly half the world’s population, as shown by polls including this one: http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/international_security_bt/535.php , as well as of the majority of peer-reviewed scholarship that addresses the controversy.) For simply including that Muslim-majority perspective, which I happen to share, I was singled out for attack by State Representative Steve Nass. Due to publicity surrounding Nass’s attack on me, I was told, the Engineering School lost half a million dollars in canceled contributions.
Blacklisted from the University of Wisconsin for political reasons, I have had to continue teaching by other means. I now work as an author, radio host and nonprofit organizer, and have lectured on 9/11 across the US and in Europe, North Africa, and Asia, where I have found the majority of citizens seem share the 9/11 truth perspective: as many as 89% of Germans, according to a recent poll, do not believe the US official version. (The world record holder for 9/11 skepticism is Pakistan, where only 3% of the people believe al-Qaeda did it: http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/brmiddleeastnafricara/346.php ).
On my radio show, I regularly interview guests who are university professors and bring 9/11 truth into their classrooms. A good example is yesterday’s interview with philosophy professor David Skrbina of the University of Michigan. http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-072011.mp3 For a list of 400 professors who support the 9/11 truth movement, see http://www.PatriotsQuestion911.com .
I am not sure why the New York Times and most of the rest of the US media report only one side of a controversy in which about half the world’s people, and the vast majority of scholars who have examined both sides, support the other side. Nor do I understand why the media have failed to inform the public that the vast majority of the peer-reviewed scholarly literature on the controversy supports the claim that 9/11 was a false-flag operation. It is virtually certain that this information will be widely accepted within a decade or two — but by then God knows how many millions of people will have died due to the 9/11 big lie. The blood of those millions of people will be on the hands of the media (and the “educators”) that participated in this horrendous deception.
Question – Did they publish your comment?
Blogger Kevin Barrett said…
No, they censored it.
I wrote to the NY Times Ombudsman, Arthur Brisbane, public@nytimes.com
Dear Arthur Brisbane, NY Times Ombudsman
Why does the New York Times report on only one side of the global and scholarly controversy about whether or not 9/11 was a false-flag attack? The complete suppression of the perspective held by half the world's population, and 80% of the world's Muslims, apparently extends to censoring comments, as detailed below. This kind of unbalanced reporting is scandalous at best, and criminal at worst.
Dr. Kevin Barrett
POB 221
Lone Rock, WI 53556
Note that this comment is still "awaiting moderation" while subsequent ones have been published.