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Splitting-the-Sky Calls Home

If you caught my first Truth Jihad Radio show on American Freedom Radio yesterday, you may have been concerned, as I was, about my missing guest Splitting-the-Sky. Professor Anthony Hall, my second hour guest, is also a friend of Splitting-the-Sky, who was supposed to join us to talk about his attempt to arrest George Bush for war crimes.

When Splitting-the-Sky wasn’t there at the appointed time, we called to check up on him. His wife said he had gone for a walk a few hours ago and was supposed to return in an hour, but didn’t. Tony Hall and I–not to mention his wife–were worried about him. (From the viewpoint of the New World Order, STS has got to be one of the most dangerous men alive.)

Today he called to explain what happened: His brief “hike” was actually a mountain climb, and he fell into a ravine, hurt his leg, and lost his cell phone. Fortunately the injury isn’t serious. He’ll join me shortly after his next “arrest Bush” court date on Saturday, April 18th, 5-6 pm Central, on Truth Jihad Radio on

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