Zionist-dominated MSM conceals Gaza genocide — are we allowed to notice and object? Or is Jewish power a taboo subject? In light of the “perfect storm” coming in mid-May—Trump blows up the Iran nuclear deal, Kushner and Bibi open the Occupied Jerusalem embassy, and the Great Return March culminates in Israel’s likely mass murder of tens, hundreds, or thousands of unarmed demonstrators—I decided to revisit my recent debate with Rabbi Michael Lerner. Rabbi Lerner has contributed to two of my books (here and here). But we don’t always see eye-to-eye. Watch the above youtube and look at Chuck Millar’s article…
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
E. Michael Jones on “Catholics and the Jew Taboo”
Listen HERE. E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars, joins the Truth Jihad for some spirited interfaith dialogue around his forthcoming article “Catholics and the Jew Taboo.” In that article, whose title references Charles Bausman’s “It’s Time to Drop the Jew Taboo,” Jones argues that Catholics and Jews have been fighting “culture wars” over such issues as gay marriage, but that Catholics have been handicapped by the taboo against naming their opponents. It seems to me that E. Michael Jones has a point. Why is it OK to say “the Catholics have been fighting against gay marriage” but not “the…
FULL ARTICLESander Hicks on truth in politics; J. Glenn Evans launches his revolutionary novel Wayfarers
Broadcast live Fri. 3/23, 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE. First hour: Sander Hicks, NYC 9/11 truth and peace supporting congressional candidate, recently got some amazingly favorable coverage for his pro-9/11-truth, pro-Palestine campaign in a local newspaper! In this show we discuss and debate some of the issues raised in my recent essay on anti-Semitism. (Sander says an acquaintance of his, an associate of Political Research Associates operative Spencer Sunshine, is working on a computer algorithm to try to keep people like me out of the Left Forum!) Sander questions Dr. Gideon Polya’s estimate that 32 million…
FULL ARTICLEEric Walberg on Jerusalem/al-Quds, his trip to Tehran, and more
Listen HERE. Eric Walberg joins us to discuss his articles on Jerusalem and Recent Demos in Iran. Eric also explains why he converted to Islam (from Marxism), and why Abraham Lincoln was a war criminal not a hero. We discuss the question of why psychopaths rise to the top of power hierarchies (or why power turns people into psychopaths); the history of incidents that nearly triggered nuclear wars; why many otherwise excellent critics of empire won’t discuss 9/11 or Zionist power (Eric says “most people have been castrated in our society”); whether the rising Chinese hegemon will be kinder and…
FULL ARTICLETwo ex-mainstream journalists forced out by Israel lobby! Greg Felton says the UN is behind fascism/Israel; Tom Mysiewicz on latest geopolitical perturbations
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, February 2nd at Revolution.Radio – click on Studio A – then gets archived within 24 hours. Listen to this show HERE. First hour: Ex-mainstream journalist Greg Felton just published an article with the provocative title: “To imagine a world free from fascism and Israel, imagine a world without the UN.” What in the world can Greg mean? Isn’t the UN on record with dozens of resolutions supporting the Palestinians right of return, etc. etc.? Let’s find out! (Hint: If you read the article, you’ll see that Greg actually makes some good points.) Second hour:…
FULL ARTICLETwo hard-hitting truth-seekers: Brendon O’Connell and Robert David Steele
Listen to this show HERE Could Trump transform himself from “doomed buffoon” to the greatest president America ever had? Message to tweet to @realDonaldTrump between 6-11 am and 6-11 pm: “Give Robert Steele 3 minutes. http://tinyurl.com/TrumpTriumph This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, January 19th at Revolution.Radio – click on Studio A – then gets archived within 24 hours. First hour: Brendon O’Connell is out of the New Zealand immigration prison where he languished as a criminally-mistreated political-asylum-seeker. But he still has legal issues in Australia, and his lawyer doesn’t seem to be working on them. (If you can’t trust lawyers, who…
FULL ARTICLERIP Alan Hart: Giant of honest journalism and Middle East peacemaking
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Alan Hart, the former BBC Middle East correspondent and author, passed away January 15th at the age of 75. Hart stands alongside Robert Fisk—I would say above Fisk—as the foremost British Middle East journalist of our time. A personal friend of both Golda Meir and Yasser Arafat, Hart learned from his aborted peacemaking efforts (backed by Jimmy Carter and Viktor Rothschild, among others) that the greatest enemy of peace is not war, but the Big Lie. As his official bio page puts it: Alan has long believed that what peacemaking needs above all else…
FULL ARTICLEGilad Atzmon on censorship, witch hunts, 9/11 truth movement…and more
Listen HERE. Note: Check out Gilad Atzmon’s brief review of Laurent Guyenot’s brand-new book From Yahweh to Zion. Musician-philospher Gilad Atzmon joins us to discuss his recent articles, including “On TheCurrent International Zionist Smear Campaign” which begins: “Together with veteran Pink Floyd star Roger Waters and many other artists and thinkers worldwide, I am being subjected to an international smear campaign, orchestrated and promoted by various Zionist institutions that attempt to silence every form of legitimate dissent of Zionism and Israeli politics. “Local councils, clubs and festivals that promote my music or my thoughts around the world are being subjected to…
FULL ARTICLERabbi Lerner and Kevin Barrett discuss and argue about Jerusalem; then Kevin takes on Maxi the Zionist, and reads “From Yahweh to Zion”
Broadcast here December 11th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! First 25 minutes: Rabbi Michael Lerner, America’s most celebrated progressive Rabbi, and Kevin Barrett, America’s best-known Muslim voice of 9/11 truth, get together to discuss – and argue about – the Zionist takeover of Jerusalem, and Trump’s endorsement of that crime against humanity. Dr. Barrett argues that the only way to get justice for Palestine is to expose and defeat Zionist power in the USA. Rabbi Lerner thinks that is a bad strategy, because it will be labeled “anti-Semitic.” Instead, he argues…
FULL ARTICLEPolitical prisoner Brendon O’Connell tortured and disappeared for opposing Zionism; ex-CIA Robert David Steele denounces plan to privatize covert ops
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, December 8th at FreedomSlips.com – click on Studio A – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help me keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Brendon O’Connell in the Kuala Lumpur airport before his ill-fated flight to New Zealand First hour: Maisoon Rice and Daniel Walker discuss Brendon O’Connell, the Australian activist who was locked up and tortured for years for his free-speech response to a Zionist who physically assaulted him. Brendon is currently imprisoned under atrocious…