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False Flag Weekly News – Friday, June 22

PSA 1) Help expose the 9/11 perps–join the FFWN support team!  9/11 News 2) Larry Silverstein’s Big World Trade Center Bet Is Paying Off (understatement of the century!) 3) Activist: Iran already exonerated of role in 9-11 attacks, Docs display Israel’s complicity  Zionist Genocide…and Resistance 4) Ex-Mossad Chief: Best Part of My Job Was Having ‘a License to Crime’ 5) Bill would make it a crime to film Israeli soldiers at work 6) They’re calling it the Kite War. How a simple plaything became a potent weapon in the Gaza Strip 7) The Cases Against the “Crime…


ACTION ALERT! Austria’s top Jewish group tries to censor Black Panther leader

Please write to support academic freedom and free speech! The global academic community is getting less and less free—and the freedom-crushing culprits are usually Zionists. I was driven from the American academy by neocon Zionists covering for the traitors who murdered almost 3,000 people on 9/11/2001. Since then, a long list of professors including Norman Finkelstein, Anthony Hall, Stephen Salaita, Joy Karega, and countless others have been hounded by the same global special interest group. It’s gotten to the point that you can’t even organize a speaking event on campus unless the speaker has a history of kissing up to…


Understanding Jewish Power

Philip Giraldi spoke on the “Zionism” panel I moderated at the Deep Truth Conference last weekend. Click HERE to watch all the panels—you can get the ticket by donating any amount. In the past, Philip Giraldi like most other “respectable” voices tried to avoid using the J-word. But as it has become increasingly clear that the pathology behind Zionism has Jewish roots, more and more people are waking up and speaking out. The best book ever on the Jewish question, the book that woke me up, is Laurent Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion. My interview with Laurent Guyénot, posted below,…


Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?

Laurent Guyénot, a Ph.D. historian and engineer, is the author of From Yahweh to Zion, the best book ever written on the so-called “Jewish question.” As he explains in the video below, Dr. Guyénot discovered the JQ through the study of the two biggest “deep events” in U.S. history: 9/11 and the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers (which must be seen as two prongs of a single operation). The article below, published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Robert Kennedy assassination, synthesizes his findings. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? by Laurent Guyénot,…


Patrick Little running for Senate to represent USA not Israel; Barbara Honegger on 9/11 lawyers and more

Listen live, Friday June 1, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio First hour: Front-running Republican California Senate candidate Patrick Little was thrown out of the California Republican convention. He’s getting smeared as a “neo-nazi” all over the mainstream media. But check out his website and his platform and you may find a lot to agree with, as well as things to disagree with. Personally, I love his focus on Israel’s false flags against the USA. (Watch him stomp and spit on the Israeli flag while decrying treasonous Zionist false flag attacks on America.) Any federal politician NOT making this a front-and-center…


Sander Hicks interviews Kevin Barrett on new “Deeper States” radio show

Listen HERE NYC congressional candidate Sander Hicks has a new show on American Freedom Radio: THE DEEPER STATES OF AMERICA. Sander’s description: “The US Federal Government is Out of Control. Wars. Secrets. Cover-Ups. Yet the American people are waking up. Now we use words like ‘Deep State’ or ‘State crimes against Democracy.’ We can occupy the moment and re-make our world. We are the healers. We are the truth. It’s time to dismantle the deep state and forge a deeper state of consciousness.” Topics include: The recent New Horizons conference in Iran, and the letter to Iran from 9/11 truth advocates; neocon-Zionist plans…


Bernie Meyer “the American Gandhi”

Broadcast live Friday May 25, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio First hour: “An activist for forty three years, Bernie Meyer took his message one step further and began emulating Gandhi in his dress, words, and actions. In his book, THE AMERICAN GANDHI, Bernie presents his graphic initiation into activism and details his experiences while portraying Gandhi and advocating justice and peace.” He recently returned from India where he was one of 150 invitees participating in planning the sesquicentennial of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi said that Truth (sat/satya) is “the only correct and fully sign fact name for God.” (Likewise, the…


Cat April Watters and Kevin discuss trips to Iran, Gaza…and much more

Listen HERE. Cat April Watters interviews Kevin Barrett about his recent trip to Iran…and looks forward to her upcoming Freedom Flotilla to Gaza journey—help her crowdfunding effort if you can! Topics include: Why to the Zionists act the way they do? Why is Bin Salman, like Saudi “leadership” in general, such an atrocious embarrassment? Who was really behind the world wars?  Was Hitler an unwitting tool of Zionism? Is the New World Order power elite satanic? Would ending the NWO usury-based currency system solve most of the worst problems facing humanity?


The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews: Taking human trafficking to the next level

Editor’s note: I just returned from Mashhad, Iran, site of the Jerusalem al-Quds conference. (No hassles at the border this time.) Below is a very interesting paper presented at the conference. Its author, Maria Poumier, is the author of Marchandiser la vie humaine and maker of the documentary The Fruits of Our Womb.  –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The Israeli manufacture of artificial Jews  Maria Poumier (France) [1] Paper for the 6th New Horizon International conference, Mashaad, May 2018. The Zionist entity is number one in biotechnologies, and especially in fabricating artificial kids. Doron Mamet is the one who developed the triangular…

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