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FFWN 7/13/16: If you like the “war on terror” you’ll LOVE the War on Breast Milk!

1)PSA Help FFWN keep dancing to the tune of truth! Good News (Man Bites Dog) 2) Rapper Madd Cold Defeats Case Launched Against Him By Powerful Jewish Lobby Group TrumpWorld 3) Fireworks Begin At NATO As Trump Prepares For Putin Summit 4) Trump pardons Oregon ranchers who sparked 2016 militia standoff 5) Prison Operators Could Cash In on Trump’s ‘Zero Tolerance’ Immigration Policy 6) Unit 8200-Founded and Flynn-Linked NSO Company Employee ‘Stole’ Classified Israeli Cyberweapons to Sell on Darknet 6.5) Black Cube Israeli intelligence firm targeted Soros NGOs during Hungary’s election campaign 7) Outgoing Trump Deputy Worked In Libya…


Exposed! How Britain’s anti-Semitism scaremongers operate

Martha Stout, a leading expert on psychopaths, says that the single most characteristic sign of the psychopath is the way they “play the victim card” while victimizing others. Case in point: Israel, the Psychopathic Nation: a bunch of invaders, looters, and genocide perpetrators who claim that THEY are the eternal victims. Another case in point: wheelchair-bound ultra-Zionist lawyer Mark Lewis, who works overtime to put Palestinian kids in wheelchairs too, by doing everything he can to support the genocidal Zionist entity that is shooting them down by the scores with exploding bullets designed to kill or inflict permanent disabilities. Lewis is…


Germar Rudolf on Zionist censorship; Ralph Rodehag explains how things really work

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: Author and publisher Germar Rudolf joins us for an update on the false flag Zionist censorship campaign that essentially purged Amazon—the de facto online book monopoly—of almost all of his 100+ published books. The censorship campaign was spearheaded by an apparent false flag operation: a flurry of threats to Jewish centers, blamed on “anti-Semites,” that turned out to have been orchestrated from Israel, and  blamed on Michael Kaydar, the nephew of a notorious Zionist extremist and alleged Shin Bet black ops specialist. Final 40 minutes: Whistleblowing commercial airline pilot Ralph Rodehag wants to talk about: “Control and power structure…


Vacy Vlazna on “Crybaby Israel”; plus “RU in a patriotic state” and PSAs for 9/11 Muslim March on Washington

Listen HERE Dr. Vacy Vlanza of recently authored a terrific article entitled Cry Baby Israel. It begins: “Israel, one of the most technologically advanced military superpowers, is making a colossal fool of itself on the global stage by crying Wolf – ‘We have the right to defend ourselves from – from ?- hold onto your hats, folks, from  – Kites, Balloons, Stones, Cameras, a Slap, a Poem.”  In our interview we discuss Zionism and psychopathy (the subject of Laurent Guyénot’s brilliant article “Israel the Psychopathic Nation.”) Other topics include how Dr. Vlanza got interested in the Palestine issue, and what…


False Flag Weekly News June 29 2018: Some Good News, Trumpian Chaos, Crybaby Israel, and more!

1) PSA: Make Bibi Cry, Support FFWN! Man Bites Dog! FFWN Offers Some Good News 2) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory is a big sign that Democrats can run on socialist ideas and win 3) US Presbyterian Church with 1.5m Members Votes Unanimously to Support BDS US Domestic Politics Implodes into Trumpian Chaos  Part 1: Supreme Court Follies 4) Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban on some Muslim-majority nations 5) Sonia Sotomayor Delivers Sharp Dissent in Travel Ban Case 6) Justice Anthony Kennedy announces retirement, giving Trump 2nd Supreme Court pick US Domestic Politics Implodes into Trumpian Chaos  Part 2: More Immigration Wars…


False Flag Weekly News – Friday, June 22

PSA 1) Help expose the 9/11 perps–join the FFWN support team!  9/11 News 2) Larry Silverstein’s Big World Trade Center Bet Is Paying Off (understatement of the century!) 3) Activist: Iran already exonerated of role in 9-11 attacks, Docs display Israel’s complicity  Zionist Genocide…and Resistance 4) Ex-Mossad Chief: Best Part of My Job Was Having ‘a License to Crime’ 5) Bill would make it a crime to film Israeli soldiers at work 6) They’re calling it the Kite War. How a simple plaything became a potent weapon in the Gaza Strip 7) The Cases Against the “Crime…


ACTION ALERT! Austria’s top Jewish group tries to censor Black Panther leader

Please write to support academic freedom and free speech! The global academic community is getting less and less free—and the freedom-crushing culprits are usually Zionists. I was driven from the American academy by neocon Zionists covering for the traitors who murdered almost 3,000 people on 9/11/2001. Since then, a long list of professors including Norman Finkelstein, Anthony Hall, Stephen Salaita, Joy Karega, and countless others have been hounded by the same global special interest group. It’s gotten to the point that you can’t even organize a speaking event on campus unless the speaker has a history of kissing up to…


Understanding Jewish Power

Philip Giraldi spoke on the “Zionism” panel I moderated at the Deep Truth Conference last weekend. Click HERE to watch all the panels—you can get the ticket by donating any amount. In the past, Philip Giraldi like most other “respectable” voices tried to avoid using the J-word. But as it has become increasingly clear that the pathology behind Zionism has Jewish roots, more and more people are waking up and speaking out. The best book ever on the Jewish question, the book that woke me up, is Laurent Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion. My interview with Laurent Guyénot, posted below,…


Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?

Laurent Guyénot, a Ph.D. historian and engineer, is the author of From Yahweh to Zion, the best book ever written on the so-called “Jewish question.” As he explains in the video below, Dr. Guyénot discovered the JQ through the study of the two biggest “deep events” in U.S. history: 9/11 and the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers (which must be seen as two prongs of a single operation). The article below, published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Robert Kennedy assassination, synthesizes his findings. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? by Laurent Guyénot,…

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