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LIVE RADIO! Salim Mansur: Trump as Peacemaker? Celia Farber on Deadliest Vaccine in History

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link Bitchute link First hour: Salim Mansur discusses his new article: “What Is the Essential Requirement for a Peacemaker? Remove the beam out of one’s eye, as Jesus commands.” In it he notes: “The Ukraine war will end sooner than later, if not it will greatly impede Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ domestic agenda. But this is not the case with the Gaza genocide of Palestinians by Israelis and, consequently, there is no end on the horizon for the conflict in West Asia.” Salim Mansur is a Professor…


All of Her Co-Workers “Died Suddenly”

But it took her four days to notice Dissociated Press When Laticia Cuggles clocked into work late Monday morning, the Wells Fargo office in Widowsburg, Wyoming seemed quieter than usual. Cuggles assumed that co-workers slumped in their swivel chairs or apparently napping, heads on their desks, were just recovering after a long, eventful weekend. It wasn’t until Thursday that Cuggles noticed the smell, took a closer look at the corpse in the next cubicle, emitted a bloodcurdling scream, and exited her workplace in great haste. Officials subsequently determined that all 37 of her co-workers had more-or-less simultaneously expired of unknown…


John “Barsoom” Carter on Jabs vs. IQ & Left vs. Right

Listen HERE John Carter‘s Postcards from Barsoom Substack is always well-written and provocative. His recent essays on “Why Smart People Do Stupid Things (Like Getting mRNA Injections)” and “The Internet is a Brain With Schizophrenia” are apt ripostes to the MSM talking points “smart people are the first in line to get vaccinated” and “the left is smarter than the right.” (Note that like John Carter, Eugyppius has lately been debunking the alleged intelligence-vax link.)


Atty. Dave Meiswinkle on National ARM vs. COVID Crimes

Listen HERE Attorney Dave Meiswinkle sued the New Jersey State Police in an attempt to force the release of the original photographs taken by the Dancing Israelis, four Mossad (“Urban Moving Systems”) spies who were set up to film the Twin Towers before the first plane hit, and who were subsequently caught wildly celebrating the successful attack. Having left the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (they’re putting on a Symposium on September 10) Dave Meiswinkle is now spearheading the National American Renaissance Movement, which is pushing for a Grand Jury Investigation into Covid-19 crimes.


LIVE RADIO! Meryl Nass on Censorship

Listen HERE Meryl Nass, MD discusses Judge Doughty’s anti-censorship ruling (Missouri v. Biden); CISA’s efforts to overthrow the First Amendment; new studies showing COVID vaccine harm; the state of religious exemptions to vaccine requirements (full disclosure: my family and I have been taking them—the exemptions, not the vaccines—since the 1990s); efforts to defund the WHO, WEF, and censorship; and more.


Jim Kavanagh on RFK Jr.’s Prospects

And 50/50 Chance of Ukraine becoming nuclear WW3 Listen HERE Jim Kavanagh of The Polemicist considers “RFK Jr.’s Chances,” and aptly remarks: “If RFK, Jr. has boldly gone where other U.S. politicians dare not tread, into the forbidden territory of critiquing the sacred object, vaccines, he has not felt the need of trespassing on the aura of sacrality around that other exceptional object: Israel/Zionism.” We also consider recent developments in the Russia-Ukraine war, including the Prigozhin affair. Let’s see whether Jim has revised last year’s estimate that the chances of it going nuclear are 50-50.


Thaddeus Kozinski on the “War for Our Souls”

Listen HERE Is the ongoing social and political turmoil around us actually a reflection of a deeper war—a war for our souls? That’s the contention of tonight’s guest, Catholic philosopher Thaddeus Kozinski. His new essay “We Are in a War for Our Souls: State Sorcery, Pathocracy, and the Traitors among Us” argues that: “…the empirical evidence over the past three years is overwhelming, self-evident, and irrefutable, at least to those who haven’t yet been fully indoctrinated and soul-washed by the now thoroughly established official religion of . . . well, the best word for it is the religion of the…


RIP Rashid Buttar (FFWN with Lucy Morgan Edwards)

Full uncensored FFWN normally posted above by noon Central time Saturdays. PSA 0) Help FFWN Investigate Big Pharma 1) Help FFWN Relocate and Become Sustainable Breaking News 1.1) Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years in prison for plot to keep Trump in power 1.2) Newly Freed ‘QAnon Shaman’ Just Can’t Keep His Mouth Shut (Daily Beast) Poisoned? 2) Rashid Buttar, British-born American conspiracy theorist died at 57 3) Doctor Rashid Buttar Is Dead at 57. He Opposed COVID Vaccines and Said that He Was Poisoned 4) Tribute to Dr. Rashid Buttar…


LIVE RADIO! Peter McCullough on Vax & Mortality; Peter Myers on WEF, WHO, & Global Health Tyranny

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Peter McCullough, MD has spent much of the past three years defying unprecedented censorship while publicizing evidence-based COVID treatment protocols and questioning key aspects of the official response to the pandemic. On December 7, citing increasing reports of injuries and deaths from mRNA vaccines, Dr. McCullough, speaking at a US Senate roundtable, called for them to be withdrawn from the market. Regular Truth Jihad Radio listeners know there is strong evidence that the vaccines are causing injuries and deaths. The question is, how many? Precisely how dangerous are…


Mathew Crawford Responds to Ron Unz on Vax & Mortality

Listen HERE Mathew Crawford appeared on Truth Jihad Radio last February and estimated that the COVID vaccines had killed over 200,000 Americans. Tonight he responds to Ron Unz, who appeared on last week’s show discussing his survey of mortality data across the  mRNA vaccinated countries. According to that data, the COVID vaccines do not seem to have killed statistically significant numbers of people. Unz points out that the introduction and use of the vaccines does not appear to correlate to increases in cardiac/stroke mortality or working-age mortality. See: “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” and “Obesity and the End of the…

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