Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Tessa Lena of “Tessa Fights Robots” discusses her latest article “A War on Touch.” In it she posts screen shots of actual Guardian headlines like “People in England Urged to Be Patient Amid Reports Hugging May Soon Be Allowed“—and wonders why today’s mainstream journalism reads like parody. (People in England have been cold, formally polite, and stand-offish since the days of William the Conqueror, so maybe they’ll have to patiently wait another 1000 years before they’re allowed to hug each other? I mean, seriously, how do these…
FULL ARTICLETag: ron unz
Ron Unz on “Impact and Origins of COVID-19”
Listen HERE Ron Unz, author of the new “American Pravda: Covid-19 Its Impact and Origins After One Year As We Rapidly Approach a Million American Deaths” offers the best-supported hypothesis about where COVID-19 came from. Though the Establishment doesn’t like the people who downplay or deny the threat of COVID-19, they are still all over social media and get a fair bit of favorable attention in pro-Trump conservative MSM. That same Establishment absolutely loathes and completely blacks out those who, like Ron Unz, point the finger at the most likely culprits. For details on the “Unz Blackout” read Ron’s articles…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Ron Unz and Soren Korsgaard: Two very different views of the COVID catastrophe
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Mainstream media, including internet oligarch owned social media, has worked overtime to suppress two very different categories of alternative views of COVID-19. The first category consists of those who downplay or in some cases even deny the pandemic. These folks make various sorts of claims including: The COVID death numbers are exaggerated; test results are meaningless; masks are useless or worse; there is no need for social distancing or lockdowns; vaccines will do more harm than good; the whole thing is a hoax designed to get rid of Trump…
FULL ARTICLEAP and Atlantic Council Anoint Me “COVID Conspiracy Super-Spreader”— and Erase Ron Unz
By Kevin Barrett, for Unz Review The bad news is that two of the most powerful institutions in America have anointed me a “COVID super-spreader.” The good news is that I stand accused of super-spreading “COVID conspiracy theories,” not the actual disease. But the worse news is that the way things are going, “conspiracy spreaders” may soon be quarantined in COVID camps as threats to public health. Dissidents, it seems, are the new terrorists. The Associated Press and the Atlantic Council simultaneously published a coordinated attack on me and others accused of propagating alternative analyses of the origin of COVID-19. Though…
FULL ARTICLERon Unz on Election Train Wreck
Listen HERE Ron Unz may be the most important figure in alternative media. His latest article “Glenn Greenwald Escapes His $100 Million Webzine” examines the massive pre-election suppression of news about Biden corruption scandals. Tonight we’ll discuss our respective takes on the ongoing train wreck of an election, as well as the censorship epidemic surrounding and feeding on it. Ron is skeptical about my endorsement of the work of Jonathan Simon, who suspects that massive voting machine rigging in favor of Republicans has been an ongoing feature of major federal elections since 2004.
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Homer Van Meter “I Stopped an Illuminati Human Sacrifice”; Ron Unz on Election Train Wreck
Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio—later archived HERE Since 2006 my full-time job has been sifting through non-mainstream perspectives and trying to figure out which “conspiracy theories” are true. Tonight I am going to go way out on a limb and consider material that even most of the alternative community tends to dismiss or ignore. First hour: Homer Van Meter may be the most interesting narrator of “told as true” personal experience narratives I have ever encountered. I read his mind-blowing autobiographical account Dreaming Time: Anatomy of a Cover-Up during Halloween week and all I can say…
FULL ARTICLECOVID Made In a Lab! Ex-Skeptics Admit It Due to Accumulating Evidence
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The dominant globalist (anti-Trump) wing of the mainstream media (MSM) continues to engage in a massive coverup and propaganda operation aimed at concealing the evidence that COVID-19 was made in a germ warfare lab. If you get your news from NYT/WaPo/CNN/MSNBC/Telegraph/Guardian you would never even know about the lively scientific debate—which has recently been won by those arguing for the artificial origin of COVID. Meanwhile he pseudo-nationalist pro-Trump wing is peddling another lie: That COVID was manufactured and unleashed, whether accidentally or deliberately, by the Chinese government. The “blame China” mighty Wurlitzer is playing…
FULL ARTICLERon Unz: How the Truth Movement Can Win
Listen HERE Ron Unz, publisher of the Unz Review and author of the critically important American Pravda series of articles, has argued that the truth movement ought to recognize that its primary enemy is the mainstream media—and strategically work to discredit it by “swarming” its weakest links with alternative perspectives. Rather than limiting themselves to one or two issues—say, 9/11 and JFK— alternative analysts should attack the mainstream line on a wide variety of topics, especially those where the mainstream defenses are weakest. This will entail forging alliances between alternative thinkers whose goals and worldviews are very different from each other.…
FULL ARTICLEVladislav Krasnov on Jewish-Gentile Relations..and Ron Unz’s Strategy for Defeating the Monologic Media
Listen HERE Vladislav Krasnov writes: “Dear Kevin, “This is to invite you and your readers/listeners to a debate on Jewish-Gentile relations that my article ‘Ron Unz’s Strategy for the Alt-Media to Defeat the Mainstream Media Is Brilliant’ generated on the pages of Russia-Insider. “So far there are over 150 comments, and it is good as far as hits are concerned. However, I’ve noticed a negative dynamics because emotional negativism toward Jews seems to predominate. I can understand that the anger toward Jews in general is, at least, partially understandable and perhaps justifiable. However, I am convinced that all Jews are not…
FULL ARTICLE9/11 truth wildfire still spreading—Ron Unz “comes out” with a bang
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I have long suspected that Ron Unz, my favorite conservative intellectual, was a closet 9/11 truther. Now Ron has confirmed my suspicions. His new article “American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories” is a barn-burner of a coming-out. Listen to Ron Unz discuss “Holocaust Denial” and the JFK assassination on my radio show. Alongside his own article Ron Unz has just published Laurent Guyénot’s “9/11 Was an Israeli Job.” Since almost all the other intellos committed mass suicide by drinking Charlie Hebdo kool aid in 2015, Dr. Guyénot has emerged as arguably the most important French intellectual…