Dissociated Press Sandy Hook parent Robbie Parker has once again raised eyebrows by reacting unexpectedly to an emotionally-charged event. Informed that a jury had awarded him $120 million, Parker collapsed on the floor, weeping pitifully, before pulling himself together, wiping away the tears, and flashing an insincere smile as he kicked off the Sandy Hook parents’ press conference celebrating their $965 million dollar victory over Alex Jones. Conspiracy theorists believe that Parker and other Sandy Hook parents are crisis actors paid by Alex Jones to pretend to hate Jones while offering the Infowars host invaluable mainstream media publicity. According to…
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DDWN: False flags on four continents this week!
False Flag News 1) Hindu-supremacist false-flagger elected PM of India http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/15/us-india-election-polls-idUSBREA4E06W20140515 2) India’s “Islamic Terror” mostly Hindu-Zionist false flags by Modi’s friends http://m911t.blogspot.com/2012/08/indias-false-flag-follies-continue.html 3) Boko Haram is not the problem http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/02/opinion/in-nigeria-boko-haram-is-not-the-problem.html?_r=0 4) Is Boko Haram a psy-op? http://presstv.com/detail/2014/05/14/362619/is-boko-haram-a-psyop/ 5) How Washington Hawks are using the girls to justify intervention in Nigeria http://www.alternet.org/world/how-washington-hawks-are-cynically-using-kidnapped-girls-justify-us-military-intervention 6) School closed, actors used; Robbie Parker, entertainer, exposed http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/05/14/school-closed-actors-used-robbie-parker-entertainer-exposed/ 7) Sandy Hook memorial stolen (mini false flag) https://sg.news.yahoo.com/sandy-hook-childs-memorial-stolen-man-says-massacre-105310165.html 8) US staging nuclear war drill this week http://rt.com/usa/158352-usstratcom-nuclear-wargames-nato/ 9) New questions about FBI shooting of Boston suspect’s friend http://rinf.com/alt-news/breaking-news/new-questions-fbi-boston-bombing-witness-killing-agent-killed-tsarnaev-pal-grilling-brutal-corrupt-past/ Ukraine Crisis Accelerating 10) Lugansk and Donetsk regions vote…