Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 8/19/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Peymon’s in charge. Second hour: Gordon Duff, editor of Veterans Today, discusses his new article Phony Letterman Threat Tracked to Israeli SITE: “Why Letterman? I don’t have a clue. Some say it may be his endorsement of Ron Paul for president, a move that angers Muslims because of Paul’s calls for a new 9/11 investigation. Wait a minute, wouldn’t that anger Israelis instead?” Duff may also address recent anti-Duff attacks on my show…
FULL ARTICLETag: genocide
Benny Morris: Hero or Psychopath?
I have a high regard for truth – so high that my dear friend Shaykh Yusuf Estes says I should change my name to Abdulhaqq, “The Slave of Truth.” (In Arabic, the word al-Haqq, meaning “Truth” or “Reality,” is one of the most beautiful names of God.) I told Shaykh Yusuf that yes, truth has made me its slave: I’ve done a whole lot of work on behalf of truth without being paid a penny. But is dedication to truth enough? Take Benny Morris – please. From the standpoint of dedication to truth, Benny Morris is one of the greatest…
FULL ARTICLEKill Bill: Scumbag Maher is a genocidal bigot and should be tried, convicted and executed…BWAHAHAHA
As a politically incorrect Muslim comedian, I can get away with a lot. But can I get away with cheering for the mass murder of Jews, starting with Bill Maher? Well, why not? Bill Maher, a violent 9/11 truth denier who is Jewish and a rabid Zionist — like just about everyone else in the mainstream media — thinks he can get away with cheering for the mass murder of Muslims. Bill Maher posed the question to Republicans, “How many Muslims does a black guy have to kill in one weekend before crackers climb down off his ass?” Any way…
FULL ARTICLEGreg Mortenson: Pathological Liar and War Criminal
Speaking of Debbie Menon – one of my favorite alternative journalists – she recently defended war propagandist Greg Mortenson, America’s kinder-and-gentler Joe Goebbels, in an email to Gordon Duff on which I was copied. Mortenson, the zillionaire author of Three Cups of Tea, made his fortune by peddling the Big Lie that Americans are in Afghanistan to educate the benighted Muslim savages and rescue the poor oppressed women from their evil men. Now that Mortenson has been exposed as a pathological liar by 60 Minutes, Debbie (and lots of other brainwashing victims) are having a hard time facing the truth.…
FULL ARTICLEI Am a Holocaust Denier
Thoughts on Youtube’s banning of Anthony Lawson’s latest video, based on a vague complaint from an apparently nonexistent person. April 1st, 2011 Today is as good a day as any to admit it: I am a holocaust denier. I deny that the US military’s slaughter of two million Muslims as revenge for 9/11, funded by my family’s and friends’ and neighbors’ tax dollars, constitutes a holocaust. I deny that the Zionist genocide of Palestine constitutes a holocaust. I deny that the European settlers’ genocide of tens of millions of Native Americans, perpetrated by some of my own ancestors, constitutes a…
FULL ARTICLE“Legacy of Deception” by Susan Lindauer
Former CIA asset Susan Lindauer broke the story of US government foreknowledge of 9/11, and pointless genocide in Iraq, in my recent radio interview. Below is her brand-new op-ed. -KB LEGACY OF DECEPTIONBy Susan Lindauer, former U.S. Asset covering the U.N. Mission of Iraq He’s got the smirking grin of a politician who knows that he got away with his crimes. He escaped responsibility for his political murders and the full brunt of moral outrage for the wasteful public sacrifice on his behalf. I can see it in his eyes. They don’t know half the truth. They don’t know they’re…
FULL ARTICLEAmerican Professor Charges Israel with Genocide — Publisher Censors Title!
William A. Cook, professor of English at the University of La Verne in southern California, has charged the state of Israel with genocide — but his publisher won’t let him use the G word in the title of his new book! Discussing the brand-new The Plight of the Palestinians: A Long History of Destruction on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Dr. Cook said that the publishers, Palgrave-McMillan, told him: “‘We can’t use the original title As the World Watches: Genocide in Palestine.’” Dr. Cook added that the book’s contents, which provide ample proof that Israel is committing genocide against the…