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Two great new guests on Truth Jihad Radio – Andrew Krieg and David Griscom!

Fri.  9/20/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Andrew Krieg of the Justice-Integrity Project is the author of the new book Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and Their Masters. See:  Krieg’s analysis of how power really works in American politics – including the CIA takeover of the presidency that began with the Agency’s insertion of Bush Sr. into the White House – is a perfect follow-up to Peter Phillips’ discussion of the global power elite on Wednesday’s show. Second hour: David Griscom, Ph.D. is a research physicist who worked for 33 years at the Naval Research…


Join, get immediate access to commercial-free archives!

Dear friends of hard-hitting truth radio, I am pleased to announce that from now on, all of my shows, beginning with today’s interview with Peter Phillips and Wayne Madsen  will be archived commercial-free at No Lies Radio. Members of will be able to listen to all my shows on-demand within a few hours of when they are recorded.  Non-members will have to wait a couple of days. To become a member, just go to the sign-up. If the software doesn’t work for you, just email me at kbarrett(at)merr(dot)com and I’ll set you up. You can still take advantage of…


Jim Fetzer on new Barrett-Fetzer book & Midwest 9/11 Conference

Tuesday, September 17th, 11 to noon Central, (archived here). Guest: Jim Fetzer, who (along with yours truly) is the subject of Mike Palecek’s new book depicting us as superheroes of a new White Rose resistance movement against the Nazis – only this time it’s against the Straussian Nazis.  We’ll discuss recent events including Syria and the 9/11 anniversary – and plug the Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference, which actually drew positive mainstream coverage in Champaigne-Urbana’s biggest newspaper!  


Western secret services created al-Qaeda to attack enemies of Israel

Press TV  Western secret services have created the al-Qaeda terrorist group to protect Israeli interests and justify military intervention in other countries, a political analyst says. “The whole story of the so-called war on terror is not what we’ve been told. It’s not as strange as it may seem that the US would bomb Syria for al-Qaeda,” Dr. Kevin Barrett told Press TV on Wednesday. He made the comments after Senator Rand Paul criticized President Barack Obama for asking Americans to be “allies with al-Qaeda” twelve years after the 9/11 attacks. “Twelve years after we were attacked by al-Qaeda, 12…


9/11 shocker! Half of Americans suspect US government’s lying

On the eve of the 12th anniversary of 9/11, nearly half of the American people suspect their government is lying about what happened that day. A recent scientific survey by YouGov, sponsored by, found that only 40% of Americans are fully satisfied with the official account of 9/11, while 48% either doubt the official story or do not believe it at all… Read the full story On the eve of the 12th anniversary of 9/11, nearly half of the American people suspect their government is lying about what happened that day. A recent scientific survey by YouGov, sponsored by…


Ian Henshall on 9/11 anniversary events, Joshua Blakeney on Syria

Mon.  9/9/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Ian Henshall, a leading British 9/11 truth organizer, is the author of 9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence, one of the best books on 9/11. We will discuss the Rethink 9/11 ad campaign, which is plastering London, New York, and other major cities with signs and billboards, and other events and issues surrounding this 12th anniversary of the 9/11 false-flag. Second hour: Joshua Blakeney is one of Canada’s most active gadfly journalists. Here are some of his recent articles and reports: Radio interview with Prof. James Fetzer on Canada’s…


Laura Knight-Jadczyk on alternative history, Barbara Honegger on 9/11 events

Fri.  9/6/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Laura  Knight-Jadczyk is the author of Comets and the Horns of Moses: The Secret History of the World, Volume II, which outlines a fascinating alternative view of history and spirituality. Laura was one of the early voices exposing the 9/11 false-flag. She is also a leading figure calling attention to the importance of psychopathy in politics. (Her work was a major inspiration for my widely-read essay Twilight of the Psychopaths.)  She works with the alternative news outlet Second hour: Barbara Honegger, former White House Policy Analyst, recently…

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