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FFWN: 9/11’s 22nd: A Good Time to #BanTheADL

Watch on Bitchute Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays PSA 1) Help FFWN Tell 9/11 Truth & #BanTheADL 9/11’s 22nd 2) 9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth? 3) 9/11 Anniversary Events: Lawyers’ Committee Symposium  9/11 Truth Film Festival  AE911Truth Broadcast #BanTheADL 4) Musk threatens to sue ADL for trying to kill X (Twitter) wth bogus allegations of anti-Semitism 5) #BanTheADL and the Fight for Free Speech 6) Why Elon Can’t #BanheADL Even if He Wanted To War on Russia 7) Musk cut internet to Ukraine’s military…


LIVE RADIO! Mark Gaffney on “The Demolition of the World Trade Center”; Dave Gahary Says We’re Close to Civil War

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Approaching the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, one of the notable new articles is Mark Gaffney’s “The Demolition of the World Trade Center (The Devil’s Trick).” It summarizes the case for controlled demolition at the World Trade Center, and (controversially) considers Heinz Pommer’s arguments for a nuclear component to the final takedowns of the Towers. Mark H. Gaffney is the author of Dimona the Third Temple (1989), The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America (2008), Black 9/11. Money, Motive and Technology (2016), and Deep History and the…


Jamie Macphail on “9/11: Unravelling the Lies”

Listen and read the transcript HERE Jamie Macphail’s book 9/11: Unraveling the Lies is a terrific resource for newcomers to the controversies around 9/11—and also for us old-timers who occasionally need to refresh our memories. As the author puts it, the book is “A comprehensive and up to date analysis summarized into one volume to provide an overview for both convinced skeptics and those inclined to believe the official account.” A transcript of the interview is available at my Substack page.


Ken Meyercord on 9/11 Remote Hijackings

Listen HERE Ken Meyercord discusses his article “9/11: Controlled Demolition of Truth.” In it he writes: “I believe the planes were remotely controlled. One of the most telling pieces of evidence for this is the incredible bit of flying the supposed pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, Hani Hanjour, performed. The maneuver he made—a 270 degree turn while descending thousands of feet at 400 mph—led air traffic controllers watching it on their radar screens to think it must be a fighter jet. More experienced pilots than Hanjour (not exactly the valedictorian of his flight school class) say…


9/11 Family Members Bob McIlvaine and Joe Krackenfels Join Author Ray McGinnis: “Our loved ones were murdered in controlled demolitions”

Listen HERE Family members Bob McIlvaine and Joe Krackenfels join Ray McGinnis, author of Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored. Bob McIlvaine’s son Bobby, and Joe Krackenfels’ nephew Leonard, were murdered on 9/11 by the criminals who orchestrated the explosive demolition of the World Trade Center. They are joined by author Ray McGinnis whose book Unanswered Questions“explores the efforts of the Family Steering Committee and other September Eleventh family members, and first responders, to have a transparent, accountable, and independent investigation into the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.” Ray McGinnis has also posted a list…


Now that we’ve lost Afghanistan, can we hang Dick Cheney?

Watch the bowdlerized YouTube version of FFWN above, or the full uncensored show HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor It’s been almost 20 years since 9/11. Why is Dick Cheney still walking around free? America is falling apart and desperately needs to blame somebody for something. Vaxxers blame anti-vaxxers because COVID hasn’t disappeared as promised. Trumpsters blame Bideners for stealing the election. Trump-haters blame Trump for everything. I say let’s get it right and blame Cheney and the neocons for destroying America. 9/11 was the worst crime ever committed on American soil. It put the final nail in the…


FFWN: Every Day in Post-9/11 America Is “A Sad Day for Media Freedom”

We did not live-broadcast our Saturday, June 26 show with E. Michael Jones. Watch the Rumble (censorship-free) version above; or click for the censored YouTube version PSA 1) It’s a “sad day for media freedom”… when FFWN can’t raise $200! Holy Vax! 2) mRNA vaccine inventor speaks out on ‘Tucker’ after YouTube deletes video of him discussing risks 3) Are Covid Vaccines Riskier Than Advertised? There are concerning trends on blood clots and low platelets, not that the authorities will tell you. 4) NFL player Cole Beasley vows not to take Covid-19 jab or follow league’s draconian…


Josh Mitteldorf on “Technologies of the Future — are they already here?”

Listen HERE Josh Mitteldorf, author (with Dorion Sagan) of Cracking the Aging Code, returns to discuss “Technologies of the Future — are they already here?”  Josh writes: “The hypothesis is that there are regular earthlings who have access to technologies that can tap into energy of the vacuum, defying the 2nd law of thermodynamics modify materials remotely at the level of molecules shield gravity or create repulsive gravity transmit energy using other means than electromagnetic radiation “I’m just now piecing together stories that have impinged on my mind from different directions, but have yet to be integrated. Toasted cars in California fires and in Manhattan…


9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

Listen HERE Since the recent 9/11 physics debate focusing on the nuclear demolition hypothesis garnered a lot of interest in the Unz comment section, and since nanothermite-investigating chemistry professor Niels Harrit recently published an interesting article on the shortcomings of PCR tests, I thought this would be a good time for a flashback to the Great Demolition Debate of 2010. As I wrote then: On my November 6 (2010) show physics professor/activist Denis Rancourt and I spent the first hour amicably discussing 9/11, and mostly agreeing with each other. During the second hour, we had a heated debate (temperatures almost…


Adam Green: New Evidence of Israeli Foreknowledge of 9/11 (Listen to the Confession!)

Listen HERE Adam Green of KnowMoreNews just had his YouTube channel taken down. Why? Maybe because he is asking why the many well-documented reports of Zionist foreknowledge of 9/11 — including a just-discovered report about Israel’s top Hasidic rabbi saying “say goodbye to those (Twin Towers), you won’t be seeing them again” not long before the demolitions—are ignored or labeled “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.” (During this broadcast, around the 10 minute mark, Adam plays a recording of Rabbi Avraham Benhaim discussing his eyewitness account of a top Israeli Hassidic rabbi’s apparent foreknowledge of the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers.) Adam Green notes…

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