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Newt for Caliph!

Dear Newt Gingrich, I am writing to volunteer to step in as your new chief campaign adviser, now that your former staff, followers, and prospective voters have deserted you in disgust. I believe I can devise a strategy that will not only get you elected President, despite your recently-revealed foibles, but perhaps even lead to a far more powerful position. As a Muslim free-speech fanatic, I may seem an unlikely candidate for chief Gingrich advisor. After all, you are on record calling for a “long war” against Islam that will require the US to abrogate its freedom of speech and…


Has Turkey turned against Israel? Imran Kurter of the Turkish-based Islamic democracy activist group Yeni Asya

Imran and yrs truly in Istanbul. Behind us: the Golden Horn, former home of the Ottoman Navy. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Imran Kurter of Yeni Asya, the rapidly-growing Turkish-based Islamic democracy activist group, will discuss Turkey’s new and unprecedented tough stand against Israel. As yesterday’s guest Gordon Duff puts it: Something doesn’t fit anymore. If this is the post 9/11 world Israel wanted, must they have lost their friggin’ minds? Turkey wants them dead. Saudi Arabia is, after years of silence, threatening the US…


They Hate Our Meaning: Explaining the West’s Suicidal Embrace of Islamophobia

“Why don’t we hang ourselves?”  “With what?”  –Waiting for Godot  “The demonstrators filling the streets in Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Manama, Sana and Tehran give every indication of dreaming dreams not entirely dissimilar from our own. Rather than rejecting modernity, as radical Islamists such as Osama bin Laden have urged, these protesters want a bigger slice of what modernity has to offer. Though not guaranteeing harmonious coexistence, this convergence of aspirations does suggest that a cosmic clash of civilizations is avoidable.”  – Andrew Bacevich Bacevich, a conservative turned critic of American imperial folly, offers instructive insight into the limits of…


The Islamic Revolution Continues in Egypt

I get bombarded with Islamophobic emails on a regular basis. Most of the culprits, believe it or not, are sympathetic to the cause of truth – yet at an unconscious level they have been programmed by the 9/11 public relations stunt and other Zionist media propaganda to fear and loathe Islam.  So let me briefly explain to these folks, and other non-Islam-friendly readers and listeners, why I think Egypt, Tunisia, and many other Muslim-majority countries desperately need Islamic revolutions. These nations’ societies have been based on Islam – which is a 24/7/365 way of life, not a one-day-a-week gig –…


The Second Islamic Revolution begins in Tunisia

The Zionist-dominated Western media is doing everything it can to downplay this week’s Tunisian Revolution and ignore its historic implications. Mainstream Middle East expert Juan Cole calls the Tunisian revolution “potentially more consequential for the Middle East” than the Iranian Revolution of 1979″ and adds: “As usual, the important news from the region is being ignored by US television news.” In fact, the US mainstream media doesn’t report Middle East news. It just vomits up Zionist propaganda. Whatever you see (or don’t see) on US-dominated news channels is there (or not there) to serve the interests of apartheid Greater Israel…


Our Ideals vs. Your Realities

Happy Christian New Year, dear readers, from your favorite recovering angry Muslim!  I must admit that my recovery has been dealt a setback after I just re-read the best history of the Zio-Palestinian conflict — Alan Hart’s magisterial three-volume Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews — and re-experienced a painful internal confrontation with the unending vomit-stream of murderous lies that passes for Zionism. It brought back all the feelings I went through two years ago while watching three weeks of live coverage of the Zionist atrocities in Gaza. So my wishes for a blessed, joyful and prosperous New Year…

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