LIVE RADIO! Edward Curtin says “We are pissing our lives away on abstractions”; Michael Walsh on Medvedev’s ominous warning

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Edward Curtin‘s new essay is “Numbed by Numbers on the Way to the Digital Palace.” He writes: “We are pissing our lives away on abstractions, forgetting that notation is a system of symbols that direct us to what they intend.  The key is to grasp what is intended.  The cognitive construction of the number system is a useful tool, but when it is pushed as the essential tool to grasp the meaning of life it has become a tool of control…The Internet and digital media are the…


FFWN: 9/11’s 22nd: A Good Time to #BanTheADL

Watch on Bitchute Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays PSA 1) Help FFWN Tell 9/11 Truth & #BanTheADL 9/11’s 22nd 2) 9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth? 3) 9/11 Anniversary Events: Lawyers’ Committee Symposium  9/11 Truth Film Festival  AE911Truth Broadcast #BanTheADL 4) Musk threatens to sue ADL for trying to kill X (Twitter) wth bogus allegations of anti-Semitism 5) #BanTheADL and the Fight for Free Speech 6) Why Elon Can’t #BanheADL Even if He Wanted To War on Russia 7) Musk cut internet to Ukraine’s military…


Atty. Dave Meiswinkle on National ARM vs. COVID Crimes

Listen HERE Attorney Dave Meiswinkle sued the New Jersey State Police in an attempt to force the release of the original photographs taken by the Dancing Israelis, four Mossad (“Urban Moving Systems”) spies who were set up to film the Twin Towers before the first plane hit, and who were subsequently caught wildly celebrating the successful attack. Having left the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (they’re putting on a Symposium on September 10) Dave Meiswinkle is now spearheading the National American Renaissance Movement, which is pushing for a Grand Jury Investigation into Covid-19 crimes.


LIVE RADIO! Atty. Dave Meiswinkle on National ARM vs. COVID Crimes; Alen Salerian on JFK Assassination & More

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Attorney Dave Meiswinkle sued the New Jersey State Police in an attempt to force the release of the original photographs taken by the Dancing Israelis, four Mossad (“Urban Moving Systems”) spies who were set up to film the Twin Towers before the first plane hit, and who were subsequently caught wildly celebrating the successful attack. Having left the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (they’re putting on a Symposium on September 10) Dave Meiswinkle is now spearheading the National American Renaissance Movement, which is pushing for a Grand Jury Investigation into…


FFWN: Another Week’s Worth of Orwellian WTF

Watch on Bitchute Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays This week’s guest commentator: Cat McGuire PSAs 0) Help FFWN whale away at Orwellian WTF 1) I will miss Allan Rees, unsung hero & 9/11 truth radio pioneer and broadcaster of the annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival  and the annual 9/11 Lawyers Committee Symposium 1.5) 9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth? Orwellian 2) Gofundme freezes Grayzone fundraiser ‘due to some external concerns’ 3) Judge Rejects RFK Jr’s Request for Order Blocking Google From Censoring Him 4) Google hiding websites of…


Dave Gahary Says We’re Close to Civil War

Listen HERE Dave Gahary of Money Tree Publishing is considered a dangerous extremist by the likes of the ADL. But who are the real extremists? Dave agrees with folks like Alan Sabrosky that the nihilists of what passes for the left are far more extreme and dangerous than Trump’s deplorables and J6ers. He also agrees with “Doc” Sabrosky that the US is inching toward civil war.


Mark Gaffney on “The Demolition of the World Trade Center”

Listen HERE Approaching the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, one of the notable new articles is Mark Gaffney’s “The Demolition of the World Trade Center (The Devil’s Trick).” It summarizes the case for controlled demolition at the World Trade Center, and (controversially) considers Heinz Pommer’s arguments for a nuclear component to the final takedowns of the Towers. Mark H. Gaffney is the author of Dimona the Third Temple (1989), The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America(2008), Black 9/11. Money, Motive and Technology (2016), and Deep History and the Ages of Man (2022).


LIVE RADIO! Mark Gaffney on “The Demolition of the World Trade Center”; Dave Gahary Says We’re Close to Civil War

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Approaching the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, one of the notable new articles is Mark Gaffney’s “The Demolition of the World Trade Center (The Devil’s Trick).” It summarizes the case for controlled demolition at the World Trade Center, and (controversially) considers Heinz Pommer’s arguments for a nuclear component to the final takedowns of the Towers. Mark H. Gaffney is the author of Dimona the Third Temple (1989), The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America (2008), Black 9/11. Money, Motive and Technology (2016), and Deep History and the…


Gordon Duff, Ex-Advisor to Imran Khan and Nigerian Govt, Weighs In on Crises

Listen HERE Gordon Duff, retired C*A fixer and publisher of The Intel Drop, has personally advised Imran Khan (the legitimately elected but illegitimately jailed leader of Pakistan) and the highest levels of the Nigerian government. And yes, I know some of you don’t believe Gordon, but I’ve personally watched him call up and talk to some of the big names he drops, and even participated in a couple of the conversations, so I know he isn’t making everything up. Now that Imran Khan has been taken down by corrupt scumbags, and the Nigerian regime is at odds with the new…


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: To Buy or Sell, You Must Get Chipped and Send Selfie, Data to Unit 8200 (FFWN with E. Michael Jones)

Full uncensored FFWN normally posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays—but this week’s show posted Thursday due to guest’s availability This week’s commentator: Dr. E. Michael Jones PSAs 1) Help FFWN keep an eye on Unit 8200 War on Russia 2) Wagner chief listed among passengers on crashed plane – officials 3) Wagner boss announces major move ‘to make Russia greater’ 4) MacGregor to Tucker: End It Now or Else 5) Ukrainian Parliament Poised to Legalize Porn Production, Claims Will Help Fund Military Trump & Biden 6) Tucker Carlson asks Trump: Are you worried ‘they’re…