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The Islamic Revolution Continues in Egypt

I get bombarded with Islamophobic emails on a regular basis. Most of the culprits, believe it or not, are sympathetic to the cause of truth – yet at an unconscious level they have been programmed by the 9/11 public relations stunt and other Zionist media propaganda to fear and loathe Islam.  So let me briefly explain to these folks, and other non-Islam-friendly readers and listeners, why I think Egypt, Tunisia, and many other Muslim-majority countries desperately need Islamic revolutions. These nations’ societies have been based on Islam – which is a 24/7/365 way of life, not a one-day-a-week gig –…


“Legacy of Deception” by Susan Lindauer

Former CIA asset Susan Lindauer broke the story of US government foreknowledge of 9/11, and pointless genocide in Iraq, in my recent radio interview.  Below is her brand-new op-ed.  -KB LEGACY OF DECEPTIONBy Susan Lindauer, former U.S. Asset covering the U.N. Mission of Iraq He’s got the smirking grin of a politician who knows that he got away with his crimes. He escaped responsibility for his political murders and the full brunt of moral outrage for the wasteful public sacrifice on his behalf. I can see it in his eyes. They don’t know half the truth. They don’t know they’re…


Debating 9/11 hijackers with ex-CIA asset Susan Lindauer

Susan Lindauer will be my guest tomorrow, Saturday January 22nd, on Truth Jihad Radio.  On my Tuesday, Jan. 4th show, she broke the story about CIA foreknowledge of 9/11 and how her CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, stated on 9/11/01 that the Mossad did it. We recently had a brief email debate about whether or not there were any actual hijackers on 9/11. Et voilà: Hi Susan, I transcribed and posted the first half of the interview yesterday. Things get around fast these days! You’ll probably hear from some wack jobs as well as thoughtful people, if my experience is…


The Next Big Jewish Idea: End Zionism!

Somebody invited me through Facebook to enter the “Next Big Jewish Idea” contest.  They want me to “win $100k to mobilize the Jewish community.” My response: Here’s a Jewish idea that’s worth a lot more than $100k: “End Zionism.”  If it flies, it wins the prize – the Nobel Peace Prize, that is. Anybody who can mobilize world Jewry to end Zionism will go down in history with King, Gandhi and the other great peacemakers.  A successful mass Jewish movement to end Zionism would also end the last vestiges of anti-Semitism, as it would showcase the positive side of the…


Ex-BBC Mideast Expert Alan Hart: Hezbollah could be right!

Alan Hart is a former BBC Mideast correspondent, unofficial high-level negotiator,   friend of Golda Meir and Yasser Arafat, and author of the magisterial Zionism trilogy. Last year I broke the story of his “coming out” for 9/11 truth. (Short version here.)Now he’s “coming out” in search of the truth about a more recent false-flag attack: the probable Israeli murder of Lebanon’s Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, a crime designed to be blamed on Hezbollah. Alan Hart will join me on the radio tomorrow, Tuesday 1/18/11, to discuss the following (brand-new) article. Hezbollah’s Nasrallah could be right By Alan Hart It’s not impossible…


Why is The Progressive’s Matt Rothschild covering up the murder of his hero?

I recently had words with Matt Rothschild, editor of The Progressive, on the occasion of Martin Luther King Day 2011.  Matt – a notable 9/11 coverup participant – was speaking at the Spring Green (WI) Public Library.  Why won’t Matt, and the rest of the pseudo-alternative media, cover the findings of a November, 1999 jury that the CIA, FBI and US Army killed Dr. King?


I Am Protesting the Cover-Up of Dr. King’s Murder

    Today, in commemoration of Martin Luther King day, pseudo-alternative media mogul Matt Rothschild of The Progressive will be speaking about Dr. King at the local (Spring Green, WI) elementary school. I will be there handing out this. pamphlet. -KB An Act of State:The Execution of Martin Luther Kingby William Pepper “In 1977 the family of Martin Luther King engaged an attorney and friend, Dr. William Pepper, to investigate a suspicion they had. They no longer believed that James Earl Ray was the killer. For their peace of mind, for an accurate record of history, and out of a sense of…


The Second Islamic Revolution begins in Tunisia

The Zionist-dominated Western media is doing everything it can to downplay this week’s Tunisian Revolution and ignore its historic implications. Mainstream Middle East expert Juan Cole calls the Tunisian revolution “potentially more consequential for the Middle East” than the Iranian Revolution of 1979″ and adds: “As usual, the important news from the region is being ignored by US television news.” In fact, the US mainstream media doesn’t report Middle East news. It just vomits up Zionist propaganda. Whatever you see (or don’t see) on US-dominated news channels is there (or not there) to serve the interests of apartheid Greater Israel…


CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 9/11, Iraq

Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice, is the first CIA asset to have spoken out, under her own name and for the record, on Israeli complicity in 9/11, the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and the specific, detailed foreknowledge of the time, target, and means of the 9/11 attacks held throughout the months prior to 9/11 by the CIA in general and Lindauer’s CIA handler, Richard Fuisz, in particular. She has also exposed her first-hand knowledge of pre-war intelligence and negotiations showing that Iraq was willing to give the US “anything it asked” and that the war was…

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