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Ex-NASA Engineer Dwain Deets on Scientists for 9/11 Truth Plane Research

Listen HERE Former NASA scientist Dwain Deets discusses Scientists for 9/11 Truth‘s research on how airplanes were and were not used in the 9/11 false flag operation. Deets says that the Flight Data Recorder  record of the eastbound leg of Flight 77’s journey that allegedly ended with an extremely high-speed ground-level crash into the Pentagon deserves scrutiny: “From a technical perspective, it was among the most interesting flights ever.” Deets says that a recent analysis of the FDR data, soon to be released as a 15-minute-video, has “opened an entirely new realm.” Bottom line: It looks increasingly unlikely that any human…


LIVE RADIO! Ex-NASA Engineer Dwain Deets on Scientists for 9/11 Truth Plane Research; Jim Hogue and Rowan Millar Discuss 9/11-COVID and Vaccine Mandates

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Former NASA scientist Dwain Deets discusses Scientists for 9/11 Truth‘s research on how airplanes were and were not used in the 9/11 false flag operation. Deets says that the Flight Data Recorder  record of the eastbound leg of Flight 77’s journey that allegedly ended with an extremely high-speed ground-level crash into the Pentagon deserves scrutiny: “From a technical perspective, it was among the most interesting flights ever.” Deets says that a recent analysis of the FDR data, soon to be released as a 15-minute-video, has “opened an entirely…


9/11 Family Members Bob McIlvaine and Joe Krackenfels Join Author Ray McGinnis: “Our loved ones were murdered in controlled demolitions”

Listen HERE Family members Bob McIlvaine and Joe Krackenfels join Ray McGinnis, author of Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored. Bob McIlvaine’s son Bobby, and Joe Krackenfels’ nephew Leonard, were murdered on 9/11 by the criminals who orchestrated the explosive demolition of the World Trade Center. They are joined by author Ray McGinnis whose book Unanswered Questions“explores the efforts of the Family Steering Committee and other September Eleventh family members, and first responders, to have a transparent, accountable, and independent investigation into the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.” Ray McGinnis has also posted a list…


Barbara Honegger on 9/11 20th Anniversary Events

Listen HERE Former White House Policy Analyst Barbara Honegger discusses Biden’s declassification review of FBI 9/11 documents, Richard Gage’s reported resignation from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the censored Spike Lee segment on the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and upcoming 9/11 20th anniversary events, including: *the 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, CA September 9th (where I will be headlining); *the AE911Truth release of Loose Change filmmaker Dylan Avery’s new film Unspeakable on September 10th. *the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry live stream September 11th.


Laurent Guyenot on “The Unspoken Kennedy Truth”—and Its Link to 9/11

Listen HERE Why did the perpetrators of the 1968 RFK assassination use a Palestinian as their hypnotized patsy? Is it just a coincidence that Jacob Rubenstein (“Jack Ruby”), the mob bagman who silenced Lee Harvey “I’m just a patsy” Oswald, worked for gangster Mickey Cohen, the all-time biggest fundraiser for Israel in US history? (And that the JFK assassination saved Israel’s nuclear weapons program and its long-planned 1967 war of aggression, by putting Israel’s man LBJ in the White House?) Historian Laurent Guyénot‘s new book The Unspoken Kennedy Truth explores the linked assassinations of JFK, RFK, and JFK Jr. and…


LIVE RADIO! Barbara Honegger on 9/11 20th Anniversary Events; 9/11 Family Members Bob McIlvaine and Joe Krackenfels Join Author Ray McGinnis

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Former White House Policy Analyst Barbara Honegger discusses Biden’s declassification review of FBI 9/11 documents, Richard Gage’s reported resignation from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the censored Spike Lee segment on the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, and the upcoming 9/11 20th anniversary events, including: *the 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, CA September 9th (where I will be headlining); *the AE911Truth release of Loose Change filmmaker Dylan Avery’s new film Unspeakable on September 10th. *the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry live stream September 11th.…


Attorney Thomas Willcutts Cross-Examines Ron Unz’s COVID Origins Theory

Listen HERE Attorney Thomas Willcutts discusses his new article “Ron Unz’s COVID-19 Bioweapon “Blowback” Theory Is Not Supported by the Best Logic and Evidence.” Though I agree with Unz more than Willcutts, I want to hear the best available counterarguments. After all, the best way to get at the truth (absent direct personal experience) is free and fearless debate. In his article, Part 1 of what will be a two-part series, Thomas Willcutts argues that the global COVID-19 pandemic did not emerge as unintended blowback from a US neocon attack on China and Iran, as Run Unz has argued, but…


Eric Walberg on “America’s defeat in Afghanistan: Divine justice?”

Listen HERE Is America’s defeat in Afghanistan divine justice? I raised that question in today’s khutbah (Muslim sermon). And author and Middle East expert Eric Walberg has also raised it in his new article of that title. Eric cites the Book of Daniel about how “the handwriting was on the wall” for Belshazzar’s empire, applies it to the Soviet and American invasions of Afghanistan, and concludes: “So these latter-day Persians/ Pashtuns first defeated the Soviet anti-empire. But then went on to defeat the Empire itself, a much greater achievement. No farce here. The Soviets suffered from hubris, thinking they could make the world a better place.…


LIVE RADIO! Eric Walberg on “America’s defeat in Afghanistan: Divine justice?” Attorney Thomas Willcutts Cross-Examines Ron Unz’s COVID Origins Theory

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Is America’s defeat in Afghanistan divine justice? I raised that question in today’s khutbah (Muslim sermon). And Eric Walberg has also raised it in his new article of that title. Eric cites the Book of Daniel about how “the handwriting was on the wall” for Belshazzar’s empire, applies it to the Soviet and American invasions of Afghanistan, and concludes: “So these latter-day Persians/ Pashtuns first defeated the Soviet anti-empire. But then went on to defeat the Empire itself, a much greater achievement. No farce here. The Soviets suffered from hubris, thinking…


Matthew Ehret on “Clash of Two Americas” and “How China’s Gorbachev Was Flushed in 1989”

Listen HERE The prolific Matthew Ehret has just published a book, The Clash of Two Americas v.1 (with Cynthia Chung), and a lengthy article, “How China’s Gorbachev Was Flushed in 1989.” Check out all of Matt’s books HERE. In the book, Ehret identifies his two Americans with two long-standing schools of thought: “The idea of a society founded upon the cultivation of the love of higher pleasures of the spirit rather than the feeding of the lower pleasures of the fleshly passions…” Ehret and Chung see the same philosophical clash playing out in the Revolutionary and Civil War eras and leading up to the…

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