Saad, Dan and Lenny of We Are Change Chicago guest-hosted these shows — check them out at the Truth Jihad Radio archives: July 11th: Special guest Dr. Bob Bowman,
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Ex-“Debunker” Idol Coming to 9/11 Truth Radio!
Tuesday, August 4th, on Fair and Balanced, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern), Dr. Frank Greening, former darling of the JREF anti-9/11 truth “debunkers.” To be archived a few hours after broadcast time at During my recent hostile interview with Mike Pintek on Pittsburgh mega-station KDKA I was asked a question I hear all the time: Why, if the WTC “collapses” were such obvious demolitions, are there so many scientists who disagree? My answer is that there aren’t. Like Diogenes with his lamp, searching the world for an honest man, I have spent several years…
FULL ARTICLESlandered by Sex-Stalker “Brian Good” and Op-Ed News Editor
“Brian Good” is probably the most hilariously dubious character in the whole 9/11 truth movement. Truth and justice activist Carol Brouillet reports that Brian volunteered to do the grunt work for her group, then started sexually stalking and harassing her. She should have had him charged, convicted, and imprisoned. Instead, she very firmly showed him the door.“Brian” then volunteered for Richard Gage’s and disrupted that group. Meanwhile “Brian” has been stalking and harassing William Rodriguez and myself, repeatedly vandalizing our Wikipedia entries until he was finally banned from Wikipedia. For some reason “Brian” claims to blame me for the…
FULL ARTICLEWebster Tarpley: Get Ready for Hyperinflation
Tuesday, July 28th, on Fair and Balanced: Webster Tarpley, author, Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History. The 1998 edition of Surviving the Cataclysm sounds like it was written yesterday — Tarpley was a decade ahead of his time. Now the brand-new 660-page 2009 edition explains the current catastrophe and how to fix it. Webster Tarpley is also the author of the 9/11 truth classic 9/11 Synthetic Terror as well as unauthorized biographies of Barack Obama and George H.W. Bush, and is considered by many to be among the world’s leading geostrategic and political…
FULL ARTICLEListener Feedback, re: My Slugfest with Pintek on KDKA, Pittsburgh
re: Kevin, …was listening to your show on Amer. Freedom Radio last night – and heard about your being on the Mike Pintek Show in Pittsburgh. When you talked about that interview (Pintek) on your show, you made it sound like it was kind of a slugfest between you and Pintek. But I just got finished listening to it and you demolished every argument he had! You spoke a lot more than he did and he was reduced to saying “I just don’t believe that” almost every time. It was a classic example of a conversation between someone who…
FULL ARTICLEExtreme Radio Alert! Barrett v. Pintek
Last night on KDKA, Pittsburgh: My grueling hour-long slugfest with host Mike Pintek! They tell me it will be posted within a few hours at the Mike Pintek archive, If that doesn’t work, just go to and find Mike Pintek under the “On the Air” drop-down menu. More extreme radio: Today on Truth Jihad Radio, pm Central: Mike Palecek, author & should-be winner of the Kilgore Trout Award for great under-appreciated Midwestern social-commentary novelist. 6-7 pm Central: Dr. Richard Curtis, adjunct professor of philosophy at Seattle Central Community College and 9/11 truth supporter, arguing that I shouldn’t…
FULL ARTICLE9/11 Pentagon “Jetliner Attack” Illusion Exposed
The Proof that 9/11 Was an Inside Job that Several Leading 9/11 Truth Sites Don’t Want You to See In his first 9/11 book The New Pearl Harbor (2004), David Ray Griffin wrote that if the government’s version of the “757 attack” on the Pentagon was not THE most obviously false part of the official story, it was at the very least tied for first place. (Presumably with Building 7.) Since then, Griffin has not changed his mind, and the vast majority of 9/11 truth-seekers agrees with him. Unfortunately, a tiny fringe element of truth-seekers (real and/or counterfeit) has been…
FULL ARTICLEMedia Covering “Questioning the War on Terror”
WKOW-TV, the ABC affiliate in Madison, Wisconsin, was the first mainstream outlet to cover my brand-new book shredding the whole “war on terror” zeitgeist. (See their coverage here.) Monday July 13th, I was on WORT-FM, one of the nation’s leading Pacifica affiliates, on Norm Stockwell’s “A Public Affair.” Tuesday, July 21st, I will be on WOCM, Ocean City, Maryland at 8:10 a.m. Central. Wednesday, July 22nd, tune in to WJON, St. Cloud, MN, 10:15 a.m. Central, and then on KDKA in Pittsburgh at 8:05 p.m. Central. Stay tuned to this page for updates.
FULL ARTICLE7/7 radio special with Ian Henshall
Note: This show is archived at: Tuesday, July 7th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on Ian Henshall, author, 9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence; one of four national coordinators, As a leading figure of the U.K. truth movement, Ian Henshall will join me today on the fourth anniversary of the 7/7 London bombings to discuss the recent BBC-TV “Conspiracy Files” hatchet-job against the 7/7 truth movement. Kevin Barrett PS This just in from Ian Henshall: Hello all, I do not claim to be an expert on 7/7, but I think it is fair to say that few UK…
FULL ARTICLE4th of July Madsen Report: High Treason at NSA
Former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen is reporting a sickening cover-up of high treason and mass murder. In a story headlined “NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11” Madsen writes: “WMR has learned that the National Security ‘Q’ Group, responsible for security, has grown to an immense security and counter-intelligence force, with an estimated one thousand government employees, contractors, and paid informants. NSA’s Security force is reportedly primarily tasked with plugging any leaks of classified or other information that points to U.S. government involvement with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.” If anyone can find the…