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Winding down from two heated radio debates

It hasn’t gotten this intense since I went at it with Sean Hannity! This morning on “Fair and Balanced” I got into a heated debate with Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, author of “9/11 Mind Swell: Scientific evidence refutes the official story.” Ken Jenkins joined the fracas during the second half-hour. At issue was Dr. Hirschhorn’s provocative and at least somewhat unfair evaluation of the 9/11 truth movement, which drew an over-the-top rebuttal from Jerry Mazza on Infowars. I think anyone concerned with the future of 9/11 truth should listen to this show, archived here. Then in the afternoon I took on…


Tuesday 8/18: PhD Metallurgical Engineer Joel Hirschhorn on “Fair and Balanced”

Tuesday, August 18th, on “Fair and Balanced,” 9 a.m. Pacific (noon Eastern), Joel Hirschhorn, Ph.D. metallurgical engineer and former University of Wisconsin-Madison professor who came out for 9/11 truth in 2007 after studying the “collapses” of the three WTC skyscrapers and drawing the obvious conclusions. Dr. Hirschhorn recently published his views on the state of the 9/11 truth movement: “9/11 Mind Swell: Scientific evidence refutes the official story.” Dr. Hirschhorn is the author of Delusional Democracy and other books. This show will be archived for free on-demand listening at Later on Tuesday, 8/18, you’ll have a chance to…


Christians, Atheists, and Cover My Book

My two-hour KOA interview with Rick Barber is a tough act to follow. I do have a couple of interesting interviews coming up though. Next Tuesday, August 18th, 5 pm Central–primo drive time–I’ll be interviewed on KKMS Minneapolis, a 5000-watt Christian A.M. station. Get ready for some, er, interfaith dialogue! Then on Wednesday, August 26th, I’ll be interviewed by Michael Rivero of, my favorite news-and-commentary site. Rivero is a pioneer blogosphere truth-teller with a wicked sense of humor. Should be fun. Last but not least, my new book Questioning the War on Terror just got some excellent coverage at…


Saturday, August 15th: Sander Hicks, Jim Fetzer on Truth Jihad Radio

Saturday, August 15th, 5-7 pm Central (6-8 p.m. Eastern), on American Freedom Radio: (to be archived at First hour: Sander Hicks, journalist, author, publisher, and organizer of this year’s 9/11 commemorative event in New York City: Sander Hicks is one of my favorite people in the truth-and-justice movement, and I’m pleased that he’s organizing this year’s truth movement anniversary event: We Demand Transparency: The Conference for Peace, Truth, and a New Economics, Saturday 9/12 and Sunday 9/13 at St. Mark’s Church in Manhattan. I’ll be speaking there, along with a long list of friends and colleagues: hour:…


Good News! 9/11 Truth Message Blankets North America

Bad news: It blanketed North America from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. Mountain Time. KOA radio in Denver spreads its night signal over 30 states plus most of Canada and Mexico. So when Rick Barber interviewed me Wednesday, there were more than a few night owls listening. Unlike Mike Pintek, the other mega-station interviewer I faced recently, Rick Barber asked good questions and actually listened to what I had to say. Once again, the call-ins were overwhelmingly pro-9/11-truth or leaning in that direction. Memo to Hannity: If “most people think I’m a nut,” how come almost all the callers to…


Mega-Station 9/11 Truth Interview Tonight – Broadcast in 30 States

IF THE TRUTH ISN’T SATURATING THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA YET, DON’T BLAME ME! I’M WORKING MY TRUTH-TELLING TAIL OFF… RECENT INTERVIEWSI can do 9/11 truth interviews in my sleep–and just proved it the hard way! Family Net Radio called at 6 a.m. — I had gotten the time zones mixed up so I was still half asleep — probably not my best interview, though my wife said it sounded okay to her…you may be able to find an archive at Also, Roberto Alvarez-Galloso just published his interview with me at . Meanwhile, a pathetic hack named Robert Mentzer recently…


Space for Peace and September 11 by Jonathan Mark

Jonathan Mark is one of our best 9/11 truth activists. Below is his latest essay describing his perspective as a peace-in-space activist turned 9/11 truth-seeker. Jonathan will be my guest on Fair and Balanced this Tuesday, August 11th, noon-1 pm Eastern on, to be archived shortly thereafter here. Many 9/11 truth-seekers aren’t aware of the evidence that one of the primary motives of 9/11 may have been to accelerate the militarization of space–evidence explored in the section entitled “Missile Defense and a Space Pearl Harbor” of David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor (p.96-101). Top space-war hawks Donald Rumsfeld,…


Aggression = THE Supreme War Crime: Fact, Not Opinion

“To initiate a war of aggression…is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”-Nuremburg tribunal “You are basically saying that breaking and entering is a worse crime than rape and homicide because rape and homicide often occur after breaking and entering.”-Rob Kall, Op-Ed News For a few years now, I have been one of the targets of a psychopathic stalker named Brian Good. When Mr. Good recently slandered me on Op-Ed News, and an Op-Ed editor seemingly approved the…


Tarpley Explains “Why SAUDI Hijackers?”

Webster Tarpley will be on my show tomorrow to discuss the economic crisis, and the U.S.-Saudi crisis that’s developing behind the scenes. (If Saudi Arabia drops out of the U.S.-Anglo orbit, kiss the empire goodbye.) One of the common objections to 9/11 truth is, “why SAUDI hijackers, if the plan was to invade Afghanistan and Iraq?” Back in 2005, Tarpley suggested an answer. His latest offering on the disappearance of key Saudi figure “Bandar Bush” recalls that answer. -KB From Webster Tarpley: Behind the Bandar disppearance – was Bandar trying to use Russia to balance US domination, escaping from the…

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