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Richard Falk Kicks Ass and Takes Names — Kindly and Gently!

Richard Falk (see yesterday’s post) has a sweet, gentle, reasonable, yet uncompromising way of telling the hard truths. Despite, or maybe because of, his sweet reasonableness, Dr. Falk has been reviled by such hardcore Zionists as Alan “torture is wonderful” Dershowitz, who called him such names as: € “supposedly impartial”€ “notorious crackpot”€ “rants”€ “fodder for conspiracy nuts all over the world”€ “hard-leftist”€ “obscene and ignorant”€ “alleged false”€ “anti-Israel extremists”€ “anti-Semites, assorted nuts of the hard right and the hard left, and haters such as Richard Falk”€ “obscene” and “barbaric views”€ “anti-Semitic”€ “pariah”€ “Richard Falk belongs in this category of bigoted…


U.N. Official Richard Falk, Truth Hero

Tuesday, June 2nd, 9 – 10 a.m. Pacific/noon – 1 pm Eastern, I will be interviewing Richard Falk, Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University, author or co-author of 20 books, and United Nations Special Human Rights Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories. In 2004 Richard Falk wrote the rip-roaring introduction to David Ray Griffin‘s The New Pearl Harbor, thereby doing almost as much as Griffin himself to drastically raise the 9/11 truth movement’s respectability quotient. His most recent appearance on my radio show triggered a minor scandal when the neocon New York Sun, which apparently monitors my shows,…


JFK Plugs Harrit & Barrett London Event, 7/7/09

I usually don’t get along well with dead presidents (call me financially challenged) but JFK decided to make an exception for my upcoming London talk with Niels Harrit. Watch the great new trailer and listen to the amazing presidential endorsement here. Neils Harrit, in case you missed the biggest story of the year, is the lead author of the new nano-thermite paper that puts the last nail in the coffin of the official story of 9/11. I’m honored to be on the program with him in what promises to be a great event. Stay tuned to this space for updates…


“Nazi Hydra” Author on Fair and Balanced Tomorrow

Glen Yeadon, author of The Nazi Hydra in America, will be my guest tomorrow on Fair and Balanced. Tune in 9-10 a.m. Pacific (12-1 pm Eastern), “The Nazi Hydra was conceived to fill a gap in the literature by providing a detailed overview of the influence of fascism within the United States. The intent and motivation for such a project was twofold: to sound an ominous warning as to the direction this country is taking at the hands of the right wing and to provide a convenient all encompassing source on fascism in the United States for the reader.”…


Speculative bubbles, armed-and-dangerous academics

Tonight on Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, (to be archived here) I’ll start out interviewing Micheal Berger, co-writer/producer of the hot new film Life on the Edge of a Bubble: Blowing the American Dream. (Carol Brouillet’s review here). Michael Berger also produced Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic, an excellent film about the destruction of the World Trade Center, featuring scientist-heroes Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, and colleagues. The second-hour guest will be my fellow “temporarily retired college instructor” Jeffrey Grupp, who has been chased out of not one but two universities for political incorrectness! Jeff is the…


My New “Questioning GWOT” Book Gets European Book-Launch Tour

This just in: my forthcoming book Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters will get a European book-launch tour! I will be speaking at an event with Professor Niels Harrit, lead author of “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe“, in London on July 7th, and at other events in the UK during the following week. There is a possibility I could also do book talks on the continent in mid-to-late July. Anyone interested in helping organize one is invited to contact me and/or Belinda McKenzie of UK 9/11 Truth, b.mckenzie(at)


Bush war crimes trial starts March 2010; nano-thermite scientist speaks out

Saturday, May 16th on Truth Jihad Radio… Join Splitting-the-Sky (who just set up a trial of George W. Bush for war crimes in March, 2010) and Frank Legge, Ph.D, co-author of Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe! That’s Saturday, May 16th, 5-7 pm Central, on Or catch the archive here. Hot news flash! Splitting-the-Sky, who just finished his court appearance for his arrest-Bush attempt, writes: “Hello Everyone,It looks like I will be putting George Bush on trial in March of 2010.My lawyer Charles Davison argued for a five day trial and got…


Ellen Brown a Hit; Mark Anderson Runs with “Blurt-Out” Story

My show today with Ellen Brown generated some excitement. One listener wrote: Kevin, Your show with Ellen Brown ( Web of Debt ) was EXCELLENT. Every State legislator should be told of her solution. The states should start their own banks and create money the way all banks do …. fractional reserve method … to create jobs and fund projects. Put the people to work. Why are States sending their money to Wall St. investments anyway? They can bank them in their own bank and use that as the basis of making loans for the good of the people. You…


Lawyer Grills Cheney & Rumsfeld on 9/11 Blurt-Outs

This just in from Vermont attorney Frank Haddleton. -KB May 10, 2009 Mr. Richard B. CheneyMr. Donald H. Rumsfeld Dear Dick and Don: Millions of people have reached the conclusion that the official account of 9/11 is actually a deception of monumental proportions. Instead of believing that the Pentagon was struck by a commercial airliner, that United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, and that three skyscrapers within the World Trade Center collapsed after being struck by two airliners, they say the evidence shows that the Pentagon was struck by a missile (or something other than a commercial airliner), that…


“Give Peace (and Truth) a Chance” radio special w/Kathy Kelly and Ken Jenkins

Kathy Kelly and Ken Jenkins: Saturday 5/9/2009, 5-7 pm Central, AmericanFreedomRadio.comCall-in number: 512-879-3805 To be archived at: Tomorrow I will be interviewing two of the most dedicated and eloquent peace activists you’ll ever meet. We’ll be discussing their engagement in what may be the most important task of our time: helping war join chattel slavery, witch-hunting, and ritual human sacrifice as outmoded institutions of a bygone barbaric age. (With today’s weapons, including mind-control weapons, war is now clearly far more horrific and disgusting than than these earlier institutions ever were.) Saturday, May 9th, 5-7 pm Central (6-8 p.m. Eastern),…

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