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International Extravaganza! Adrian Salbuchi, Annie Machon on Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 10/3

Saturday 10/3 on Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central on… First hour: Adrian Salbuchi, Argentine anti-globalist economist. Check out his video lecture Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network . Second hour: Annie Machon, organizer and presenter, Vers la Verité: International 9/11 Activist Gathering in Paris, to be held Saturday, 10/10/2009 at La Bellevilloise, 19-21 rue Boyer in Paris. I also hope to get a call-in or update on or from Muhammed Abdullah, the Pomona, California 9/11 truth activist whose freedom of speech was trampled earlier this year, and who seems to have just…


“4,000 Jews Warned” ?! Jim Fetzer & I Talk It Out Over Lunch

In my previous post I opined that Jim Fetzer must be crazy to be drawing the conclusions he’s drawing, and using the language he’s using, concerning a certain Greek newspaper report of 22/23 September, 2001. That report, headlined “ISRAELI PRESS: We Saved 4,000 of Our Own and ARIEL SHARON” stated: “4,000 Jews who work [shifting to the next column] in the Twin Towers did not show up for work the day of the attack. Also the visit of Ariel Sharon to New York, who was going to attend a Zionist celebration that day, was canceled. In addition to that, 5…


767 pilot Ralph Kolstad: Government’s 9/11 story is ridiculous: here’s why

Tuesday 9/29, on Fair and Balanced, 9 -10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on … free on-demand archive here … Ralph Kolstad of Pilots for 9/11 Truth discusses the absurd impossibility of the claim that two incompetent, inexperienced pilots hit the World Trade Center Towers at 430 knots and 510 knots, respectively. Ralph and other experienced pilots say that 767s flown at those speeds close to sea level would be virtually impossible to control. In simulations, experienced pilots could not hit the WTC towers at anything close to those speeds. Additionally, Flight 175 (510 knots) would have…


Is Fetzer “Insane” ? Am I a “Sap”? Ex-Dynamic Duo has Dynamic Difference of Opinion

A friend is someone who can tell you when you’re full of it. I have been friends with Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth since he moved to Madison in early summer 2006, just in time for us to compete to see who could do the best Fox News interview. (My best effort is here, his are here and here.) We have had our differences of opinion over the years, and now it looks like we have another one. Jim thinks this Greek newspaper story is credible, so it’s reasonable to say that “4,000 Jews were forewarned” before 9/11.…


Today’s Truth Jihad Radio: Jerry Smith & Manny Badillo

Don’t miss this weekend’s Truth Jihad Radio! Sat. 6/26 5-7 pm Central, First hour: Jerry Smith, author of Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother Nature.Second hour: 9/11 family member Manny Badillo,, discussion the upcoming March for Answers this Sunday, September 27th, 2 pm in NYC: Battery Park to City Hall via Ground Zero. Manny recently gave the best mainstream 9/11 truth interview I’ve ever seen, which is being taken down all over the web due to alleged “copyright violations”… but as of this writing can still be seen at: Call in with questions for Jerry…


Walid Shoebat’s Evil Twin: We Jews Want to EAT You!

“Call Me Wiggy”: The Amazing Story of Walid Shoebat‘s Evil Twin, As Told By Himself Hello. My name is Wigfried Shoebatstein. But please call me Wiggy. My great-grandfather was Jacob Shoebatstein, a close associate of the genocidal Zionist Theodore Herzl. Jacob and Theodore spent many hours plotting the murder and expulsion of the Palestinian people. My father was Rueben Schoebatstein, a friend of Jewish terrorist Ariel Sharon. Rueben bayonetted dozens of Christian and Muslim babies in the 1948 massacre in Deir Yassin. I grew up in the part of Palestine that is occupied by Jewish terrorists. From my earliest childhood,…


Mike Rivero, Jerry “Weather Warfare” Smith, & Manny Badillo coming up!

Today, Thursday 9/24, 5 pm Central, I was interviewed by Michael Rivero on WhatReallyHappened Radio. Listen to the commercial-free archive here.Saturday, 9/26, 5-7 pm Central, Truth Jihad Radio on AFR:First hour: Jerry Smith, author, Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother Nature.Second hour: Manny Badillo, 9/11 family member, (Manny’s recent interview on French TV is the best mainstream 9/11 truth interview I’ve seen.) Tuesday, 9/29, 11-noon Central, Fair and Balanced, on No Lies Radio:Rob Balsamo, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, discussing Pilots’ brand-new video 9/11: World Trade Center Attack alsoTuesday, 9/29, 10 pm – midnight Central I’ll be interviewed…


My interview on What Really Happened Radio today@ 5pm Central

I’ll be interviewed by Michael Rivero of WhatReallyHappened today at 5 pm Central. Mike “I Am Blogger Hear Me Roar” Rivero is a key figure in the biggest communications revolution since Gutenberg. His truth-telling news-and-commentary website,, is one of the big three (along with Rense and Alex Jones). My interview with Mike Rivero, who has done so much to put the lying mainstream media out of business, comes at an interesting moment. As the mainstream media continues its slide toward complete moral as well as fiscal bankruptcy, Editor and Publisher reported yesterday that the newspaper owners are whining to…


Condi Threatens to Attack America Again

Condoleeza Rice, who warned San Franciso mayor Willie Brown not to fly on 9/11, has followed Dick Cheney in threatening to launch another massive terrorist attack on America.“If you want another terrorist attack in the US, abandon Afghanistan,” she said in an interview with Fortune magazine on Tuesday. Condi’s comment recalled Dick Cheney’s repeated threats to launch another 9/11 attack on America, most famously his claim on the eve of the 2004 election that if Americans elected John Kerry, they would be hit with another 9/11: Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday warned Americans about voting for Democratic Sen. John…

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