Many people whose time really IS valuable are happy to join me on my radio shows. These folks include regular guest Lynn Margulis, one of the most important scientists of the century (next appearance December 5th); John Cobb, one of the world’s leading theologians; Richard Falk, a top international law expert who is very busy these days as the U.N.’s Special Rapporteur for Palestine; William Pepper and Francis Boyle, two other first-rank international law experts; critical 9/11 scholars David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage, Webster Tarpley, and many more; bestselling authors including John Perkins, Steve Alten, Jesse Ventura; a very long…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Case against KSM and five co-defendants is falling apart!
A colleague of mine is currently dismantling the charges against KSM and his False Confession Five. The detailed deconstruction of the whole absurd list of “criminal acts” the patsies are charged with, such as taking airline trips, sending and receiving money, and doing other things that just about everybody else does, will be published soon — hopefully tomorrow — right here at Truth Jihad Blog. Meanwhile, don’t miss Paul Craig Roberts, Reagan’s top economic advisor, ripping into the Stalinist show trials in NY: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s Trial Will Convict Us All by Paul Craig Roberts My earlier article, Why KSM’s…
FULL ARTICLEWebster Tarpley on current wave of false-flags & Islamophobia
Webster Tarpley will return to my radio show Tuesday, December 15th, to discuss his important article Major Hasan of Ft. Hood: Patsy in a Drill Gone Live?, his diagnosis of expanding US false-flag bombings in Pakistan, and the question of whether all of this portends the long-awaited 911-2B. Historian Webster Tarpley talks with Dina Gusovsky of Russia Today in Washington DC about very plausible Taliban charges that the CIA and Blackwater are behind the recent bombing atrocity in Peshawar, Pakistan. This attack is coherent with the US policy of provoking all-out civil war in Pakistan to break up that…
FULL ARTICLETuesday 11/24: Nick Kollerstrom on Fair and Balanced
Tuesday November 24th, Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett, 9-10 am Pacific (noon-1pm Eastern) on NoLiesRadio: (archived a few hours later here): Controversial U.K truth-seeker Nick Kollerstrom, author of Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7. Contributing to the conversation will be Progressive Press publisher John Leonard. Nick has been scheduled twice recently but prevented from appearing due to technical difficulties etc. Third time’s the charm? From Progressive Press author bios:With a Cambridge science degree, Nick Kollerstrom has worked as a professor of physics. ” Independent scholar and peace-activist Nick Kollerstrom has been working to tell the sober…
FULL ARTICLEZionist war on Islam is also a war on America
From Asia Times: “The other regional players [read China] are busily setting the stage for exploitation of Afghanistan’s natural resources, while the US remains bogged down with the war. This should change,” (former CIA Pakistan Station Chief Milton) Bearden said (to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee). Two weeks ago, when the Associated Press broke the story, it quoted leading American think-tanker and author, Robert Kaplan, “The world isn’t fair. A worse outcome to staying and helping the Chinese would be withdrawing and losing a great battle in the war against radical Islam.” Here we have two clashing views: the…
FULL ARTICLEHelp Galileo give NIST the finger!
Facebook users: sign the petition to help Galileo give NIST the finger here. The recent discovery of Galileo’s middle finger, chopped rudely from his corpse in 1737 and presumed lost since 1905, raises a thorny question: What should be done with the historic digit? Some say rebury it; some say put it in a museum. But I think that if Galileo were alive today, he would want to give it to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) — by flipping it to them in the form of the digitus impudicus. NIST hasn’t declared that the Sun revolves around…
FULL ARTICLEZionism critic Alan Hart, 9/11 fiction film director R. Michael Gull on Truth Jihad Radio
Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, to be archived here in a few days… First hour: Zionism critic Alan Hart (I discussed his book during the first 40 minutes, and he came on during the last 20 minutes) Second hour: “New Day” director R. Michael Gull Alan Hart is the author of the brand new book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. (The title says it all…or at least a whole lot of it!) Check out the book’s preface, An Appeal to the American People, which I decided was important enough to headline on my website. From Alan’s…
FULL ARTICLEWhy KSM’s Innocence Matters
By opting to try 9/11 patsy-in-chief Khaled Sheikh Mohammed in a civilian court, the left wing of the 9/11 cover-up team has made a huge, high-stakes gamble. They are, as Obama absurdly blurted out, betting that KSM will be found guilty by a jury. But they are also betting that the 9/11 truth movement–which knows that KSM cannot possibly have demolished the World Trade Center with nanothermite, held the president in a known location in Florida reading about goats to kids during an alleged surprise attack, and ordered a stand-down of the US Air Force–will not use the case to…
FULL ARTICLECIA torturers & nanothermite perps should be tried, convicted, and executed
Obama should call for the execution of the true 9/11 perps–not torture victim KSM Obama says Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, who allegedly confessed under torture to masterminding 9/11 (as well as many other crimes he could not possibly have committed) will be tried, convicted, and executed. If the President of the United States has abolished the presumption of innocence — the bedrock on which our system of justice rests — then he is the one who should be tried, convicted, and executed. If the President of the United States has retroactively legitimized the denial of habeus corpus rights to a criminal…
FULL ARTICLEWarning! We’re in the false-flag red zone for 911-2B
Here is the warning I just sent to my list: Greetings, As “9/11 conspiracy theorists” go I’m not much of an alarmist, but I do think that we are in the red zone right now for another potential 9/11 style false-flag event. Here’s why. Israel and its allegedly American cheerleaders are desperate to attack Iran ASAP, while Pentagon hawks are yearning to escalate the war in Afghanistan. In other words, the folks who brought us 9/11 and the 9/11 wars want a momentous escalation of those wars. And they want it NOW. But the American people aren’t on board. Polls…