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Holocaustism vs. Islam

Sometimes it seems like there are only two major religions left: Holocaustism and Islam. According to Gilad Atzmon, “The Israeli Philosophy professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz was probably the first to define the holocaust as the ‘new Jewish religion’.” But as the persecution of Bishop Williamson makes clear, Holocaustism has replaced Christianity as well as Judaism. You can tell which story is sacred and which one isn’t by the reaction you get when you commit sacrilege. Nowhere in the West is anyone being brought up on charges of denying the crucifixion-resurrection. People can blithely doubt the crucifixion and the resurrection and the…


“After all I am a proper Zionist Jew” by Gilad Atzmon

“Yes, I am a survivor, for I have managed to survive all the scary accounts of the Holocaust: the one about the soap (1), the one about the lamp shades, the one about the camps, the mass shooting, the one about the gas (2) and the one about the death march (3). I just managed to survive them all.” (more here) Gilad Atzmon, living proof that pen and saxaphone are mightier than the white phosphorous sword, will join me on the radio Tuesday, November 10th. Meanwhile, two of my other favorite “proper Zionist Jews,” Richard Falk and Philip Weiss, will…


Explanation B: The Oil Card

Some folks in the 9/11 truth movement obsess over narrow evidentiary issues. Others focus mainly on the family members and first responders. Quite a few are mainly concerned with the fewer than 3,000 Americans killed on that day, rather than the 1.2 million Iraqis and untold Afghanis who have been and are still being murdered as part of the same crime. Me, I’m a big picture guy. I want to know WHY they did this. And by “this” I mean the whole shebang — not just blowing up the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon, but all of…


Talking Back to the Pope

– Clangnuts cartoon On Oct 26, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Dr. Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican wrote this: “Though 82, Benedict XVI is moving on all fronts: Lefebvrists, Anglicans, the Orthodox, Jews… He is trying to reunite all those factions and denominations and groups in the West that share common beliefs in the eternal destiny of human beings, in the sacredness of human life (since human beings are “in the image and likeness of God”), in the existence of a moral standard which is true at all times and in all places (against the relativism of the modern secular…


Three mega-myths BUSTED by my radio guests!

Webster Tarpley, who appeared on both my radio shows last week, busts the myth of al-Qaeda on Russia Today: “Al-Qaeda is the CIA’s Arab Legion.” Gilad Atzmon, who will join me on November 11th, busts the myth of the Jewish people and their “return” to Zion: SHLOMO SAND’S THE INVENTION OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE-BOOK REVIEW BY GILAD ATZMON. And last but not least, Richard Gage got a mainstream paper to help bust the myth of the magically-crumbling World Trade Center skyscrapers: Imperium Watch: Flying Girders, Falling Towers Is the public ready to consider evidence that controlled demolition brought down the…


Local supporter weighs in on Pomona police vs. Muhammed Abdullah

A local supporter of Muhammed Abdullah, my first hour guest tonight on Truth Jihad Radio (5-7 pm Central,, just wrote to say that actually the Southern California 9/11 truth community DID turn out in force for Muhammad’s court case last June. My response: “I wasn’t complaining so much about the trial not being publicized (though I can’t understand why 911blogger didn’t pick it up) but about the lack of reaction to the recent DHS raid on his house. It’s pretty obvious they were just harassing him for his activism. I would think his fellow activists would want to protest…


See you in Delavan tomorrow!

The good people of Delavan are cowering beneath their desks and covering their eyes and ears, in anticipation of an explosion of truth timed to detonate this coming Saturday, October 24th, in the Delavan Super-8 Hotel Conference Room. See you there! (full story here) In other stories…tomorrow’s radio show features Muhammed Abdullah, the Muslim Marine vet truther raided by DHS in apparent reprisal for his doggedly persistent truth activism in Pomona, CA. This story has been wildly underplayed in the 9/11 truth movement–the guy lost his job for being a truther, prevailed in court against the Pomona Police Department, then…


My radio schedule Saturday 10/24 through Tuesday 11/3

Past shows archived here and here.General information on my shows here. Saturday 10/24, 5-7 pm Central, Truth Jihad Radio, on AmericanFreedomRadio:First hour: Muhammed Abdullah, Marine-corps vet truther raided by DHS in apparent reprisal for his activism.Second hour: 9/11 truth supporter Professor Anthony Hall, Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, discussing Bush-league war criminals and more. Monday 10/26, 1:20 – 2 pm Central: Guesting on The Maxon Show, KTKK “K-Talk” Radio, Salt Lake City, to be archived here. Tuesday 10/27, 9-10 am Pacific, Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett, on NoLiesRadio:Dr. Ian Douglas, Coordinator, International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq.Friday…


Breaking stories: you heard it here first!

The Israeli-linked “art student” story Jonathan Elinoff broke on my show last Saturday got picked up by Infowars. Congratulations, Jonathan! And thanks to Ed Rynearson of RadioDuJour and American Freedom Radio for helping break the story. Another breaking story returns to Truth Jihad Radio this Saturday, as Muhammed Abdullah, the Marine vet 9/11 truther who was raided by DHS in apparent reprisal for his activism, will join me for a full hour to tell his harrowing story. Stay tuned to my radio schedule page for updates. Other upcoming guests include professor Anthony Hall of the University of Lethbridge; Dr. Ian…


William Pepper Explains Why 9/11 Ballot Initiative Fight Ended, Suggests Loose Timetable for Bush-Cheney War Crimes Prosecution

(Photo of William Pepper courtesy of Sandra Sigfusson) William Pepper, legal advisor to the New York City 9/11 Ballot Initiative, today explained why the initiative’s board has decided not to pursue the case any further. Appearing on the “Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett” radio show (archived here) Pepper said the odds of winning an appeal were too slim to justify the resources such an appeal would consume. Instead, he said, the legal team is hoping to file a civil suit by 9/11 family members and others in a legal venue carefully selected to maximize the chances of success.…

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