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Saad Ali & Jim Duensing this Saturday 12/12 on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, to be archived here in a few days… Two courageous activists! First hour: Saad Ali, We Are Change Chicago. Saad guest-hosted this show last summer and has been doing some amazing activism — check out his confrontation with Al Gore with other WeAreChange members. (Personally I’m not yet convinced that climate change is a non-issue, and I AM convinced that the ongoing eco-catastrophe IS an issue…but I still love watching the We Are Changers getting in Gore’s face!) Second hour: Jim Duensing, founder of the Libertarian 9/11 truth group Libertarians for Justice. Jim…


Accused 9/11 plotters may face NY “Guantanamo” – Reuters

Accused 9/11 plotters may face NY “Guantanamo” – Reuters KSM and the False-Confession Five are obviously not guilty, as Rolf Lindgren and I have shown in our exhaustive annihilation of the federal charges. What’s more, the vast majority of the world’s Muslims know they’re not guilty: “On average less than one in four [Muslims worldwide] believes al Qaeda was responsible for September 11th attacks. Pakistanis are the most skeptical–only 3 percent think al Qaeda did it.”  – survey Yet the Reuters report tells us these obviously innocent men who have had their souls destroyed by incessant torture will continue to…


Lennon was shot 29 years ago today

In honor of John Lennon, who was murdered by probable CIA mind-control victim Mark David Chapman 29 years ago today, I’m relinking an old essay which I’m developing into my next book: Twilight of the Psychopaths Also re-linking the media coverage of John Lennon endorsing my congressional campaign: Taking a page from Russ Feingold’s 1992 “endorsement” from Elvis Presley, Barrett got Tim Biancalana, a dead ringer for John Lennon, to perform at the Dardanelles. About 30 people attended the event and watched the 2006 documentary, “The U.S. vs. John Lennon.” Speaking of Lennon, Truth Jihad Radio just celebrated its third…


Ethan, author of Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism, on F&B Tuesday

Tuesday, December 8th, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on Fair and Balanced, :Ethan, author, The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism: Its Theory and Practice. “By the time Ethan graduated high school, he knew the backwoods of Maine, the back streets of Manhattan and the back roads of Northern California like the back of his hand. Ethan then studied at various colleges in multiple states. Ethan trained and worked as a private detective in Massachusetts. After realizing a private detective mostly works for insurance companies, Ethan moved to the mountains to write. Before…


Why no attacks since 9/11-anthrax?

The 9/11 truth movement says the official story of 9/11 makes no sense: skyscrapers imploding from relatively small office fires, 767s being flown by amateurs with pinpoint precision almost 600 mph at sea level (faster than the plane’s maximum physically possible speed at that altitude), alleged crash sites that look nothing like crash sites, alleged hijackers who got on the planes without being caught on security videos and without any boarding passes and without being seen by any airline personnel and without showing up on any official passenger lists…and then turning up alive afterwards! I could go on like this,…


Is the anti-war movement racist?

Don’t get me wrong, I love the peace movement. I especially like the upcoming End US Wars rally in Washington, DC December 12th: . But a lot of the white, middle-class people in the peace movement have a great big blind spot. Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man describes a black man who is socially invisible in the white world. Splitting-the-Sky, the native American peace-and-justice warrior who is putting George Bush on trial in an act of civil resistance, seems to be equally invisible to much of the white, middle-class peace movement. This guy should be getting the kind of publicity…


Science superstar Lynn Margulis, politics superstar Mike Gravel, and insurgent candidate Eric Sayward on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio this Saturday, December 5th, 5-7 p.m. Central, (archived a few days later at First half-hour: Eric Sayward will announce his candidacy for U.S. House of Representatives, Wisconsin’s 3rd District, against pro-war pro-bankster bailout anti-Constitution Rep. Ron Kind. (Youtube video: Eric Sayward confronts Ron Kind.) Eric Sayward is a web developer who does high-end databases for a living — and fights an infowar against the banksters, warmongers and traitors in his spare time. As a former US Army Combat Engineer whose specialty was explosives, Eric knows that the World Trade Center was destroyed by controlled demolition…


Guantanamo historian Andy Worthington on Fair and Balanced Tuesday 12/1

Tuesday, December 1st, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on Fair and Balanced, : Andy Worthington, author, The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Secret Prisons; documentary filmmaker, Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo. Andy, who had expressed optimism about an Obama presidency prior to the election, now concedes that Obama’s Failure to Close Guantanamo by January Deadline is Disastrous. That’s not the only disastrous thing about Obama, Andy! Check out my lastest blog entry: Hey Obama, surge THIS! Coming attractions: Saturday’s show will feature former Senator and presidential candidate…


Hey Obama: Surge THIS!

Since when did warmonger presidents start getting Nobel Peace Prizes? Since 9/11. Since when did America start staging Stalinist show trials? Since 9/11. Since when did American public universities blacklist people like Steven Jones and myself for pursuing “subversive” research? Since 9/11. Since when did the USA wage multiple simultaneous wars of naked aggression, in defiance of international law? Since 9/11. Since when did the international banksters think they could openly steal $26 trillion from the taxpayers and get away with it? Since 9/11. Since when did extremist Israeli Likudniks gain a complete lock over all three branches of the…


Thank God for William S. Burroughs

May his truth-telling outweigh his sins on judgment day. A Thanksgiving Prayer by William S. Burroughs I once asked Burroughs about the eerie resemblance between the mind-control spooks in his books and CIA programs like MK Ultra and Operation Artichoke. Did he know about those programs back in the early 60’s, when they were still secret? He replied in that slow, enigmatic, slightly scornful monotone drawl: “Most of these ‘secrets’ are not really so secret.” If he were alive today, he’d say the same thing about Operation 9/11.

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