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Accused 9/11 plotters may face NY “Guantanamo” – Reuters

Accused 9/11 plotters may face NY “Guantanamo” – Reuters

KSM and the False-Confession Five are obviously not guilty, as Rolf Lindgren and I have shown in our exhaustive annihilation of the federal charges. What’s more, the vast majority of the world’s Muslims know they’re not guilty:

“On average less than one in four [Muslims worldwide] believes al Qaeda was responsible for September 11th attacks. Pakistanis are the most skeptical–only 3 percent think al Qaeda did it.”  – survey

Yet the Reuters report tells us these obviously innocent men who have had their souls destroyed by incessant torture will continue to be tortured in New York, where they “can expect solitary confinement, 23-hour-a-day lockdowns, constant video surveillance and almost no visitors.”

Since hardly any Muslims believe that al-Qaeda in general or these guys in particular did 9/11, why so much security? Is the real purpose of isolating these defendants and destroying their minds to make sure that they don’t get an adequate defense, which would easily prove them innocent?


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