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Enough holocaust already! Time to move on

Now I know why nobody dares mention the holocaust debate. I’ve never seen such a swarm of comments and emails. Like Coleridge’s ancient mariner, these people all seem to have a tale to tell. If you’re in a hurry to a wedding, don’t stop to listen to them. (If you’re a history buff, though, you’ll find plenty of food for thought.) So let’s move on. May 15th, Nakba Day, is only a few weeks away. The holocaust it commemorates, the annihilation of Palestine, is still happening. That’s the holocaust I’m most concerned with, not just because our taxes are paying…


Tuesday 4/27: Pro-Palestinian activist & Chomsky critic Jeff Blankfort

Tuesday, April 27th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later.. Jeff Blankfort, pro-Palestinian activist, critic of Zionism, and long-time critic of Noam Chomsky. (We will be discussing Chomsky, with whom I had a brief run-in, among other topics.) Jeff forwarded me “this link to a recent response by Ali Abumimah and myself to Gnome Chumpsky [actually the chumps are those who subscribe to his disinformation campaign.]” Bio: “Jeffrey Blankfort was raised in a Jewish non-Zionist family. He produces radio programs on three stations and has written extensively on the Middle…


Thomas Dalton responds to Roberto Muehlenkamp and Andrew Mathis

Thomas Dalton, Saturday’s first hour guest, responds to the second hour guests, Roberto Muehlenkamp and Andrew Mathis: Hi Kevin — Just wanted to say thanks again for the show.  I thought it was well-executed and balanced.  Here are my comments in reply to Ricardo and Andrew: ********************************* (1)   First, I was happy to hear them say that they oppose anti-Holocaust denial laws, and that they support open and public debate.  This position is rare amongst traditionalists.  Nearly all prefer to stifle debate, harass revisionism, and use the law as a weapon.  This, of course, only furthers the suspicion that the…


Everybody loves my holocaust revisionism show – what am I doing wrong?!

My “Springtime for Hitler” plan to stage a spectacular, catastrophic debacle lies in ruins! Mel Brooks, eat your heart out! A couple is having a nasty fight. You step between them to make peace. What happens? They both turn on you and clobber you. Everybody knows that “if you piss off both sides, you must be doing something right.” By setting up a radio debate on holocaust revisionism, I thought I had a foolproof plan to be reviled by just about everybody and take a giant step toward being universally despised. The “six million Jews died and not a Jew…


Anti-revisionists agree to rebut Dalton on Saturday’s Truth Jihad Radio!

While I have been unable to find any Holocaust Studies professors to rebut Thomas Dalton on Saturday’s show, despite inviting dozens of them, an old acquaintance, Dr. Andrew Mathis, and the prominent anti-revisionist blogger Roberto Muehlenkamp have agreed to appear during the second hour of the show and respond to Dalton’s arguments. Should be a great show! Details here.


Is holocaust revisionism legitimate? Thomas Dalton, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Andrew Mathis on Truth Jihad Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 4/24/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. Is holocaust revisionism making a legitimate contribution to historical debate? (I’m grabbing this third-rail topic mainly because it’s a critically important free speech issue — where else are people being jailed for their historical interpretations? See my blog post Dear Angela Merkel: How much do Raul Hilberg and I owe you?) First hour: Thomas Dalton, author of Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides, says yes. Dalton argues that there is a genuine and very important debate pitting the best…


Dear Angela Merkel: How much do Raul Hilberg and I owe you?

Thursday 4/22: This just in! Two notable anti-revisionists have agreed to join me to rebut Thomas Dalton. Details here. [Note: I will be interviewing Thomas Dalton, author of Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides this Saturday, April 24th, 5-6 pm Central, on AmericanFreedomRadio (to be archived here for free on-demand listening).  I am still looking for a mainstream Holocaust expert to refute him during the second hour. Over the past few months I have invited Deborah Lipstadt, Michael Shermer, John Zimmerman–the three most prominent critics of the “Holocaust deniers” — as well as many dozens of professors…


History professor Mickey Huff: Was 9/11 a SCAD?

Tuesday, April 20th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later.. Guest: Mickey Huff, associate professor of history at Diablo Valley College, Director of Project Censored/Media Freedom Foundation, and co-editor of Censored 2010. From Project Censored article “State Crimes Against Democracy” by Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff: “New research in the journal American Behavioral Scientist (Sage publications, February 2010) addresses the concept of ‘State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD). Professor Lance deHaven-Smith from Florida State University writes that SCADs involve highlevel government officials, often in combination with private interests, that engage in covert…


Hidden in plain sight: The Washington Post’s “devastating” admission that 9/11 was an inside job

Washington Post: CIA admits destroying tapes of KSM “confessions” under torture; main 9/11 Commission Report pseudo-evidence permanently erased from historical record because it would be “devastating” to CIA. “The 2005 destruction of 92 videotapes documenting the harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects at secret CIA prisons immediately prompted concern at agency headquarters that the decision was not adequately cleared and may have been improper, according to newly released documents….Jose Rodriguez Jr., head of the directorate of operations at the CIA from 2004 to 2007, sent a cable authorizing the destruction of the tapes. “Foggo’s deputy wrote that Rodriguez thought ‘the heat…


War on Islam, War on Planet Earth: NWO agenda exposed on Truth Jihad Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 4/17/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Do scientific tests prove that someone is dumping massive quantities of toxins, including aluminum and barium, into our atmosphere…and could this be the result of a secret, criminal geo-engineering project? Guest: Michael Murphy of Truth Media Productions, hopefully joined by a scientist who has found horrifically elevated levels of these toxins in areas of alleged spraying. Second hour: Enver Masud of The Wisdom Fund and Muslims for 9/11 Truth joins us to celebrate the brand-new fifth edition of his book…

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