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We Are Change Wisconsin, Nick Bryant on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 7/17/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252. First hour: Eric Sayward, We Are Change Wisconsin, and Mark of We Are Change Oshkosh, discussing heartland activism and the revolt against the New World Order. Second hour: Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal. Is it conceivable that some of the most horrendous child abuse ever reported anywhere, on a truly massive scale, could be covered up by elite CIA-linked criminals, pedophiles and stooges…apparently because the CIA is in the business of inflicting sexual tortures on innocent children? It’s…


Gilad Atzmon: Give History a Chance!

Here is Gilad’s brilliant talk from last night’s Debunking the War on Terror conference. Meeting Gilad was one of the highlights of this amazing week in London, which I will be writing about very soon. GIVE HISTORY A CHANCE BY GILAD ATZMON A talk given at the”Debunking the War on Terror” Symposium on July 14th, Friends House, Euston Station, London UJ The War on Terror Within 1 The more pain we inflict on others the more we become familiar with evil, aggression and brutality. 1.1  The more cruel we are towards others, the more devastated we are by the possibility…


Truth Terrorists in London

A few years ago, when the FBI detained me at the airport and asked me “are you a terrorist,” I told them no, I was working to expose the real terrorists. But it all depends on how you define terrorism, doesn’t it? If terrorism is “politically-inspired dissemination of fear,” then those who terrified the population with the phony “war on terror” are the second-biggest terrorists ever. Then who are the biggest terrorists? Us. The truth-tellers. The lies about the horrific dangers of radical Islamic terrorism may be terrifying. But the truth — that the whole thing is a hoax, and…


7/7 London Bombings 5th Anniversary Special with Progressive Press Authors

Why Won’t Muslims in the West Speak out on 9/11 and False Flag Terror? 7/7 5th anniversary show archived here. John Leonard, publisher of Progressive Press, writes: Nick Kollerstrom wrote a book proving the London 7/7 bombings were an inside job. (Also check out the video 7/7 Ripple Effect.) Now 7/7 is the stick they use to bash Muslims with in the UK the way they use 9/11 in the US. So the British Muslim media are lining up to report on his research, right? Not yet. In fact, they won’t touch it. Kevin Barrett is an American Muslim personality…


Post-Holiday Special: Gilad Atzmon on special Monday show, Dr. Bob Bowman Tuesday!

Monday July 5th AND Tuesday July 6th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Gilad Atzmon (Monday) and Dr. Robert Bowman (Tuesday)! Monday and Tuesday I will be speaking with two of Planet Earth’s greatest patriots, Gilad Atzmon (Monday) and Col. Robert Bowman (Tuesday) on The Kevin Barrett Show. When you discover that your country has crossed the line and has become an enemy of humanity, what do you do? Gilad Atzmon, the guest on my special Monday show, gave up his Israeli citizenship, moved to the UK, and became…



Four of the West’s Boldest Dissidents Gather in London for July 14th “Debunking the War on Terror” Symposium  The forthcoming “Debunking the War on Terror” symposium in London brings together four of the most outspoken and eloquent challengers to the Zio-American imperial order that has emerged post-September 11th. While most of the left and antiwar movements have chosen to remain “loyal opposition,” each of these four individuals has gone one step further, by challenging the very roots of the mainstream Western consensus and accepting the physical, professional or intellectual exile that ensues. If the consensus is starting to shift, it…


Gaza Flotilla Hero Ken O’Keefe Speaks Out for 9/11 Truth AND Monetary Truth

Meet Ken O’Keefe, the Gaza Flotilla hero who appears equally adept at physically disarming murderous Israeli commandos and verbally vanquishing rabidly Zionist BBC interviewers.  Ken will be serving as Master of Ceremonies at the upcoming Debunking the War on Terror symposium in London on July 14th, where he will join me, Gilad Atzmon, and Jim Fetzer in laying waste to the myth of GWOT.   When he joined me on The Kevin Barrett Show Tuesday, Ken went on the record for 9/11 truth and monetary truth: (listen to archived interview) 14:00  Barrett: I woke up to that at the same time…


Tales of Hoffman

I used to admire and respect Jim Hoffman, whose classic studies of the WTC demolitions were among the best of their time. Then he and his girlfriend Victronix appointed themselves the 9/11 Truth Thought Police and embarked on an ever-accelerating course of destructive criticism of some of the best 9/11 researchers and activists. They protested a David Ray Griffin event in Oakland because Griffin (along with at least 90% of the truth movement) doesn’t support their claim that Flight 77 really did hit the Pentagon. They attacked Loose Change, 9/11 in Plane Site, and 9/11 Mysteries — the three best…


Tuesday 6/29: Gaza Flotilla Survivor Kenneth O’Keefe

Tuesday, June 29nd, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Kenneth O’Keefe is one of the survivors of the Israeli attack on the humanitarian group sailing towards Gaza. “I have for many years understood that we, people of conscience, are the true holders of power in this world. Frustratingly however we have largely relinquished that power and failed to reach our full potential. Our potential to create a better world, a just world. Nonetheless I have conspired with others of like mind to reveal and exercise our true power. In 2002…


9/11 Investigator Craig Ranke, Wellstone Assassination Investigator Four Arrows on TJ Radio today!

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 6/26/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Craig Ranke of Citizen Investigation Team (CIT), maker of the video National Security Alert. Last week’s guest Ken Jenkins raised questions about CIT’s 9/11 Pentagon investigation, so this week Craig Ranke will have a chance to respond. Second hour: Last time he was on my show, fellow academic witch-hunt victim Four Arrows broke the news that Senator Barbara Boxer has called the assassination of her late colleague Paul Wellstone “a warning to us all.” Today we’ll continue the conversation about corruption, the…

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