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Zionists brutalize, humiliate, kill Americans…for how long?

How long can they get away with it? Look what they did to Furkan Dogan. Look at what they did to Paul Larudee and Ken O’Keefe. Listen to O’Keefe describing how he helped disarm members of the Israeli death squad that was executing his fellow activists: I said this straight to Israeli agents, probably of Mossad or Shin Bet, and I say it again now, on the morning of the attack I was directly involved in the disarming of two Israeli Commandos.  This was a forcible, non-negotiable, separation of weapons from commandos who had already murdered two brothers that I…


Profiles in courage: Free Gaza movement, Splitting-the-Sky

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 6/5/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Free Gaza organizers discuss the recent Israeli mass murder of humanitarian aid workers in international waters, and the prospects for an end to the genocidal blockade of Gaza.First-half-hour guest Adam Shapiro is on the Board of Directors of the Free Gaza Movement. He is a documentary filmmaker, human rights activist and Palestinian rights activist. He lived in the occupied Palestinian territory from 1999-2002 and helped found the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). His films include the award-winning documentary film, About Baghdad…


Netanyahu: “Criticize us today, you’ll be targeted tomorrow”

Benjamin Netanyahu is a close friend of confessed WTC-7 demolisher and insurance fraudster Larry Silverstein In an apparent threat to the world, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has warned that countries that criticize Israel today “will be targeted tomorrow.”  According to the Washington Post: “The same countries that are criticizing us today should know that they will be targeted tomorrow,” (Netanyahu) said, just a day after Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called Israel’s policy toward Gaza “unsustainable.”  Is Netanyahu suggesting that if the US drifts too far out of Israel’s control, we’ll be hit with another Zionist-sponsored 9/11-style false-flag attack?


Tuesday on the KB Show: Zionism and other 9/11 truth controversies

[Note: I will be appearing with Gilad Atzmon, who just wrote a terrific essay on the Free Gaza convoy massacre, and Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, in London, UK, on July 14th, 6-9:30 PM, Friends House, Euston Road opposite Euston Station. Please spread the word! More details at Rediscover911. ] * * * Tuesday, June 1st, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on (to be archived here a few hours later…) Last week’s show with Alan Hart broke big news and went viral. It quickly became top news at every significant alternative website…and not so quickly (as…


Lying Zionist scum slaughter humanitarians, blame the victims

[Note: I will be appearing with Gilad Atzmon, who just wrote a terrific essay on the Free Gaza convoy massacre, and Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, in London, UK, on July 14th, 6-9:30 PM, Friends House, Euston Road opposite Euston Station. Please spread the word! More details at Rediscover911. ] The Israeli massacre of humanitarian aid workers in the Free Gaza convoy is shocking enough. But what is really shocking is the lies…and the way those lies are being parroted in the mainstream media. Here is how CNN is reporting the event: 20 dead as Israeli forces storm…


Jonathan Kay’s mendacious propaganda: Is this the only “argument” the anti-truthers have?

My old pal and radio guest Jonathan Kay is upset about Tuesday’s interview with Alan Hart, which has gone viral during the past 48 hours. In a piece headlined The Canadian Charger Magazine honours another 9/11 conspiracy theorist, Kay offers a perfect example of the debating technique of pro-Zionists and anti-truthers: (1) call your opponents names, and (2) lie shamelessly. Kay begins his piece by labeling Hart a “9/11 conspiracy theorist.”  In fact, anyone who thinks 9/11 was planned and carried out by more than one person must offer a theory about what is by definition a conspiracy. Therefore anyone…


Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent: “Here’s what may have REALLY happened on 9/11”!

McFarland, WI 5/26/2010 Breaking his self-imposed rule against talking about 9/11, former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent and author  Alan Hart described what he thinks may have really happened on that fateful day on yesterday’s Kevin Barrett show. Hart, who got to know Yasser Arafat and Golda Meir while serving as a Security Council-briefed Mideast peace negotiator, said that he has been assured by a top-level demolitions/engineering expert who wishes to remain anonymous that the three World Trade Center skyscrapers were destroyed by controlled demolitions, not plane crashes and fires. (For the names of more than 1000 experts willing to go…


“Should I run for Congress” poll results tallied — and the winner is…

A huge thank-you to everyone who responded to my query, Should I run for Congress?  The results were a lopsided 60-23 victory for “yes” over “no” (with twenty or so that were neither yes nor no). More importantly, there were lots of good ideas and advice offered by folks on both sides. Overall I think the “yes” voters had better arguments. Their best argument was that I should run in order to raise awareness of important, suppressed issues such as 9/11 truth. Anyone who runs for Congress gets a media platform, and I’m well-known in Wisconsin and would therefore get…


Mideast-expert journalist-author Alan Hart

Tuesday, May 25th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on (to be archived here a few hours later…) Alan Hart is the author of the brand new book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews v.3. (The title says it all…or at least a whole lot of it!) Check out the book’s preface, An Appeal to the American People, which I decided was important enough to headline on my website. From Alan’s site: “Alan Hart has been engaged with events in the Middle East and their global consequences and terrifying implications – the possibility of a Clash of Civilisations,…


NBA whistleblower Tim Donaghy, professor & author Rodrigue Tremblay on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 5/22/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Whistleblowing basketball ref Tim Donaghy, author of Personal Foul: A First-Hand Account of the Scandal that Rocked the NBA. Are sports just as rigged as elections, “terrorist attacks,” economic crises, and just about everything else these days? Say it ain’t so, Tim! Second hour: Rodrigue Tremblay, author of the brand new The Code for Global Ethics and other books; Stanford Ph.D., University of Montreal professor, and former government minister.

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