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If Herb Caen, I can too

Back when newspapers were worth reading…and I’m outing myself as a real old-timer by admitting I can remember that far back…the San Francisco Chronicle featured a columnist named Herb Caen…who put three dots between everything he wrote…and just about everything else he wrote… Herb earned his keep by emitting a steady stream of witty little blurt-outs and brain-farts. Few rivaled the epigrams of LaRochefoucauld.  But at least Herb kept them coming, day after day, week after week, year after year. The guy was a maestro of three-dot journalism…a nattering nabob of non-sequitur…a supreme potentate of suspension points…an elevated eminence of…


Two-hour special with Stephen Sniegoski, author of The Transparent Cabal

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 12/28/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Stephen J. Sniegoski, Ph.D. is the author of The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel (2008). (Read Karen Kwiatkowski’s review.) He has had articles published in The World & I, Modern Age, Current Concerns, Zeit-Fragen, Telos, The Occidental Quarterly, Arab News, The Last Ditch, and elsewhere on subjects such as communism, political philosophy, World War II, and the American war on Iraq. His focus on the…


Gordon Duff: Is Israel selling Patriot missiles to China?

Tuesday, December 27th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Gordon Duff, editor, Veterans Today. Gordon Duff has experience and connections in the intelligence and defense sectors, where word on the street is that Israel regularly steals sensitive US technologies and sells them to America’s competitors and potential enemies. Gordon will discuss his new article Patriot Missiles Seized, Sold To China by Israel which states: “During a routine search of the MS Thor Liberty, a ship flagged by the Isle of Man, at the Finnish port of Kotka, authorities found…


Jonathan Kay and I agree: “Conspiracy theories” are getting out of hand!

Jonathan Kay is the author of Among the Truthers, an anti-9/11-truth rant that devotes more vitriolic attention to me than to any other 9/11 truth movement figure, and libels me outrageously in the process. So you wouldn’t think that Jonathan and I would ever see eye-to-eye. But it turns out that we agree on a very important point: The “Islamic terror threat” has been grossly exaggerated. Amazingly enough, we  also agree that “conspiracy theories” are getting out of hand! Here is Jonathan Kay’s response to my recent open letter trying to find common ground. I would agree that Americans, and…


WHO’s paranoid?! My letter to Jonathan Kay of the National Post

Jonathan Kay of the Canadian National Post libeled me outrageously in his book Among the Truthers.Now Joshua Blakeney informs me that Kay mentioned me in a recent speech to the Hannah Arendt Center.  The good news is that this time he doesn’t libel me. The bad news is that his speech continues the assault on reason, disguised as a defense of reason, that he began in his book.Below is my letter briefly responding to the Arendt Center speech.   Jon, In your speech to the Arendt Center (I’m a fan of Hannah Arendt by the way) in which you kindly…


Islam and liberty: Contradictory or complementary?

In his classic On Liberty, John Stuart Mill observes: “Wherever the (religious) sentiment of the majority is still genuine and intense, it is found to have abated little of its claim to be obeyed.”* More than 150 years later, Mill’s dictum holds true. In irreligious Europe, as in the great coastal metropolitan centers of the USA, there is little legal or social pressure to obey religious dictates; whereas in the Islamic world, and parts of the American heartland, where deeply religious majorities exist, religious opinion demands obeisance on important matters. Is religion, then, an impediment to liberty? Can liberty flower…


US Empire critic William Blum, investigative journalist Russ Baker

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 12/21/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: William Blum, that illustrious critic of American empire (I call him “the thinking man’s Chomsky”) is the author of the best book ever published about the crimes of empire, Killing Hope. Blum offers qualified support for the Occupy movement: The education which Occupy has caused to be thrust upon the citizenry — about corporate abuse and criminality, political corruption, inequality, poverty, etc., virtually all unprosecuted — would be highly significant if America were a…


James Petras: The empire is USING “moderate Islam”

Tuesday, December 20th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Leading leftist sociologist and political analyst James Petras, who says the Empire is USING “moderate Islam.” He writes: “Moderate” Islamists have become the Empire’s ‘contraceptive of choice’ against any chance the massive Arab peoples’ revolt might give birth to substantive egalitarian social changes and bring those brutal pro- western officials, responsible for so many crimes against humanity, to justice. The West and their client officials in the military and police have agreed to a kind of “power-sharing’ with the moderate/respectable…


“Classroom Silence on 9/11: A Failure of Education?”

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 12/19/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Today’s topic: “Truth in Academia: Antinomy or Oxymoron?” Guests: James Fetzer and Four Arrows – two professors who have struggled for truth in academia. (Four Arrows has just published a peer-reviewed paper entitled “Classroom Silence on 9/11: A Failure of Education?”) The late, great Lynn Margulis said on my radio show that the American public’s inability to recognize the obvious controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers represents a catastrophic failure of American science…


Biggest anti-Semitic slur of the year: “Palestine is the Holy Land”

Wiesenthal Center names top 10 anti-Semitic slursDecember 13, 2011NEW YORK (JTA) – A comment by Mahmoud Abbas referring to Palestine as the “holy land” placed first in the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Top 10 Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitic Slurs of 2011. The Palestinian Authority president made the remark at the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 23. “I come before you today from the Holy Land, the land of Palestine, the land of divine messages, ascension of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the birthplace of Jesus Christ peace be upon him, to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people,” he said. *…

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