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Senator Mike Gravel: Israel lies; US is a war-hungry drunk

Tuesday, November 29th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Senator Mike Gravel of the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission campaign has always been one of the few truth-tellers in American politics. But recently he’s been ratcheting it up a couple of notches. See: US Senator Condemns Israel’s Lies about Iran And:


Singer Johnny Punish; Webster Tarpley just back from Syria!

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 11/28/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Veteran punk rock singer-guitarist Johnny Punish writes for Veterans Today, runs a global media company, and has just come out with a great 9/11 truth song. Second hour: Author-journalist Webster Tarpley, one of the most erudite and articulate political analysts of our time, has just returned from Syria. He says what’s happening there is completely unlike what’s being reported in the mainstream media, including al-Jazeera. Note: Senator Mike Gravel, just back from Iran, will…


Lynn Margulis, truth seeker, 1938-2011

One of the nice things about getting drummed out of academia for speaking the truth about 9/11 – the nicest thing, in fact – is the wonderful people you meet. I just learned that one of the most wonderful, Lynn Margulis, passed away yesterday. Lynn was one of the greatest scientists of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Her work in the life sciences, which she did not like to call “evolutionary biology,” set the stage for a paradigm shift away from neo-Darwinian reductionism, and towards an appreciation of the irreducible complexity of the life processes, the importance of microbial…


Military should “just say no” to Iran attack

Who’s going to stop the Zionists from using the US military to attack Iran? The President can’t do it – not in an election year. The Congress can’t do it – not in an election year, or any year for that matter. The Zionists have a down payment on the White House, and they own Congress free and clear. Zionist sources are said to provide roughly half of the bribe money euphemistically known as “campaign contributions.” They’ve turned the entire US political class into a gang of treasonous whores who daily pledge undying allegiance to the Israeli flag. So who…


Special on OCCUPY revolution with Joel Hirschhorn, Allen Roland, Bob Reuschlein

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 11/21/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Three guests today, in various combinations, discussing the Occupy movement and more! Brand-new essays discussed today: Joel Hirschhorn, “Occupy Revolution: To understand the Occupy movement it pays to understand the dynamics of successful revolutions around the world“ Allen Roland, “OWS Meets Police State – The Revolution Has Begun“ We will also discuss the Occupy revolutions’ place in historical cycle theory with Dr. Bob Reuschlein of Joel Hirschhorn, a 9/11 truth supporter, was Professor of Metallurgical…


“My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!” Part 3

Below is the lightly-edited transcript of part three of my interview with Saint John Hunt, recipient and custodian of father E. Howard Hunt’s confession to participating in the LBJ-approved, CIA-orchestrated murder of JFK. (Go to Part 1.)  (Go to Part 2.) (Listen to the interview.) (Listen to my interview with James Douglass, author of the best single JFK assassination book, JFK and the Unspeakable.) [Don’t miss James Fetzer’s talk Who Killed JFK? TODAY, Tuesday, November 22nd at the University of Wisconsin-Madison! Details here.] * * * Kevin Barrett Welcome back. This is Truth Jihad Radio. I’m Kevin Barrett, talking with…


JFK Day special: My interviews with James Douglass and Saint John Hunt

Tuesday, November 22nd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). In honor of the 48th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the CIA, in a plot okayed by LBJ, No Lies Radio will broadcast my interviews with James Douglass, author of JFK and the Unspeakable; and Saint John Hunt, custodian of the confession of his father, E. Howard Hunt. Read Oliver Stone’s review of JFK and the Unspeakable. Read the transcript of my interview with Saint John Hunt: Part 1 Part 2 And don’t miss Jim Fetzer’s…


New time slot: 3-5 pm Central! Today’s guests: Sophie Harkat, victim of Canadian Islamophobic witch-hunt; and Jerry Mazza on White House shooting

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 11/21/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Sophie Harkat. (See below.) Second hour: Jerry Mazza discusses the latest “Lone Gunman” White House shooting. Was this a Zionist shot across Obama’s bow, carrying the message: “Attack Iran when we tell you to, OR ELSE…” ? * * * First hour: Sophie Harkat discusses the legal lynching of her husband Mohamed, who is under house arrest and threatened with deportation to the torture chambers of the Algeria under Canada’s “Security Certificate” program. (“Security…


“My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!” Part 2

  Below is the lightly-edited transcript of part two of my interview with Saint John Hunt, recipient and custodian of father E. Howard Hunt’s confession to participating in the LBJ-approved, CIA-orchestrated murder of JFK. (Go to Part 1.)  (Listen to the interview.) (Listen to my interview with James Douglass, author of the best single JFK assassination book, JFK and the Unspeakable.) * * * Kevin Barrett Welcome back. This is Truth Jihad Radio. I’m your host Kevin Barrett, talking today with Saint John Hunt. He’s the son of Howard Hunt, the Watergate burglar and confessed CIA conspirator in the assassination…


“My Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!”

Saint John Hunt, recipient and custodian of father E. Howard Hunt’s confession to participating in the LBJ-approved, CIA-orchestrated murder of JFK [Don’t miss James Fetzer’s talk Who Killed JFK? this Tuesday, November 22nd at the University of Wisconsin-Madison! Details here.] Of all the big lies told about the JFK assassination, perhaps the biggest is: “I guess we’ll never really know what happened.” Bullshit! We do know. Some of us know because we have studied the issue. Others, like Saint John Hunt, son of CIA executive and covert action agent E. Howard Hunt, know because they got it straight from the…

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