This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, November 17th at – click on Studio A – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help me keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! First hour: Dr. Gideon Polya has published some 130 works in a five decade scientific career as a biochemist. He is also a leading expert on comparative holocausts and genocides–and has estimated that 32 million Muslims have been murdered due to the wars of aggression triggered by the 9/11 false flag…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Ian Greenhalgh: Rothschild Zionists behind World War 1…and impending World War 3?
Broadcast here November 15th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! Ian Greenhalgh of Veterans Today lays out the real, secret history of World War I, the “war to end all wars” that destroyed Western civilization and set the stage for the Orwellian nightmare reality we’re living in today. Who was behind the war-trigger event — the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914? Was the Bosnian Serb blamed for the shooting, Danilo Ilić, a sort of Balkan version of Lee Harvey Oswald? Who was funding and steering the Black Hand secret…
FULL ARTICLEThe New World Intelligencer #53
The New World Intelligencer #53 The NEW WORLD INTELLIGENCER Antiterrorism: Exposing the Deep State —————————————————————————————————————————— No. 053 New World News Bureau Nov 07/17 ————————————————————————————————— From the folks associated with Views expressed in the linked stories are those of the original source that expressed them, not necessarily of The “Deep State” is the proto-government aimed at the creation of a “New World Order” (Novus Ordo Seclorum), a world ruled by one government. This is undoubtedly the organization referred to by President John F. Kennedy in a speech given at the Waldorf Astoria in April 1961: “For we are opposed around the world by…
FULL ARTICLEEric Walberg on “The Canada-Israel Nexus”
Broadcast here November 13th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! Do Zionists dominate Canada even more than the USA? What can we learn about the Global Zionist Power Configuration (GZPC) by studying Israel’s stealth takeover of the USA’s neighbor to the north? Quite a bit, it turns out. And the place to begin is Eric Walberg‘s hot-off-the-presses The Canada-Israel Nexus. Walberg writes: “Canada and Israel were cut from the same cloth: settler colonies that dispossessed and killed natives to steal their lands. While there were stark differences— in the size…
FULL ARTICLEVeterans/Armistice Day special! Ellen Brown celebrates NJ victory for public banking; Gordon Duff offers Veterans Day intel dump
This show, and all my shows, are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and help keep me on the air! Ellen Brown This special edition of Truth Jihad Radio observes Veterans/Armistice Day by asking: What were US troops really dying for in World War 1? Freedom, democracy, and an “end to all wars”? Or a Rothschild-Zionist New World Order global bankster dictatorship? And are the Rothschilds themselves agents of malevolent off-planet entities (satanic jinn) that feed on human suffering — as those with “cosmic” security clearance have allegedly been informed in classified briefings? Listen to this show (which includes…
FULL ARTICLEKevin discusses “mass casualty events” on mainstream US radio with Bob Bird, alt-international radio with Richie Allen
Broadcast here November 8th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! First 25 minutes: Bob Bird of the Bird’s Eye View program, broadcast on KSRM to the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska, interviews Kevin Barrett on recent mass casualty events including the Texas church shooting and the New York truck attack. At the end of the segment, Bob asks Kevin about the ideals and realities of Islam’s teachings on war and peace, with a special focus on the early conquests of the Byzantine and Persian empires.Second 35 minutes: Richie Allen interviews Kevin on Netanyahu’s obsession with…
FULL ARTICLEJonathan Revusky on Catalan secessionists – and the rest of the Roger Rabbit mental matrix
Broadcast here November 6th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! Jonathan Revusky, who lives in Catalonia, is not impressed by the Catalan secessionists. He points out that the histrionic propaganda video “Help Catalonia, Save Europe” is almost a carbon copy of “I Am a Ukrainian.” So who is funding these folks, and why? What’s in it for George Soros? Is the Saker right in saying that “Manipulated Minorities Represent a Major Danger for Democratic States”? Or is Kirkpatrick Sale correct in singing the praises of secessionism? And how about Jim…
FULL ARTICLEBinoy Kampmark, Mike Palecek, and Jim Fetzer discuss “conspiracy theories”
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, November 3rd at – click on Studio A – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Binoy Kampmark First hour: Binoy Kampmark, a lecturer at RMIT University in Melbourne, is a prolific commentator (almost 1,000 articles posted at Counterpunch). I find much to agree with in his articles. But his take on “conspiracy theories” looks – at least at first glance – a lot like…
FULL ARTICLEGideon Polya on the Balfour Declaration, 100 years of genocide, and much more
Broadcast here October 30th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! Gideon Polya Today’s guest Dr. Gideon Polya has published some 130 works in a five decade scientific career as a biochemist. He is also one of the world’s leading experts in comparative holocausts and genocides, with a special focus on the issue of avoidable mortality: The vast numbers of people killed indirectly by invasions, occupations, destruction of infrastructure, and similar actions, which is usually much higher than the number murdered directly by bombs, guns, and other forms of direct attack.…
FULL ARTICLEA second (and third) opinion on Harvey Weinstein and the Jewish-Christian “culture wars”
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, October 27th at – click on Studio A – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Joel Simpson First hour: Were Peter Myers and I “pursuing racism” in last week’s show Harvey Weinstein’s disgrace: A major event in the culture war? If so, I didn’t mean to be. But that was Joel Simpson’s first reaction. He wrote to a listener who had plugged the show:…