Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Survive the Econopocalypse Corona Foreknowledge 2) 9 Simulations, Drills and Laws that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus 3) DR. FAUCI BACKED CONTROVERSIAL WUHAN LAB WITH MILLIONS OF U.S. DOLLARS FOR RISKY CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH 4) US intelligence agencies started tracking coronavirus outbreak in China as early as November (before the Chinese knew about it) We Must Silence Conspiracy Theorists and Holocaust Deniers 5) Coronavirus was ‘not manmade or genetically modified’: U.S. spy agency (but Trump and Pence disagree) 5B) Trump contradicts US intel community by claiming…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Trump presiding over low-grade simmering World War lll on behalf of neocons
US President Donald Trump is presiding over what amounts to a kind of low-grade simmering World War lll on several fronts, not just with Iran, but also with China on behalf of neoconservatives, an American scholar has said. During a White House press briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic on April 20, 2020, Trump confessed to the stupidity of US policy in the Middle East. Referring to trillions of dollars spent on America’s never-ending wars, Trump asked, “How stupid have we been?” Yet two days later, he ordered the US Navy to “shoot down and destroy” Iranian gunboats allegedly harassing US…
FULL ARTICLEPaul Levy on “Quantum Medicine for the Coronavirus”
Listen HERE Is the coronavirus plandemic some kind of weird collective dream? Paul Levy returns to Truth Jihad Radio after an absence of several years to discuss his new article “Quantum Medicine for the Coronavirus.” A pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, Paul Levy is a wounded healer in private practice, assisting others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality. Among his books are The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality (SelectBooks, May 2018) and Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil (North Atlantic Books, 2013). Please visit Paul’s website
FULL ARTICLEScientist AK Dewdney on Comparative Pandemics: 1918 Flu and Coronavirus
Listen HERE Professor A.K. Dewdney discusses Gina Kolata’s book Flu: The Story Of The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus that Caused It…and where the COVID-19 pandemic may be going. A.K. Dewdney is one of the world’s scientific notables. He took over Martin Gardner’s column in Scientific American when Gardner retired, and has done important work in several fields. Dewdney founded Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (SPINE), the first scholarly 9/11 truth research group. His Project Achilles experiments proved that the alleged cell phone calls from hijacked passengers on 9/11 were bogus.
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Scientist AK Dewdney on Pandemics; Paul Levy on “Quantum Medicine for the Coronavirus”
Broadcasts live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on https://Revolution.Radio – later archived at First hour: Professor A.K. Dewdney discusses Gina Kolata’s book Flu: The Story Of The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus that Caused It…and where the COVID-19 pandemic may be going. A.K. Dewdney is one of the world’s scientific notables. He took over Martin Gardner’s column in Scientific American when Gardner retired, and has done important work in several fields. Dewdney founded Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (SPINE), the first scholarly 9/11 truth research group. His Project Achilles experiments proved that the alleged cell phone calls…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Coronavirus War = Techno-Tyranny!
Watch live Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help Keep FFWN Bringing You Our Weekly “Roundup” 2) Helen Booted off for Telling Coronavirus Truth COVID-19 No More Lethal than Flu? 3) Coronavirus Has Infected A 5th Of New York City, Testing Suggests 4) Coronavirus Infections May Not Be Uncommon, Tests Suggest Coronavirus War: Techno-Tyranny 5) TECHNO-TYRANNY: HOW THE US NATIONAL SECURITY STATE IS USING CORONAVIRUS TO FULFILL AN ORWELLIAN VISION 6) Government Tracking How People Move Around in Coronavirus Pandemic 7) Team Trump Turns to Peter Thiel’s Palantir to Track Virus 8) Facebook Removes Coronavirus Protest Pages at Request of…
FULL ARTICLEGerard Menuhin Discusses His Autobiography “Lived It Wrong”
Listen HERE This is the second hour of my recent two-hour interview with Gerard Menuhin. In the first part we mostly discussed his new play LiesandGravy:LandmarksinHumanDecay (listen HERE). This part focuses on his autobiography LivedItWrong. * * * Gerard Menuhin descends from an illustrious line of rabbis. Both his father (the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin) and grandfather (Moshe Menuhin) were peace activists and anti-Zionists. Gerard has taken their activism several steps further. His 2016 book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil (read it free here, buy it here) is eloquent, incendiary, and infused with the kind of prophetic rage that gatekeepers,…
FULL ARTICLEBarr: “Reason for Keeping 9/11 Secrets Secret is Secret—and the Reason for That Is Secret Too!”
Dissociated Press Attorney General William Barr has responded to a New York Federal District Court suit brought by 9/11 survivors by insisting that 9/11 secrets need to be kept secret. When the judge requested a reason for the secrecy, Barr responded: “The reason for the secrets’ secrecy? That’s an even bigger secret. And the secret secret reason for the secrecy of the second-level secret secret is still more secret. And guess what, the secret behind that is even worse, it’s classified at the very highest level—only God Himself is allowed to know. And the secret behind THAT secret is so secret…
FULL ARTICLEDid US torpedo the entire global economy to stop China’s rise?
Press TV By Kevin Barrett This is very interesting news that Israel is now saying that US intelligence warned them in November about a potentially catastrophic pandemic in Wuhan, China, and apparently other US allies were also warned in November. This confirms what ABC News reported earlier this week and, of course, the Trump administration denied it. You’re not supposed to believe anything until it’s been denied maybe twice or three times. So we’ll have to wait for a couple more denials before we can be sure that this is true. But assuming it is—and we’ve got these different sources…
FULL ARTICLEJohn Leonard and Mischa Popoff Offer Alternative Views on How to Stay Healthy
Listen HERE First 30 minutes: John Leonard, publisher of Progressive Press, recently published “Add Zinc: From Game-Changer to Game-Winner against Coronavirus.” John writes: “Scientific evidence indicates that Zinc is the active part of the treatment, but it needs hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to get inside cells to kill the virus. Dr. Anthony Cardillo prescribes HCQ+Zinc and says: ‘Every patient I’ve prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free.’” My old friend Sean Hannity is pretty much the only MSM voice pushing HCQ. Is Hannity actually right about something?! Final 30 minutes: Mischa Popoff:…