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LIVE RADIO: Ken Meyercord INSISTS on talking about the Holocaust; Cat McGuire on Cyber Polygon: Cyber attack “drill goes live in July?”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at

First hour: Ken Meyercord—like fellow Truth Jihad Radio regular Randy Short—seems to be running for the office of “most dangerous man in DC.”  Ken’s cable access TV show (check out the Holocaust episode) has focused on the same kinds of topics we cover here. And when he isn’t butchering sacred cows on Washington DC-area cable TV, Ken may be found at think tank seminars, speeches, book-signings and similar events raising the hard questions and making the denizens of our nation’s capital uncomfortable.

I recently invited Ken back on the radio to discuss his views on the likely US military origin of COVID-19. Ken responded tardily: “Sorry for the delay. I’ve been out of town and incommunicado. You may recall that I made it a prerequisite for my being on your show that we first do an episode on the Holocaust. As that requirement has not been met, I wouldn’t have accepted your offer, even had I received it in time.”

OK, Ken, let’s talk about the Holocaust! Here is Ken’s brochure on the subject, which he encourages folks to print and distribute: DID THE HOLOCAUST REALLY HAPPEN – pdf

Second hour: Cat McGuire, co-host of False Flag Weekly News, gave a talk yesterday on “Cyber Polygon: Clues to the Elite’s Next Pandemic.” She writes:

“The World Economic Forum (WEF) has telegraphed their plans over the years to radically transform society. To institute their ‘Great Reset,’ the Davos billionaires intend to completely collapse our economic, social, and political systems. Enter Cyber Polygon, a simulation announced by WEF for July 9, 2021, in which participants will role-play a cybersecurity attack by ‘rogue actors.’ The simulation will defend against an attempted hack of supply chains and a control-grid blackout.

“If past simulations are any indication, might July 9 be a dress rehearsal for a false-flag cyber pandemic?  If so, when the lights come back on, some analysts surmise that a shell-shocked public will be presented with a new economic social credits system to serve as the backbone for the elite’s ten-year plan to install a New World Order.

“To be forewarned is to be forearmed. The Great Reset agenda is NOT set in stone. Widespread awareness is a necessary first step for foiling diabolical plans.”


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