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New York Times: Trump Asked Advisors if He Could Fellate Netanyahu Before He Leaves Office

Dissociated Press

President Donald Trump last week asked senior aides what possibilities he had for performing fellatio on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, The New York Times reported Monday.

Citing four current and former US officials, the paper reported that the meeting occurred in the Oval Office on Thursday. The source said Trump asked his highest-ranking national security advisers whether they thought  that after freeing Jonathan Pollardtrying to start a nuclear war with Iran for Israel, officially labeling BDS “anti-Semitic,” and  sending Pompeo to bless war criminal settlements, he should just go ahead and blow Bibi at the Wailing Wall and get it over with.

Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley were among the senior advisers who convinced the President not to fellate Netanyau, according to the paper. They cautioned that such an act could easily balloon into a full-fledged sodomization marring his final days as president, the Times reported.

Administration officials with knowledge of the meeting told the paper that after Pompeo and Milley explained the impropriety of the proposed act, Trump asked if Jonathan Pollard, just then leaving prison en route to Israel, could stop by the White House first so Trump could fellate him instead.

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