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Gilad Atzmon on censorship, witch hunts, 9/11 truth movement…and more

Listen HERE. Note: Check out Gilad Atzmon’s brief review of Laurent Guyenot’s brand-new book From Yahweh to Zion. Musician-philospher Gilad Atzmon joins us to discuss his recent articles, including “On TheCurrent International Zionist Smear Campaign” which begins: “Together with veteran Pink Floyd star Roger Waters and many other artists and thinkers worldwide, I am being subjected to an international smear campaign, orchestrated and promoted by various Zionist institutions that attempt to silence every form of legitimate dissent of Zionism and Israeli politics. “Local councils, clubs and festivals that promote my music or my thoughts around the world are being subjected to…


Welcome to 2018! featuring Cynthia McKinney and Andre Vltchek

This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, January 5th at  Revolution.Radio – click on Studio A – then gets archived within 24 hours. Tonight’s episode features two of my favorite regular guests. First hour: Cynthia McKinney Ph.D., former six-term Congressional representative and Green Party Presidential candidate, joins us to discuss where the world is headed in 2018. Dr. McKinney was the first and bravest high-level office holder to call out the government’s lies about 9/11; and unlike most other congressional representatives, she refused to sign the treasonous but unofficially mandatory “loyalty to Israel” pledge, putting her in The Lobby’s crosshairs and…


Top 20 False Flag Stories of 2017

Click HERE for the complete list of stories covered this week—including the top twenty false flag stories of 2017… …and HERE to donate and keep FFWN going. By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Whose fake news? That was the big question of 2017. The MSM accused Trump of lying. Trump accused the MSM of lying. And those were pretty much the only two true statements either side uttered all year. When we’re being lied to so pervasively, from left, right, and center, where do we turn for truth and solace? The obvious answer is: FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS! You can…


Barbara Honegger on 9/11 truth breakthroughs in 2017 – and 2018

Listen to this show HERE Barbara Honegger, a leader in both the research and activism wings of the 9/11 truth movement, joins Truth Jihad Radio for a run-down of truth movement breakthroughs of 2017…and what to expect in 2018. We discuss 2017 events including the huge 9/11 Revisited event in Detroit (watch it here); the Left Out Forum; and  the brand new professional video of the historic Sept. 8th NYC 9/11 truth event featuring Barbara’s 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour. What’s coming in 2018? Barbara thinks the Meuller investigation is going to bring Trump down this year. She expects the…

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