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Peter Koenig: Are We Becoming Western Money Slaves?

Broadcast here August 2nd, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please consider subscribing!

Peter Koenig, a former World Bank economist, is now engaged in his own “truth jihad.” Today he discusses his recent article “Are We Becoming Western Money Slaves?” Excerpts:

“Electronic money, a cashless society, is perhaps the ultimate and most direct means of the New World Order to control us all via its financial system.”

“It is not by chance that today’s western US-dollar based monetary system, with its center the Federal Reserve, has been created just at the onset of Phase I of the Hundred Year war, i.e. WWI.” (For more details, check out “How and Why WWI Was Planned and Prolonged.”)

“Nations and societies that want to get out of the killer-claws of those who control the NWO, have to start thinking out of the matrix – ‘deglobalizing and de-dollarizing’. ‘Local production, for local markets, with local money, and local public banking for the promotion of the local economy’ is the name of the ‘simple game’.”

We also discuss the looming end of Pax Americana/New American Century; the NWO’s strategy of launching wars that aren’t meant to be won; the destabilize-and-disempower doctrine; the current NWO attack on Venezuela as a reprise of the 9/11/1973 coup against Chile; how currency manipulation operates through the black market (memo to Maduro: Shut it down!); and much more.

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