Kevin Barrett’s new interview with Kayhan, one of the oldest and most prestigious newspapers in Iran
Do you believe Islam as religion is responsible for such a terrorist attacks? Are Germany leaders responsible for these attacks by not fighting against Daesh seriously?
Most terrorist acts in the West are not attributed to extremist Muslims. In the US, radical Muslims are blamed for only 6% of terrorist attacks, while radical Jews are blamed for 7%, and radical leftists and hispanics for far more. http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/ In Europe, 99% of terrorist attacks are not attributed to Muslims. http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/terrorism-in-europe/
The “Islamic terrorism problem,” to the extent that it exists (mainly in the media, not in reality) is an artificial creation of Western intelligence agencies, primarily the Israeli Mossad. Western governments, led by the Zionists, and working with the Saudis and other regional allies, have created and funded extremist movements and terror groups. These groups are used to fight against and destabilize the enemies of the US and Israel. For example, al-Qaeda was created by the CIA and their Saudi allies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The CIA and its al-Qaeda mercenaries also overthrew the government of Libya.
ISIS, like al-Qaeda, is a CIA-Mossad creation. Its primary purpose is to destabilize Syria and Iraq and spread Sunni vs. Shia conflict, but it also serves Western and Zionist interests by creating massive negative publicity for Islam, and turning the Western public in favor of military intervention and attacks against Muslim-majority countries.
Why do immigrants do deadly attacks with axe and guns in west particularly Germany? What is their problem and what are they demanding?
Whenever we see a headline about a terror attack linked to Islam, we should assume that Western intelligence agencies created the incident precisely to generate those very headlines. It is very easy for people with access to mind-control technology to program their victim(s) to commit an axe attack or a mass shooting or suicide bombing. As far back as 1960, the CIA gained near complete control over the human mind, with the ability to program a “Manchurian candidate” assassin or terrorist using drugs and hypnosis. I first learned about this in the mid-1970s through the Rockefeller Commission hearings into CIA abuses. Unfortunately the perpetrators were never prosecuted; George W. Bush was appointed to head the CIA, cover up all these scandals, and allow the perpetrators to continue and expand their activities. The Israelis, of course, have pushed such research even further. The end result is today’s Gladio B false flag terrorism project, which is responsible for virtually all of the “Islamic terrorism” in the West today. Based on the original Gladio program, which created a wave of false flag terrorism blamed on leftists during the Cold War, the new Gladio B false flag terror program is primarily run by Israel and its agents. Its purpose is to create and maintain a “Clash of Civilizations” pitting the West against Islam for the benefit of Israel.
Israeli agents have been pre-positioned to film several recent high-profile terrorist attacks in Europe. Israelis were pre-positioned on a balcony to film the Charlie Hebdo terrorists fleeing. They had access to the Bataclan nightclub and disseminated the horrific “blood heart” photo to the world in the wake of the November 13th Paris attacks. They were pre-positioned at the Brussels Airport to film the bombing there. Israeli agent Richard Guthjahr was pre-positioned in Nice to film the truck BEFORE it began running over people, and then turned up again in Munich to film the shopping mall shooting last week. All of this recalls how the “Dancing Israelis” and the Israeli agent Naudet brothers were pre-positioned to film the 9/11 attacks.
All of these terror events are public relations stunts orchestrated by the Israeli Mossad and its NATO “Operation Gladio” assets. The evidence proving this is collected in my three books: We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo (soon to be published in Farsi); ANOTHER French False Flag; and the new book being published this week, Orlando False Flag.
I was reading "A peoples history of the United States" , and I noticed how, in the last chapter, Zinn just mentions about the 911 hijackers being Saudis, etc. What chance do we have of any change of status quo (Think Iceland) if our Left leaders and pundits Don't get it right on the most important event in the history of this country? https://miami.craigslist.org/brw/pol/5723032206.html