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World War II myths fuel Western crimes

Freshman US Senator Tom Cotton already has two claims to fame. First he wrote a letter to Iran in an effort to sabotage his own President’s diplomatic efforts and start a war. And then he set an all-time record by invoking Hitler in less than one minute during his first Senate speech.

Sen. Cotton thus stands condemned under Godwin’s Law, which states that whoever mentions Hitler first automatically loses the debate. “Playing the Hitler card” is widely reviled. Yet people like Cotton cannot resist the temptation…

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4 Thoughts to “World War II myths fuel Western crimes”

  1. Anonymous

    This is a superb corrective to the ocean of Big Lie's propagated about WWI and WWII. If you do your "homework" about this fascinating topic you will never see "The West" in the same light again. So be warned, many people prefer "Happy Delusions" to a bitter dose of reality.

    Thank you Kevin,

  2. Anonymous

    Well done! In this piece, you wrote: “We need an epic wave of World War II revisionism to sweep away the whole self-congratulatory feel-good myth written by the victors, and reveal the horrific truth.”

    Quite right. In that regard, we have written produced or posted items that you may find useful, including :
    On the Importance of Revisionism for Our Time , by Murray Rothbard

    The `Good War’ Myth of World War II, and Why It’s Dangerous
    The `Good War’ It Wasn’t, by James J. Martin

    British Historian Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two

    D-Day and World War II: Familiar Falsehoods and Myths (Video)

    Once again, I’m very glad we met in Tehran. And I look forward to more of your dedicated and effective work in the years to come.


    Mark Weber

  3. Anonymous

    In your recent VT article about de-mythologizing WW II – your statement on IKE "But what about those of US General Dwight David Eisenhower? The American General, who later served as President, massacred more than a million German prisoners of war by herding them into huge barbed-wire enclosures, providing no food, water, or shelter, and allowing them to die of exposure and starvation." I have seen some questionable, internet sources on this. Will you be so kind as to send me citations from the academic literature or government, archival records, documenting this genocide and the evidence that this was official American policy? When talking with my retired colonel, USAF brother, and others, I need some impeccable ,research references to back up this historic claim.

    Thanks for all of your great work on behalf of the truth at VT & Truth Jihad!

  4. i asked tom goodrich, who replied:

    hi, kevin……

    first and foremost, i suggest this gentleman either buy, or check out from his local library, a copy of james bacque's seminal study of the subject, Other Losses–The Shocking Truth Behind the Mass Deaths of German Soldiers and Civilians Under General Eisenhower's Command (Prima Publishing; Reprint edition (December 31, 1994). the sources cited in bacque's book are so damning as to be beyond dispute. bacques follow up volume, Crimes and Mercies, is an equally devastating indictment of eisenhower's cold-blooded policy to massacre as many helpless germans as possible. And, if that is not enough for this individual, I suggest he take a quick spin through my own Hellstorm sources for this ruthless massacre, several accounts of which bacque does not cite.

    one might imagine that if this gentleman were genuinely interested in finding the truth, he would do just a smidge of research himself, rather than playing games with kevin barrett–someone who is truly working hard and heroically on the side of truth and justice.

    sorry, please know that i'm not being cross with you; i also get these uppity type of emails; my thought is that people like this have one of two motives, viz 1) try to tie us down so that we spend half our lives defending ourselves, or 2) they imagine that they appear engaging and scholarly by demanding a list of sources rather than do a little work themselves.

    BTW–a most excellent article, "World War II myths fuel Western crimes." too true. they got away with it in europe and japan, and viet-nam, and all the others; so why not continue their criminal career in the middle east?

    continued success!


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