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Happy Quds Day!

Today is Quds Day – a day of Muslim led international resistance to Zionist occupation of the Holy Land. Here is my interview with the Tasnim News Agency:

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One Thought to “Happy Quds Day!”

  1. Anonymous

    What has taken place with Coast to Coast is curious at best, considering some of the people they have had on in recent months: Dr. Judy Wood, for instance, and Philip Marshall.

    Noory interviewed Wood: Date:05-03-11, Host:George Noory, Guests:Judy D. Wood, Howard Bloom. Her interview came off rather disjointed, I thought.

    John Wells interviewed Marshall: Date:09-08-12, Host:John B. Wells, Guests: Robert Gleason, Philip Marshall. Wells seemed to indicate his sincere interest in promoting the 9/11 Truth message, but without actually mentioning any organization. Marshall, however, was allowed to attack Pilots for 9/11 Truth. Knapp has been fairly neutral I thought in this regard. I wonder who scheduled this interview?

    It is ironic that just this evening I sent an email to John Wells of Coast to Coast promoting two recent publications by Kevin Ryan and Christopher Bollyn. Notwithstanding discussions pertaining to the Washington conference, 9/11 Truth appears to be getting renewed attention.

    Also, I've recently been reading a book by Michael Swords and Robert Powell, "UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry." As it turns out, despite the topic at hand, the analysis of the techniques used by the government to suppress public knowledge and input is classic 9/11 in my opinion. But I'm also an X-File fan – fiction can be truer than truth itself!


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