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Steve Alten Interview Touches a Raw Nerve

Angry listeners take to the streets after my interview with Steve Alten.

Actually the listener feedback was over 80% positive. Below is a representative selection of noteworthy emails, several of which are from well-known 9/11 truth movement names.

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I can only imagine the mail you’re getting.

Alten was rude and aggressive and put words in your mouth and then claimed to possess the right to define the meaning of the words.

Steve also seems to be inspired by Ronald Reagan’s use of anecdotes.

Sorry you’ve had to endure this brother.

Love ya.

(name deleted)

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Dear Kevin,

You don’t know me … I think (I hope I’m not on the short list with anyone yet). My name is (name deleted) . The comment below “Think the main battlefront of that war is the Zionist settler-colonial occupation of Palestine, which has been a Muslim-ruled holy land for more than 1300 years, except for a few brief, bloody Crusader interludes, including the current one;” is a little miss leading to say the least. You have to know the prior history of that area surely. For 2000 years it was ruled by Jews then by Rome for hundreds more before Islam and Mohammed was even born. The area was conquered and re-conquered by 4 or 5 opposing forces for centuries. To simply say it was a Muslim holy land for 1300 years it a half truth.

Half a truth is often a great lie.
Benjamin Franklin

The growth and takeover by Islam was anything but peaceful during those 1300 (less) years. Both sides commit unspeakable atrocities even to this day but the part that I cannot get over is teaching children to kill, even strapping them with explosives sending them to public areas (where no fighting/ violence it presently occurring) that kill both them and innocents (along with some guilty). When will the ‘peace loving’ Muslims speak out and demand this stop? I see people in the US, Christians/ Jews/ secularists/ atheists for and against fighting an unjust war (unconstitutional too) but all denounce such atrocities.

Regards, (name deleted)

PS- Lots to read and listen to below… still in process… maybe some already explains this but haven’t got there yet.

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Excellent…The Weiss meace on is thought-provoking and a refreshingly candid look at the issue. Thanks, Kevin.

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In 1968, I was a member of a college seminar to the Middle East with stops in Lebanon and Israel. We found the Lebanese to be a friendly people as well as the Palestinians in Israel. Israel, or at least the government, seems to forget that Palestine has a historical base preceding the Jews. If I’m wrong, so what? The American Indian preceded the white man in America, and we still treat them like dirt.

Israel seems quite content hiding behind the Holocaust, apparently assuming the Jewish people are unique in this respect. I believe Obama has justified a blind eye to 9/11 by focusing on the future and not the past. It’s all politics with little respect for the common man.

To get back to our seminar, by the time we had spent a week in Jerusalem and traveled about the country, the Palestinians had won our hearts and minds. Israel’s so called settlers are about as justified as American settlers were invading Indian territory. Each year the Hillel Foundation at Purdue sponsors a Holocaust Remembrance Conference to remind the world that they are God’s chosen people. I wonder if God was a Zionist?


(name deleted)

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I agree with Steve on this…Boiling 9/11 down to a Muslim-Isreali thing is just wrong. There are more powerful forces and motivations to my mind.

(shortened, name deleted)

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I listened to your Steve Alten Radio Interview today. I have some suggestions for you on future use of terminology to avoid getting the knee jerk reaction from Jews who will call you anti-Semitic or holocaust denier.

Trigger Words to Avoid

The Jews

Better Targeted Words

Neocons or Hardliners in the Israeli Government
Hawks or Zealots in the Israeli Military
Hard-line or Radical elements in the Mossad

This way good Jews who simply support Israel’s right to exist, will not take offense with a knee jerk reaction and attack you. Try to repeat several times in your interviews and conversations that you are not taking about the majority of Jews or the Israeli people. They are good people. You are talking about the Hard-line/Radical/Neocons/Hawks/Zealots who abuse the power they have.

This is also true of our American Government. The majority of people in the Military, Intelligence Agencies, Congress and Executive Branch are good patriotic Americans. It’s the Hard-line/Radical/Neocons in positions of power who are doing all the bad things.

If you avoid using the Trigger words, I think you will get more people over to your side. My suggestions anyway.

(name deleted)

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His (Alten’s) arguments are specious and predictible. He was rude, and unfair, to you, while you were very gracious to him. He cannot be considered to be sincere but misguided; he is not sincere, he is using the arguments given by the Zionist hierarchy to counteract opponents, especially “attacking your opponents credibility” and “not listening to his arguments” but “staying on the attack at all times, no matter how untenable” your own statements are. I could go on, but you already know.

(name deleted)


Pretty cool, when you think about it. If the Mafia could get the police to limit their investigations of organized crime out of sensitivity to the tender feelings of Italians, that would probably take a lot of pressure off the “family”. Matter of fact, I think they tried that once, but they didn’t have a holocaust card to play any time things got dicey.
Boogie on, Kevin.

(name deleted)


1) There is nothing there. There is no issue just smoke and mirrors. Wasting your time is your business.
2) However, you are attracting Holocaust deniers (I heard from two after the show) and other neo-Nazi types and this is being noticed by people outside the Truth Movement (in fact it is a growing problem generally and not something we can contribute to and be respectable in any fashion). When we try to approach people we now have to deal with the fact that the Truth Movement is more and more being associated with neo-Nazi views. When your efforts start to get in the way of reaching more and more people you have to ask yourself what point is being served.
3) If the mainstream of Islam is ideologically in bed with neo-Nazis then you have much bigger problems, but regardless there is still no good that can come from staining the Truth Movement with such views.

(shortened, name deleted)

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I can’t handle the dumbest people on the planet, the Americans. Trying to reason with Jews is beyond reason. Andrew Winkler, editor of ziopedia, who calls himself a “recovering Jew” [recovering from paranoic/supremacist conditioning], said that what must be realised when reasoning with a Jew is that you’re very likely trying to reason with someone who’s insane.

I dialoged, and tried to reason, with mainstream “non-zionist” Jews daily in a couple of online forums for 5 years. I finally gave up. Their sense of justice sickened [disgusted me] me too much. I’ve had my fill.

Good luck.

(name deleted)

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Good job Steve! Met you in Lawrence, KS. Gotta follow the truth wherever it leads, and some of these trails do unfortunately lead to the ashkenazi/khazar & other tribe remnants who have elevated their disparate group or criminal gang to a fairly powerful nation-state status with the incorporation of Israel, which provides the perfect cover for this gang’s activities for decades. Everyone knows their exceeding influence, yet unfortunately it can be discussed in public only so carefully because of their always shrill and widespread reactionary response. You’d of thought they were a racial or religious group which ruled the earth with 3 billion in their midst, not the far smaller actual numbers who claim to be in their ornery clique.

They are correct in pointing out that mentioning any zionist or Israel connections to 911, (without the real FBI type investigations doing the work first) has usually and will likely result in the usual mudslinging from the usual quarters against the whole 911 truth movement. That is maybe the unintended consequence, which they bring about by their own reactions, in order to play the victim card and alledge their absolute innocence, but in my opinion you gotta do whatever you think is best for you and for the truth as a whole.

The fact that Mr. Silverst**&% not only purchased the leases, so essentially the real estate only months prior, then put his most unusual double indemnity terrorist coverage, on a set of buildings that had previously had alledgedly two requests for demolition turned down by New York officials, due to the harm asbestos dust could cause in a demolition, and that the buildings were obsolete and naturaly subject to future demolition or major renovation/conversion, which remained uneconomic compared to demolition. His ownership and his subcontractors probably had enough time in control to provide cover for any nefarious activity within the buildings prior to 9/11, if not by simply providing key codes and looking the other way. . Any sane and apolitical FBI would have been all over this guy and all of his subcontractors and activities, in the same way that any mobster in NY would be investigated at the least, after a large arson at a building they owned and recently re-insured.

(name deleted)

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great stuff. you are channeling spiritual power from Allah. an inspiration. you are in my prayers.

(name deleted)

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Hi Kevin,

It’s simple, YOU are RIGHT and (Steve) is WRONG

If OUR views hurt the 9/11 Truth Movement ? so be it TRUTH IS AUTHORITY

WE THE PEOPLE revealing TRUTH is a responsibity of ours to do, for CHANGE to occur

There is good and bad in all groups of people in the World BUT INTERNATIONAL ZIONISM
IS REAL BAD SHIT. No need to write a book here (or RANT) but for starters what about the attack on THE U.S.S LIBERTY, is Dave a U.S.S Liberty DENIER


(name deleted)

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A ‘Jewish’ state forced into a multi-ethnic region is violent state-racism as flagrant as it ever gets – and anyone who wishes Israel to remain an expressly ‘Jewish’ state is a violent racist as plain as any goose-stepping Nazi or cross-burning KKKlansman.

If Steve Alten approves and supports the perpetuation of official ‘Jewish’ supremacy in Zionist Israel, he is a violent racist – but this might not be pertinent to the debate. What is pertinent is that 100% of editorial policies of local ‘Jewish’ newspapers in the US and Canada also support that violent racism, as do 100% of mainstream Jewish ‘community organizations’ – yet they bitterly deny that they are racists, thus confounding well-meaning citizens and the very definition of ‘violent racism.’ And their votes and financial contributions – through AIPAC, for example – assure the defeat of any US politician who does not support their violent racist agenda, which has included the decimation of all Middle East populations (Afghanis, Lebanese, and Iraqis most recently) that do not approve the expansion of Zionist racism in Palestine and throughout the region.

Any US Jew who does not audibly oppose the violence committed by Zionists, when that violence is supported by his Zionist friends and family, is primary among the guilty and should be arrested and legally penalized.

Thanks for supporting equality and democracy Kevin.

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Hi Kevin,

Please be careful to not mix up Zionism with Judaism. That is the trap that Zionists wants you to fall into so that they can label you as an anti-semite. Remember, real Jews are NOT Zionists. Zionists may be phony Christian (like Bush, Clinton, McCain, Biden, …) or the phony Jew (like almost all of the superrich Zionist Jews who dominate finance and media.

Rothchild is the true father of Zionism and the other superrich Zionist Jews have followed the march of their ultra-superrich leader Rothchild.

On your links you give in your emails, be sure to give the link of Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, the anti-Zionists Orthodox Jewish leader. By doing so, they can not call you anti-semite, because you have a real Jew as your friend. You really ought to have Rabbi Weiss on your program anyway.

If I may be of any further help, please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours in freedom and justice,

(name deleted)

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If you look at his book Shell Game, right at the beginning, it has his ‘sources’. His source for his research on Arabs was that horrid Zionist DVD, Obsession.

When I saw that, I knew he was a Zionist plant, and you are confirming it. I never could support him or that novel, it was biased and very weak at the end with all that green blah blah blah. Very poorly developed ending

I support you in revealing the Israel problem and watch out for him, he was paid to do that book.

Stay safe, they are dangerous. I have had a personal experience that I can tell you about sometime.

I will most definitely catch the show or repeat.
Thanks and keep on tellin the truth!

(name deleted)

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“that pro-Israel Jews dominate the American mainstream media, with predictable consequences for coverage of the Israeli-Palestine conflict…”

There is an excellent DVD that documents this: “Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land”. If you haven’t seen it, you should. If you have, mention it on your show (or mention it even if you haven’t seen it).

(name deleted)

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Steve is making an unconstitutional demand, trying to infringe upon your First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly, and the Free Exercise of Religion.

Before you related that you got ‘flak’ and that is a military term, as in ‘flak jackets’ that is fire from the ground at airplanes bombing a country in WWII, Dresden comes to mind.

That gave you pause, and that my dear friend; violated your Civil Rights, for you were repressed, not by a change of convictions or conscience, but out of retribution.

Ask Steve if he has been to Israel, what he said to Israelis about Palestinians, and ask him about the USS Liberty. You will not be asking him to shut-up, but speak up himself as to what he things and feels deep down. Tell him to cool it on supporting Israel, for that makes him complicit in Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes under the Nuremberg Principles! Do not lay on the ropes and get worked-over, skull-butt him with the truth, be as vociferous as he dares to be, and do not let his alleged 9/11 activism compromise your ire and message. Think of him a Rehm Emanual or Howard Berman!

(name deleted)

3 Thoughts to “Steve Alten Interview Touches a Raw Nerve”

  1. I tried to be tolerant of Nazis in the Truth movement, figuring that though their attitudes might be all wrong, at least some of their criticisms of Israel were valid.

    I finally decided that was a mistake because:

    1. Nazis bring in more Nazis, they're generally not the sharpest tools in the shed, and they repel more thoughtful and useful people.

    2. Nazis can not be trusted to express themselves in objective terminology ("the Zionists", "the neocons", "AIPAC", "Israel", "the International Bankers"). Nazis always slip up and start ranting about "the Jews" or even "the Joos the Joos the Joos". Barrett is no exception.

  2. So what did John Lennon say, Kevin? I'd really like to hear his take on all this.

  3. Wow, it seems, to be boiled down to an either or category? You are for us or against us? Alten accused you of it but in the end it was his tactic. It's a head scratcher that CEOs of major media corporations might have views differing from what's presented on their programs? It's true, there's not much anti-Palestinian or anti-Arab views presented directly on the airwaves. It seems, there is more of a blackout or prohibition on reporting, it's as if they don't count. I'm not muslim and that's clear to me. It's not Iran that's the greatest danger but our own military with its worldwide domination project! A new 9-11 investigation is a limited hangout and a distraction. Any formal investigation conducted by the U.S. Congress has always been compromised. It's not the way to go!

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