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LIVE RADIO! Ramin Mazaheri on Defeat of the West, John Milor on Biblical Paranormal Aliens

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at

First hour: Ramin Mazaheri wonders whether the EU-cide is suicide or homicide, asks why its demise is so underreported, ponders Emmanuel Todd’s book The Defeat of the West, investigates the collapse of liberalism, and celebrates the good things happening in Mexico.

Ramin Mazaheri is longtime Paris chief correspondent for PressTV and the author of three books on socialism. His latest book is France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values.

Second hour: John Milor, one of the biggest names in Christian UFOlogy,  discusses The Paranormal Christian and other works on related topics. “Public disclosure of ET life is in the works; the government is moving in this direction, with the Navy taking the lead.”

John notes that Christianity and Islam offer almost identical end-times scenarios: Jesus, the one true Messiah, despised and rejected by the Jews, will return and set things right. Yet somehow John sees Islam as the bad guy, while ignoring the satanic-millenarian-messianic Jews who are currently massacring the descendants of the family of their #1 hate object, Jesus, in hopes of spilling enough blood to incite the coming of their bloodthirsty Messiah who will rule the world, and enslave all non-Jews, from a rebuilt blood sacrifice temple in genocided Jerusalem. THAT is the Antichrist, obviously. And Muslims are the only people seriously resisting it—in service to Jesus, peace upon him, and in defense of his family—as they pray for his return.

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